Submissions from 2002
Network Simplification Through Oracle Learning, Tony R. Martinez, Joshua Menke, Adam Peterson, and Michael E. Rimer
Improving Speech Recognition Learning through Lazy Training, Tony R. Martinez, Michael E. Rimer, and D. Randall Wilson
Optimization by Varied Beam Search in Hopfield Networks, Tony R. Martinez and Xinchuan Zeng
Simulations of the instability of the m = 1 self-shielding diocotron mode in finite-length non-neutral plasmas, Grant W. Mason and Ross L. Spencer
Captain Moroni's Wartime Strategies: An Application for the Spiritual Battles of Our Day, Richard J. McClendon
Autonomous Hierarchical Control of Multiple Unmanned Combat Air Vehicles (UCAVs), Timothy McLain, Randal W. Beard, Sai-Ming Li, Jovan D. Boskovic, Sanjeev Seereeram, Ravi Prasanth, Jayesh Amin, and Raman K. Mehra
Experimental Demonstration of Multiple Robot Cooperative Target Intercept, Timothy W. McLain, Randal W. Beard, and Jed M. Kelsey
Level Oriented Formal Model for Asynchronous Circuit Verification and its Efficient Analysis Method, Eric G. Mercer, Tomoya Kitai, Chris Myers, Yusuke Oguro, and Tomohiro Yoneda
Parental psychological control: Implications for childhood physical and relational aggression, David A. Nelson and Nicki R. Crick
Maternal psychological control and preschool children’s behavioral outcomes in China, Russia, and the United States, Susanne Frost Olsen, Chongming Yang, Craig H. Hart, Clyde C. Robinson, Peixia Wu, David A. Nelson, Larry J. Nelson, Shenghua Jin, and Jianzhong Wo
Involved Fathering of Children with Special Needs: Relationships and Religion as Resources, Michael M. Olson, David C. Dollahite, and Mark B. White
Emotional Processes Following Disclosure of an Extramarital Affair, Michael M. Olson, Candyce S. Russell, Mindi Higgins-Kessler, and Richard B. Miller
Legal Theory and the Rule of Law, Noel B. Reynolds
Legal Theory and the Rule of Law, Noel B. Reynolds
The Rule of Law: A Reassessment for the Twenty-First Century, Noel B. Reynolds
A New Occurrence of Archaeoscyphia Pulchra (Bassler) from the Ordovician of Western Canada, J. Keith Rigby, Godfrey S. Nowlan, and Peter A. Rowlands
Machine-learned Contexts for Linguistic Operations in German Sentence Realization, Eric K. Ringger, Simon Corston-Oliver, Michael Gamon, and Robert Moore
Using nonlinear hierarchical models for analyzing annulus-based size-at-age data, G. Bruce Schaalje, Jared L. Shaw, and Mark C. Belk
The Algebra and Geometry of Curve and Surface Inversion, Thomas W. Sederberg, Eng-Wee Chionh, and Kent Ridge
Algebraic Methods for Computer Aided Geometric Design, Thomas W. Sederberg and Jianmin Zheng
Jesus the Messiah: Prophet, Priest, and King, David R. Seely and Joann H. Seely
Finding Jesus Christ in the Old Testament, Andrew C. Skinner
Peter—the Chief Apostle, Andrew C. Skinner
The Premortal Godhood of Christ: A Restoration Perspective, Andrew C. Skinner
Outreach, Impact, and Sustainability of Informal Banking: A Case Study of the Ouelessebougou-Utah Alliance Microenterprise Program in Mali, Yodit Solomon, Bonnie Ballif-Spanvill, Carol Ward, and Addie Fuhriman