Submissions from 2016
Asian-European Cultural Mediation in the Works of Galsan Tschinag, Richard Hacken
German Studies Collections in the United States, Richard Hacken, Heidi Madden, and Brian Vetruba
Alles deutsch, oder nicht?: Übersicht über deutsche Bibliotheksbestände in den Vereinigten Staaten, Richard Hacken, Brian Vetruba, and Heidi Madden
Joseph Smith and His Apostasy and Restoration Culture, Trevan Hatch
Joseph Smith's First Vision and a Culture of Spiritual Manifestations, Trevan Hatch
Research Support Services for Religious Studies, Trevan Hatch, Ryan Lee, and Gerrit van Dyk
El "juego" de los Voladores: Adaptación indígena y vida festiva en la Nueva España, Matthew J.K. Hill
Jesus is Born, the Lord is Born, Myrna J. Layton, Michael Biancardi, and O. A. Miller
Understanding the Language of Digital Humanities: Linked Data, Jeremy Myntti
The PREMIS of our not so SIMP-le story: Implementing preservation metadata using homegrown and vendor solutions, Jeremy Myntti and Tawnya Keller
Linking People: Developing Collaborative Regional Vocabularies, Jeremy Myntti and Anna Neatrour
Linking People: Developing Collaborative Regional Vocabularies, Jeremy Myntti and Anna Neatrour
Metadata managed: How to clean data that is up to no good., Jeremy Myntti and Anna Neatrour
Improving Access to Special Collections by Automating Descriptive Metadata Creation, Jeremy Myntti, Anna Neatrour, Betsey Welland, and Jessica Breiman
Roles and Responsibilities of Cataloging Units in Academic Libraries Research Project, Jeremy Myntti and Liz Woolcott
Client-based Experiential Learning and the Librarian: Information Literacy for the Real World, Andy Spackman
Cataloging Posteritati: Improving Access for Motion Picture Publicity Materials, Rebecca A. Wiederhold and Patricia A. Frade
Die Schlacht am Little Bighorn und ihre physischen Zeugnisse: Eine Frage der Interpretation (1. Teil), Albert Winkler
Die Schlacht am Little Bighorn und ihre physischen Zeugnisse: Eine Frage der Interpretation (2. Teil), Albert Winkler
Collaborating with Nonlibrary Faculty for Assessment and Improved Instruction, Holt Zaugg and Curtis Child
Comparing library wayfinding among novices and experts, Holt Zaugg, Curtis Child, Dalton Bennett, Jace Brown, Melissa Alcaraz, Alexander Allred, Nathaniel Andrus, Drew Babcock, Maria Barriga, Madison Brown, Lindsey Bulloch, Todd Corbett, Michelle Curtin, Victoria Giossi, Samantha Hawkins, Sergio Hernandez, Kayia Jacobs, Jette Jones, David Kessler, Samuel Lee, Sara Mackay, Amy Marshall, Dallin Maxfield, Cory McFarland, Brennen Miller, Maia Roberson, Kristy Rogers, Devin Stoker, Manase Tonga, Abby Twitchell, and Tinesha Zandamela
Conducting and Using an Academic Library Data Inventory, Holt Zaugg, Quincey McKeen, Brett Hill, and Ben Black
Identification and Development of Patron Personas for an Academic Library, Holt Zaugg and Scott Rackham
Submissions from 2015
Improving Production of Carbon Nanotube Composites, Dan Broadbent
Latino stats: American Hispanics by the numbers, Leticia Camacho
Measuring Worth: Relative Worth Calculators and Data Sets, Leticia Camacho
The Communication Skills Accounting Firms Desire in New Hires, Leticia Camacho
The economy of you: discover your inner entrepreneur and recession-proof your life, Leticia Camacho
A Genealogical Gold Mine: The Harold B. Lee Library at BYU, Therrin C. Dahlin
The Flipped Classroom for Library Instruction: A Student Focused Assessment, Michael C. Goates
Using Student Performance to Evaluate an Online Tutorial: Is Flipping Really Worth it?, Michael C. Goates and Gregory M. Nelson
Big Data: Challenges and Opportunities for Digital Libraries, Richard Hacken
English Translations of Galsan Tschinag's German Poetry, Richard Hacken
The Obsessional Information Professional: Four Decades of Versifying Libraries and Librarians, Richard Hacken
Growing the Profession: Mentoring Undergraduates for Librarianship, Connie Lamb, Brittany Hendricks, and Quinn Galbraith
Automating Controlled Vocabulary Reconciliation, Jeremy Myntti and Anna Neatrour
Use Existing Data First: Reconcile Metadata before Creating New Controlled Vocabularies, Jeremy Myntti and Anna Neatrour
Authority Control for Digital Collections, Jeremy Myntti, Anna Neatrour, and Nate Cothran
Current recommendations from MWDL Geospatial Discovery Task Force, Jeremy Myntti, Liz Woolcott, and Sandra McIntyre
Reflections of an academic librarian: Month one, Elise Silva
"Terror as Theater": Unraveling Spectacle in Post 9/11 Literatures, Elise Christine Silva
A Long, Hard Trial: The Korean Translations of the Book of Mormon, Gerrit van Dyk
Finding Religion: An Analysis of Theology LibGuides, Gerrit van Dyk
Library Tour Evolution: Analog, Digital, Mobile, Michael J. Whitchurch
Circulation Policies in Major Academic Libraries, Duane E Wilson, Cynthia Frazier, and Diana Harter
Best Practices for Using Global Virtual Teams, Holt Zaugg, Randy Davies, Alan Parkinson, and Spencer Magleby
Using a Library Impact Map to Assist Strategic Planning in Libraries, Holt E Zaugg
Evaluation of an Academic Library's Liquid Designed Website, Holt Zaugg, Vera Terekhova, and Brian Rennick
Submissions from 2014
Semantic Ontologies for Multimedia Indexing (SOMI): Application in the e-Library Domain, Issam Bendib, Mohamed Ridda Laouar, Richard Hacken, and Mathew Miles
Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, Leticia Camacho
GEM: Global Entrepreneurship Monitor, Leticia Camacho
Face Out: The Effect of Book Displays on Collection Usage, Leticia Camacho, Andy Spackman, and David Cluff
Who Publishes in Top-Tier Library Science Journals? An Analysis by Faculty Status and Tenure, Quinn Galbraith, Elizabeth Smart, Sara D. Smith, and Megan Reed
Evolution of the One-Shot Library Instruction Session, Michael C. Goates
East-West Cultural Mediation in the Works of Galsan Tschinag, Richard Hacken
Passover, Trevan Hatch, Zahra Alghafli, and Loren D. Marks
Mormonism in Europe: A Bibliographic Essay, J. Michael Hunter
The Living Earth: A Nineteenth-Century Latter-day Saint Perspective, J. Michael Hunter
The Creation, Myrna J. Layton
How Well Does Multiple OCR Error Correction Generalize?, William B. Lund, Eric K. Ringger, and Daniel D. Walker
Getting the crowd into obituaries: How a unique partnership combined the world’s largest obituary index with Utah’s largest historic newspaper database, Jeremy Myntti, John Alexander, John Herbert, and Alan Witkowski
Library Linked Data, Jeremy Myntti, Theo Gerontakos, and Brad Gulliford
Getting the crowd into obituaries: How a unique partnership combined the world’s largest obituary index with Utah’s largest historic newspaper database, Jeremy Myntti, John Herbert, Alan Witkowski, and John Alexander
Linked Data: It's Easier Than You Think, Jeremy Myntti and Anna Neatrour
The SIMP Tool: Facilitating Digital Library, Metadata, and Preservation Workflow at the University of Utah's J. Willard Marriott Library, Jeremy Myntti, Anna Neatrour, Matt Brunsvik, Sean Buckner, and Brian McBride
Demand-Driven Acquisitions for Print Books: How Holds Can Help as Much As Interlibrary Loan, Gerrit van Dyk
Henry Wirz and the Tragedy of Andersonville: A Question of Responsibility, Albert Winkler
Red Cloud's War and the Indian Victory over the United States, Albert Winkler
The Battle of Adobe Walls and the Red River War, 1874-5, Albert Winkler
The Battle of the Rosebud, Albert Winkler
The Federal Charter of 1291 and the Founding of the Swiss State, Albert Winkler
Fritz Zwicky and the Search for Dark Matter, Kurt Winkler
Submissions from 2013
Bank for International Settlements, Leticia Camacho
Clarity and Chaos: Is There a Preferred Citation Style in Business Academic Literature?, Leticia Camacho
Practical Pedagogy for Library Instructors: 17 Innovative Strategies to Improve Student Learning, Leticia Camacho
PwC's WorldwideTax Summaries Online, Leticia Camacho
Appendix 1: Selected, allegedly Iran-sponsored attempts to kill Iranian expatriates, 1979-2012, Brian Champion and Lee Crowther
Appendix 2: Selected, Allegedly Iran-Sponsored Attempts to Kill Iranian Expatriates, 1979-2010, by Locale, Brian Champion and Lee Crowther
Appendix 3: An Interlinear Comparison of Six Chronologies Documenting Allegedly Iran-Sponsored Extraterritorial Attempted Killings, 1979-1996, Brian Champion and Lee Crowther
Appendix 4: Selected Putative Iranian-Perpetrated Extraterritorial Killings and Attempted Killings of Non-Iranians, 1980-2012, Brian Champion and Lee Crowther
Appendix 5: Selected Worldwide Expatriate Killings and Attempted Killings, 1978-2011, Brian Champion and Lee Crowther
Appendix 6: Selected Cases of Targeted Killings and Attempted Killings Around the World, 1979-2012, Brian Champion and Lee Crowther
Appendix 7: Open Source Information on the Fate(s) of Perpetrators/Conspirators, Lee Crowther and Brian Champion
A Social History of Technology in Libraries, Richard Hacken
Maude Adams and the Mormons, J. Michael Hunter
Profiles of Selected Mormon Actors, J. Michael Hunter
Profiles of Selected Mormon Athletes in Professional Sports, J. Michael Hunter
Speculative Fiction, J. Michael Hunter
Sundance Film Festival / Computer Generated Imagery / Video Game Industry / Battlestar Galactica / Pageants / Stereophonic Sound, J. Michael Hunter
The Mormon Influence at Disney, J. Michael Hunter
Authority Control for Digital Collections, Jeremy Myntti
Re-Discovering and Linking Metadata in Viewshare, Jeremy Myntti
Authority Control for Digital Collections, Jeremy Myntti and Nate Cothran
Authority Control for Digital Collections, Jeremy Myntti and Nate Cothran
Authority control for digital collections: Preparing for linked data, Jeremy Myntti and Nate Cothran
Authority Control in a Digital Repository: Preparing for Linked Data, Jeremy Myntti and Nate Cothran
Reenvisioning Access Services: A Survey of Access Services Departments in ARL Libraries, Duane E Wilson