Submissions from 2002
Negative band gap bowing in epitaxial InAs/GaAs alloys and predicted band offsets of the strained binaries and alloys on various substrates, Gus L. W. Hart, Kwiseon Kim, and Alex Zunger
The Inventory of Father Involvement: A Pilot Study of a New Measure of Father Involvement, Alan J. Hawkins, Kay P. Bradford, Rob Palkovitz, Shawn L. Christiansen, Randal D. Day, and Vaughn R. A. Call
Integrating Marriage Education into Perinatal Education, Alan J. Hawkins, Tamara Gilliland, Glenda Christiaens, and Jason S. Carroll
Family transitions in Latin America: First Intercourse, First Union and First Birth, Tim B. Heaton, Renata Forste, and Samuel Otterstrom
Lucy Smith’s History and Abner Cole’s Piracy of Extracts from the Book of Mormon, Andrew H. Hedges
The Community Context of Family Structure and Adolescent Drug Use, John P. Hoffmann
Parental substance use disorder and the risk of adolescent drug abuse: an event history analysis, John P. Hoffmann and Felicia G. Cerbone
School Activities, Community Service, and Delinquency, John P. Hoffmann and Jiangmin Xu
From Mules to TRAX : A Brief History of Salt Lake City's Mass Transit, J. Michael Hunter
The Youngs at West Point, J. Michael Hunter
Investigating the mechanism of acoustically activated uptake of drugs from Pluronic micelles, Ghaleb A. Husseini, Christopher M. Runyan, and William G. Pitt
Vibrational modes of thin oblate clouds of charge, Thomas G. Jenkins and Ross L. Spencer
Modeling the indoor MIMO wireless channel, Michael A. Jensen and Jon W. Wallace
Revisiting Bordin's Theory on the Therapeutic Alliance: Implications for Family Therapy, Lee N. Johnson and David W. Wright
Using transition probability geostatistics with MODFLOW, Norman L. Jones, J. R. Walker, and S. F. Carle
Compact focusing von Hamos spectrometer for quantitative x-ray spectroscopy, Larry V. Knight, A. P. Shevelko, Yu S. Kasyanov, and O. F. Yakushev
Quality attributes of dried milk products packaged for long-term storage, Michelle A. Lloyd, J. Zou, H. Farnsworth, and Oscar A. Pike
Evaluation of a compound probability model with tower-mounted scatterometer data, David G. Long and Benjamin E. Barrowes
Validation of sea ice motion from QuikSCAT with those from SSM/I and buoy, David G. Long, Yunhe Zhao, and Antony K. Liu
A Categorial Grammar fragment for Lushootseed, Deryle W. Lonsdale
A niche at the nexus: situating an NLP curriculum interdisciplinarily, Deryle W. Lonsdale
NL-Soar and LG-Soar: ongoing work, Deryle W. Lonsdale
Peppering knowledge sources with SALT: Boosting conceptual content for ontology generation, Deryle W. Lonsdale, Yihong Ding, David W. Embley, and Alan Melby
Modeling the Thermal Behavior of a Surface-micromachined Linear-displacement Thermomechanical Microactuator, Christian D. Lott, Timothy W. McLain, John N. Harb, and Larry L. Howell
Pair Attribute Learning: Network Construction Using Pair Features, Tony R. Martinez and Eric K. Henderson