Submissions from 2021
Violence Exposure, Aggressive Cognitions & Externalizing Behaviors among Colombian Youth: The Moderating Role of Community Belongingness, Ashley M. Fraser, Ana M. Melendez Guevara, Larissa M. Gaias, and Sarah L. Johnson
College Students’Media Habits, Concern for Themselves and Others, and Mental Health in the Era of COVID-19, Ashley M. Fraser, Laura A. Stockdale, Crystal I. Bryce, and Brittany L. Alexander
Poster Competitions in a Pandemic: The Value of Going Virtual, Megan Frost, Michael C. Goates, and Gregory M. Nelson
Reducing Wind Farm Power Variance from Wind Direction using Wind Farm Layout Optimization, Bertelsen Gagakuma, Andrew P.J. Stanley, and Andrew Ning
Increasing Cybersecurity Career Interest through Playable Case Studies, Justin S. Giboney, Jason K. McDonald, Jonathan Balzotti, Derek L. Hansen, Desiree Winters, and Elizabeth Bonsignore
A perceptual study of cross-language influence on vocal fry use in women exposed to two languages, Todd A. Gibson and Connie Summers
Mindfulness, Self-Inquiry, and Artmaking, Mark Graham and Rebecca Lewis
Social Emotional Learning and the National Core Arts Standards: a cross-disciplinary analysis of policy and practices, Mark Graham, Matt Omasta, Stephanie L. Milling, Elizabeth Murray, Amy Peterson Jensen, and Johanna J. Siebert
Future Earnings Information in Business Text, Jeffrey Jack Green, Jeremiah Green, and Antonis Kartapanis
An investigation of the neuronal signature of word order effects in Russian, Jeffrey Jack Green and Anastasia Stoops
Anticipatory Tonal Variations Can Facilitate Spoken-Word Recognition: A Visual World Eye-Tracking Study, Jeffrey Jack Green, Yan Sun, and Chilin Shih
Filling the Knowledge Gap for Nurse Leaders: Next Steps Following COVID-19, Mikel W. Hand, Catherine Alexander, Bret Lyman, Joy Parchment, M Lindell Joseph, and Esther Chipps
The Roles of Identity Formation and Moral Identity in College Student Mental Health, Health-risk Behaviors, and Psychological Well-Being, Sam A. Hardy, Stephen W. Francis, Byron L. Zamboanga, Su Yeong Kim, Spencer G. Anderson, and Larry F. Forthun
Effects of Background Noise on Speech and Language in Young Adults, Tyson G. Harmon, Christopher Dromey, Brenna Nelson, and Kacy Chapman
Repeated word production is inconsistent in both aphasia and apraxia of speech, Tyson G. Harmon, Katarina L. Haley, Kevin T. Cunningham, Adam Jacks, Jessica D. Richardson, and Peter E. Turkeltaub
Spoken Discourse Assessment and Analysis in Aphasia: An International Survey of Current Practices, Tyson G. Harmon, Brielle C. Stark, Manaswita Dutta, Laura L. Murray, Davida Fromm, and Lucy Bryant
From Shyness to Social Anxiety: Understanding Solitude in the Context of Immigration, Craig H. Hart, Yiyuan Xu, Charissa S.L. Cheah, and You Jung Seo
Is Frequency Enough?: The Frequency Model in Vocabulary Size Testing, Brett James Hashimoto
What’s the Church’s Official Position on Official Positions?: Grappling with “Truth” and “Authority”, Trevan Hatch
Teachings of Church Leaders on Christ’s Final Seven Statements, John Hilton III, Megan Cutler, and Emily K. Hyde
Dynamic simulation of a novel nuclear hybrid energy system with large-scale hydrogen storage in an underground salt cavern, An Ho, Kasra Mohammadi, Matthew Memmott, John Hedengren, and Kody Powell
Library Instruction and Adaptive Comparative Judgment to Foster Visual Literacy Skills, Sarah Huber, Lisa Bosman, and Scott Bartholomew
Learning from failure: A systematized review, Andrew Jackson, Allison Godwin, Scott Bartholomew, and Nathan Mentzer
Religiousness and Levels of Hazardous Alcohol Use: A Latent Profile Analysis, Peter J. Jankowski, Sam A. Hardy, Byron L. Zamboanga, Lindsay S. Ham, Seth J. Schwartz, Su Yeong Kim, Larry F. Forthun, Melina M. Bersamin, Roxanne A. Donovan, Susan Krauss Whitbourne, Erica A. Hurley, and Miguel Ángel Cano