Submissions from 2012
Variable Object Research: Methods and Processes, Dan Broadbent
Business Stages for Entrepreneurs, Leticia Camacho
Open Knowledge Repository, Leticia Camacho
Review of "Budgeting Smarts: How to Set Goals, Save Money, Spend Wisely, and More", Leticia Camacho
Review of "Job Smarts: How to Find Work or Start a Business, Manage Earnings, and More", Leticia Camacho
The global entrepreneurship and development index, 2012, Leticia Camacho
USPages: The Best of US Business, Leticia Camacho
Motivating Millenials: Improving Practices in Recruiting, Retaining, and Motivating Younger Library Staff, Quinn Galbraith and Sara D. Smith
A case for succession planning: How academic libraries are responding to the need to prepare future leaders, Quinn Galbraith, Sarah D. Smith, and Ben Walker
German Views of Amazonia through the Centuries, Richard Hacken
The History and Current State of the Information Portal in Libraries, Richard Hacken and Mathew Miles
Important Information Literacy Standards for Life and Health Sciences, Betsy S. Hopkins
Linked Data, Jeremy Myntti
RDA is coming to the Marriott Library, Jeremy Myntti
RDA is Here!, Jeremy Myntti
Provo City Library: Building Across a Century, Gregory M. Nelson
Desperate Not to "Forget the Gods": Mormon Fantasy and the Epic Poem, Gerrit van Dyk
A Synthetic Document Image Dataset for Developing and Evaluating Historical Document Processing Methods, Daniel Walker, William Lund, and Eric Ringger
A Quick Response: QR Code Use at the Harold B. Lee Library, Michael J. Whitchurch
Albert Einstein in Switzerland: The Education of the Most Famous Swiss American, Kurt Winkler
Submissions from 2011, Leticia Camacho
The Entrepreneur's Reference Guide to Small Business Information, Leticia Camacho
Transitioning to E-books: Usage and Attitudes Among Business Faculty, Leticia Camacho and Andy Spackman
Shopping Carts and Student Employees: How Student Committees Can Bring Innovative Ideas to Academic Libraries, Quinn Galbraith and Sara D. Smith
Register of the Camp Floyd Field School Records, J. Michael Hunter
Louisa May Alcott in Her Own Time: An Introduction Through Her Printed Works, Maggie Kopp
You Can Lead Them to Water, But You Can’t Make Them Drink: Using Crowd Sourcing to Lead Library Patrons to Extended Library Services Relevant to their Search Criteria, William B. Lund and Chad Hansen
Building Digital Collections Through Partnerships: BYU's Harold B. Lee Library and Internet Archive, Elizabeth Smart
Library Staff Development: How Book Clubs Can Be More Effective (and Less Expensive) than Traditional Trainings, Sarah D. Smith and Quinn Galbraith
Interlibrary Loan Purchase-on-demand: A Misleading Literature, Gerrit van Dyk
Students Studying Students: An Assessment of using Undergraduate Student Researchers in an Ethnographic Study of Library Use, Allyson Washburn and Sheila C. Bibb
QR Codes and Library Engagement, Michael J. Whitchurch
QR Codes and the Library: The Library Audio Tour, Michael J. Whitchurch
Henry Wirz and Andersonville: The Career of the Most Controversial Swiss American, Albert Winkler
The Swiss at the Battle of the Little Bighorn, 1876, Albert Winkler
Analysis of Educational Technology, Research and Design, 2001-2010, Holt Zaugg, Mayavel Amado, Tyler Randall Small, and Richard E. West
Mendeley: Creating Communities of Scholarly Inquiry Through Research Collaboration, Holt Zaugg, Isaku Tateishi, Daniel L. Randall, and Richard E. West
Submissions from 2010
20th Century American Leaders Database, Leticia Camacho
A Review of “The Wall Street Primer: The Players, Deals, and Mechanics of the U.S. Securities Market”, Leticia Camacho
Entrepreneur, Leticia Camacho
Bridging the Gap: Self-Directed Staff Technology Training, Quinn Galbraith, Kayla L. Quinney, and Sara D. Smith
Moving Authority Control from Manual to Automated, Shannon Hoffman
How Scholarly is Google Scholar? A Comparison to Library Databases, Jared L. Howland
Redundant Journal Access: Why Pay More than Once?, Jared L. Howland
Shelf-ready: Is it Worth the Money?, Jared L. Howland and Rebecca Schroeder
Review of Innocent Blood: Essential Narratives of the Mountain Meadows Massacre, J. Michael Hunter
Evaluating Models of Latent Document Semantics in the Presence of OCR Errors, Daniel D. Walker, William B. Lund, and Eric K. Ringger
Planning an Information Commons, Michael J. Whitchurch
The Battle of Murten: The Invasion of Charles the Bold and the Survival of the Swiss States, Albert Winkler
Submissions from 2009
OJS at BYU, C. Jeffrey Belliston
Open Access: What is it and What Does it Mean for Academic Authors?, C. Jeffrey Belliston
Open Access: What is it and What Does it Mean for Academic Authors?, C. Jeffrey Belliston
Open Educational Resources, C. Jeffrey Belliston
Tapping Utah's Scholarly Works, C. Jeffrey Belliston, Allyson Mower, and Cheryl Walters
Fraud Casebook: Lessons from the Bad Side of Business. Wells, Joseph T. (Ed.).Hoboken, NJ: Wiley, 2007, 610 pp., US$68.00, ISBN 978-0-470-13468-9., Leticia Camacho
Handbook of industry profiles, 2008: analysis and trends for 300 industries, Leticia Camacho
ProQuest Entrepreneurship, Leticia Camacho
The 100 best business books of all time: what they say, why they matter, and how they can help you, Leticia Camacho
A Pilgrimage Through English History and Culture, Gary P. Gillum, Susan Wheelwright O'Connor, and Alexa Hysi
A Pilgrimage Through English History and Culture (A-E), Gary P. Gillum, Susan Wheelwright O'Connor, and Alexa Hysi
A Pilgrimage Through English History and Culture (F-L), Gary P. Gillum, Susan Wheelwright O'Connor, and Alexa Hysi
A Pilgrimage Through English History and Culture (M-S), Gary P. Gillum, Susan Wheelwright O'Connor, and Alexa Hysi
A Pilgrimage Through English History and Culture (T-Addendum), Gary P. Gillum, Susan Wheelwright O'Connor, and Alexa Hysi
"Wozu Outreach in dürftiger Zeit? Fallstudie an einer UB in den westlichen USA", Richard Hacken
Fostering Creativity in the Workplace, Jared L. Howland
Using Facebook to Connect with Students, Jared L. Howland
The Role of Web Services in Portal Design: Approaches for an Algerian University Library, Mohamed Ridda Laouar, Richard Hacken, and Mathew Miles
Patrons Cataloging? The Role and Quality of Patron Tagging in Item Description, William Lund and Allyson Washburn
Rendering Information Literacy Relevant: A Case-Based Pedagogy, Andy Spackman and Leticia Camacho
Submissions from 2008, Leticia Camacho
Dictionary of business terms, Leticia Camacho
Encyclopedia of Business Ethics and Society, Leticia Camacho
RGE Monitor, Leticia Camacho
The Women's Institute for a Secure Retirement (WISER), Leticia Camacho
Integrated, Embedded, and Case-Based: Selling Library Instruction to the Business School, Leticia Camacho and Andy Spackman
Into the Imagined Forest: A 2000-Year Retrospective of the German Woods, Richard Hacken
An Evaluation of an Upper-Division, General Education Information Literacy Program, Elizabeth S. Hopkins and Suzanne Julian
How Scholarly Is Google Scholar? A Comparison of Google Scholar to Library Databases, Jared L. Howland, Thomas C. Wright, and Rebecca A. Boughan
How Scholarly Is Google Scholar? A Comparison of Google Scholar to Library Databases, Jared L. Howland, Thomas C. Wright, Rebecca A. Boughan, and Brian C. Roberts
California Saints: A Readers Theater, J. Michael Hunter
Donald Harman Akenson. Some Family: The Mormons and How Humanity Keeps Track of Itself, J. Michael Hunter
Clicking your way to library instruction assessment: Using a Personal Response System at Brigham Young University, Suzanne Julian and Kimball Benson
Writing Circle Feedback: Creating a Vibrant Community of Scholars, Allyson Washburn
Brigham Young University (Utah), Michael J. Whitchurch
Evaluating Group Use of the Information Commons, Michael J. Whitchurch
The Battle of Morgarten in 1315: An Essential Incident in the Founding of the Swiss State, Albert Winkler
Submissions from 2007
Federated Searching: Do Undergraduates Prefer it and Does it Add Value?, C. Jeffrey Belliston and Jared L. Howland
Federated Searching: Do Undergraduates Prefer It and Does It Add Value?, C. Jeffrey Belliston, Jared L. Howland, and Brian C. Roberts
Undergraduate Use of Federated Searching: A Survey of Preferences and Perceptions of Value-added Functionality, C. Jeffrey Belliston, Jared L. Howland, and Brian C. Roberts
Encyclopedia of Industrial and Organizational Psychology, Leticia Camacho
Market Research Databases: Comparison of Mintel Reports Academic, Market Line Business Information Center, and Global Market Information Database, Leticia Camacho
Nations of the world [book review], Leticia Camacho
World economic prospects [book review], Leticia Camacho
Digital Germany: Virtual Archives, Powerful Portals, Wise Wikis, Richard Hacken
Utilizing Focus Groups to Evaluate an Information Literacy Program in a General Biology Course, Betsy S. Hopkins
Electronic Resource Management Systems: Learning from Experience, Jared L. Howland
Licensing Electronic Resources: Easing the Pain, Jared L. Howland
Ethical History: A Contradiction of Terms?, Albert Winkler
The Approach of the Black Death in Switzerland and the Persecution of Jews, 1348–1349, Albert Winkler