Submissions from 2003
From individuality to individualism: A critique of the helping, Timothy B. Smith and Matthew R. Draper
From the Individual to Individualism: A Critique of the Helping Professions, Timothy B. Smith and Matthew R. Draper
Religiousness and depression: Evidence for a main effect and the moderating influence of stressful life events, Timothy B. Smith, Michael E. McCullough, and Justin Poll
The Spiritual Self: Toward a Conceptualization of Spiritual Identity Development, Timothy B. Smith and Justin B. Poll
Racial attitudes among South African young adults: A four-year follow-up study, Timothy B. Smith, Christopher R. Stones, and Anthony Naidoo
Ethnic identity and racial attitudes in a minority group of mixed racial origin, Timothy B. Smith, Joy Stratton, Christopher R. Stones, and Anthony Naidoo
American Indian Youth: Who Southwestern Urban and Reservation Youth Turn to for Help with Mental Health or Addictions, Arlene Rubin Stiffman, Catherine Striley, Eddie F. Brown, Gordon Limb, and Emily Ostmann
Tips for Facilitating Full-Time Employment in TESOL, Mark W. Tanner
The Relationship between Family and Sibling Functioning in Families Raising a Child with a Disability, Tina M. Taylor, Barbara L. Mandleco Dr., Susanne Frost Olsen, and Elaine Marshall
Infusing Technology in an Introduction to Special Education Course, Tina M. Taylor and Barbara Smith
Describing Support: A Qualitative Study of Couples Living with Diabetes, Paula M. Trief, Jonathan G. Sandberg, Roger P. Greenberg, Keri Graff, Nina Castronova, Miyoung Yoon, and Ruth S. Weinstock
Chemomechanical surface patterning and functionalization of silicon surfaces using an atomic force microscope, Brent A. Wascaser, Michael J. Maughan, Travis L. Niederhauser, Matthew R. Linford, Robert C. Davis, and Ian A. Mowat
Distress and Divorce: Establishing Cutoff Scores for the Marital Status Inventory, Jason B. Whiting PhD and D. Russell Crane
Self-aligned mechanical attachment of carbon nanotubes to silicon dioxide structures by selective silicon dioxide chemical-vapor deposition, Jed D. Whittaker, Ghaleb A. Husseini, Matthew A. Linford, Robert C. Davis, and Markus Brink
Receiving Offense Without Taking Offense: The Book of Mormon and the Power to Forgive, Keith Jay Wilson
Paul's Teachings Speak to Today's Tumultuous, Mary Jane Woodger
Icelandic [LDS] Conversion & Emigration: A Sesquicentennial Sketch, Fred Woods
From Liverpool to Keokuk: The Mormon Maritime Migration Experience of 1853, Fred E. Woods
Scripture Note: Doctrine and Covenants 125, Fred E. Woods
The Forgotten Voice of the Oneida Stake Academy, Fred E. Woods
Who Controls the Water? Yahweh vs. Baal, Fred E. Woods
The 1853 Mormon Migration through Keokuk, Fred E. Woods and Douglas Atterberg
Submissions from 2002
Mapping the Mesoscale Interface Structure in Polycrystalline Materials, Brent L. Adams, C. L. Bauer, D. Casasent, A. Morawiec, S. Ozdemir, A. Talukder, and Chialin T. Wu
Viewpoint: experimental recovery of geometrically necessary dislocation density in polycrystals, Brent L. Adams, Bassem S. El-Dasher, and Anthony D. Rollett
Spectral Integration of Microstructure and Design, Brent L. Adams, B. Henrie, M. Lyon, H. Garmestani, and Surya R. Kalidindi