Submissions from 2002
Toward a More Comprehensive Understanding of Peer Maltreatment: Studies of Relational Victimization, Nicki R. Crick, Juan F. Casas, and David A. Nelson
Relational and Physical Victimization Within Friendships: Nobody Told Me There'd Be Friends Like These, Nicki R. Crick and David A. Nelson
The Citizen Therapist and Family‐Centered Community Building: Introduction to a New Section of the Journal, William J. Doherty and Jason S. Carroll
The Families and Democracy Project, William J. Doherty and Jason S. Carroll
Fathering, Faith, and Family Therapy: Generative Narrative Therapy with Religious Fathers, David C. Dollahite, Loren D. Marks, and Michael M. Olsonm
An assessment of SeaWinds on QuikSCAT wind retrieval, David Draper and David G. Long
Vibrato Rate Adjustment, Christopher Dromey, Neisha Carter, and Arden Hopkin
The Influence of Pitch and Loudness Changes on the Acoustics of Vocal Tremor, Christopher Dromey, Paul Warrick, and Jonathan Irish
Disambiguating Spanish Change of State Verbs, David Eddington
Dissociation in Italian Conjugations: A Single-Route Account, David Eddington
Spanish Gender Assignment in an Analogical Framework, David Eddington
Why quantitative?, David Eddington
Are Plurals Derived or Stored?, David Eddington and Patricia Lestrade
Horizon Occlusion Culling for Real-time Rendering of Hierarchical Terrains, Parris K. Egbert and Brandon Lloyd
Prelude to Marriage or Alternative to Marriage? A Social Demographic Look at Cohabitation in the U.S., Renata Forste
Where are All the Men?, Renata Forste
The Transition of Adolescent Males to First Sexual Intercourse: Anticipated or Delayed?, Renata Forste and David W. Haas
In-Plane Linear-Displacement Bistable Microrelay, Troy Gomm, Larry L. Howell, and Richard H. Selfridge
La lumière de la lune dans la pensée grecque archaïque, Daniel Graham
Reliability of Programmable Input/Output Pins in the Presence of Configuration Upsets, Paul S. Graham, Nathaniel Rollins, Michael J. Wirthlin, and Michael P. Caffrey
The Transition of Adolescent Males to First Intercourse: Anticipated or Delayed?, David W. Haas and Renata Forste
The Jewish Community Library in Vienna: From Dispersion and Destruction to Partial Restoration, Richard Hacken
Bluetooth: An Emerging Technology for Wireless Personal Area Networks, Eric S. Hall, Charles D. Knutson, and David K. Vawdrey
RF Rendez-Blue: Reducing Power and Inquiry Costs in Bluetooth-Enabled Mobile Systems, Eric S. Hall, Charles D. Knutson, and David K. Vawdrey
Biaxial strain-modified valence and conduction band offsets of zinc-blende GaN, GaP, GaAs, InN, InP, and InAs, and optical bowing of strained epitaxial InGaN alloys, Gus L. W. Hart, P. R. C. Kent, and Alex Zunger