Submissions from 2019
Jesus’ Enemies?: Why Didn’t the Pharisees Reject Their Friend Jesus?, Trevan Hatch
Judaism, Trevan Hatch
Messianism and Jewish Messiahs in the New Testament Period, Trevan Hatch
Best Practices in Family Life Education Program Evaluation, Alan J. Hawkins, Tiffany L. Clyde, Jennifer L. Doty, and Sarah Avellar
Alexander Wetmore, the Bear River Marsh, and the Rise of Waterfowl Science, 1914-1916, Andrew H. Hedges
Cardiovascular factors moderate the association of infection burden with cognitive function in young to middle-aged U.S. adults, Dawson W. Hedges, Andrew N. Berrett, Lance D. Erickson, Bruce L. Brown, Evan L. Thacker, and Shawn D. Gale
Association between exposure to air pollution and hippocampal volume in adults in the UK Biobank, Dawson W. Hedges, Lance D. Erickson, Jackie Kunzelman, Bruce L. Brown, and Shawn D. Gale
Can Attachment Behaviors Moderate the Influence of Conflict Styles on Relationship Quality?, Cameron W. H. Hee, Jonathan G. Sandberg, Jeremy B. Yorgason, and Richard B. Miller
Efficacy of weight loss intervention can be predicted based on early alterations of fMRI food cue reactivity in the striatum, Petra Hermann, Viktor Gál, István Kóbor, C. Brock Kirwan, Peter Kovacs, Tama Kitkas, Zsuzsanna Lengyel, Eszter Balint, Balázs Varga, Csongor Cseko, and Zoltan Vidnyanszky
When Religious Couples Pray, Hannah R. Herring and Mark H. Butler
Identifying extraordinary contributors to work and family research: eight modalities of excellence, E. Jeffrey Hill, L. Ashley Bryce, Christoffer L. Loderup, Jessica L. Brown-Hamlett, Ashley B. LeBaron, and David B. Allsop
Teaching the Scriptural Emphasis on the Crucifixion of Jesus Christ, John Hilton III
The Use of Gethsemane by Church Leaders, 1859–2018, John Hilton III and Joshua P. Barringer
Substituting open educational resources for commercial curriculum materials: effects on student mathematics achievement in elementary schools, John Hilton III, Ross Larsen, David A. Wiley, and Lane Fischer
Does Family Communication Matter? Exploring Knowledge of Breast Cancer Genetics in Cancer Families, Deborah Himes; Sarah H. Davis; Jane Lassetter PhD, RN; Neil E. Peterson; Margaret F. Clayton; Wendy C. Birmingham; and Anita Y. Kinney
Female Family Members Lack Understanding of Indeterminate Negative BRCA1/2 Test Results Shared by Probands, Deborah Himes, Deborah K. Gibbons, Wendy C. Birmingham, Renea L. Beckstrand, Amanda Gammon, Anita Y. Kinney, and Margaret F. Clayton
Does family communication matter? Exploring knowledge of breast cancer genetics in cancer families, Deborah O. Himes PhD, APRN-BC; Sarah H. Davis; Jane H. Lassetter; Neil E. Peterson; Margaret F. Clayton; Wendy Birmingham PhD; and Anita Y. Kinney
Impact of Critical Illness on Resource Utilization: A Comparison of Use in the Year Before and After ICU Admission*, Eliot L. Hirshberg MD, MS; Emily L. Wilson MStat; Valoree Stanfield MS; Kathryn G. Kuttler PhD; Sarah Majercik MD, MBA; Sarah J. Beesley MD, MS; James Orme MD; Ramona O. Hopkins; and Samuel M. Brown MD, MS
Youth Perspectives of Healthcare in Central Mexico: An Application of Massey’s Critical Health Literacy Framework, Steven Hoffman, Heidi Adams Rueda, and Lauren Beasley
Review of Carbonaceous Annealing Effects on O2 and CO2 Coal Reactivity, Troy Michael Holland, Thomas H. Fletcher, and Osvalda Senneca
Parental media monitoring, prosocial violent media exposure, and adolescents' prosocial and aggressive behaviors, Hailey G. Holmgren, Laura M. Padilla-Walker, Laura A. Stockdale, and Sarah M. Coyne
Life after Pediatric Critical Illness: Risk Factors for Reduced Health-related Quality of Life and Functional Decline, Ramona O. Hopkins
The IES-R remains a core outcome measure for PTSD in critical illness survivorship research, Megan M. Hosey, O. Joseph Bienvenu, Victor D. Dinglas, Alison E. Turnbull, Ann M. Parker, Ramona O. Hopkins, Karin J. Neufeld, and Dale M. Needham
Screening for posttraumatic stress disorder in ARDS survivors: validation of the Impact of Event Scale-6 (IES-6), Megan M. Hosey, Jeannie-Marie S. Leoutsakos, Ximin Li, Victor D. Dinglas, O. Joseph Bienvenu, Ann M. Parker, Ramona O. Hopkins PhD, Dale M. Needham, and Karin J. Neufeld
How Neutral Coloured Backgrounds Affect the Attractiveness and Expensiveness of Fresh Produce, Bryan Howell and Hendrik NJ Schifferstein