Brigham Young University Faculty Publications | Brigham Young University
An open access repository for publications by Brigham Young University faculty, staff, and administrators.


Submissions from 2022


Assessing Our Digital Asset Management System (CONTENTdm) from the Undergraduate Patron Perspective, Lindsey Memory, Abby Beazer, Rebecca A. Wiederhold, and Brent Ellingson


Mental Illness as a Vulnerability for Sexual Assault: A Retrospective Study of 7,455 Sexual Assault Forensic Medical Examinations, Leslie Miles, Julie L. Valentine, Linda Mabey, and Nancy R. Downing


Ability to consent to a sexual assault medical forensic examination in adult patients with serious mental illness, Leslie W. Miles, Eleanore Knox, Nancy Downing, and Julie L. Valentine


Treatment pearls: Management of physical health needs in the mentally ill., Leslie W. Miles, Brandon Thatcher, Michael C. Thomas, and Blaine Winters


Treatment pearls: Management of physical healthcare needs in patients with mental illness, Leslie W. Miles, Brandon Thatcher, Michael C. Thomas, and Blaine Winters


Treatment pearls: Management of physical health care needs in the mentally ill., Leslie W. Miles, Brandon Thatcher, Michael C. Thomas, and Blaine A. Winters


Keynote Address: Curating the History of COVID-19, Jeremy Myntti


Personal Digital Archiving, Jeremy Myntti


Eliminating Outdated Workflows: Developing The New, Jeremy Myntti, Christopher Cox, Trevor A. Dawes, and Sara Lowman


If You Build it, Will They Come?, Jeremy Myntti, Anna Neatrour, Jane Monson, Rachel Wittmann, and Rebekah Cummings


Looking inside of the Utah COVID-19 digital collection as a community archive, Jeremy Myntti, Sung Un Kim, and Youngok Choi


Archives and the Management of Theses and Dissertations: An Exploratory Study, Cory L. Nimer and Rebecca A. Wiederhold


University Archives and ETDs: Exploring Best Practices, Cory L. Nimer and Rebecca A. Wiederhold


Durability of Vacuum Infusion Tooling Produced from Fused Granular Fabrication Additive Manufacturing, Nathan Northrup, Jason Weaver, and Andy R. George


Hinterlands to Cities: The Archaeology of Northwest Mexico and its Vecinos, Matthew C. Pailes and Michael T. Searcy


Using Action Research to Mentor Nursing Students in Global Health Advocacy, Sheri Patten Palmer, Shelly J. Reed, and Sondra Heaston


The DNA Methylation Landscape of Five Pediatric-Tumor Types, Alyssa C. Parker, Badí I. Quinteros, and Stephen Piccolo


Reliability Study of a New Electromechanical Device Designed to Measure the Relative Dorsal Mobility of the First Ray of the Foot, Philippe Passeraub


SGK2, 14-3-3, and HUWE1 Cooperate to Control the Localization, Stability, and Function of the Oncoprotein PTOV1, Katie L. Pennington, Colten M. McEwan, James Woods, Colin M. Muir, A.G. Pramoda Sahankumari, Riley Eastmond, Eranga R. Balasooriya, Christina M. Egbert, Sandeep Kaur, Tyler Heaton, Katherine K. McCormack, Stephen R. Piccolo, Manabu Kurokawa, and Joshua L. Andersen


Exercise is Medicine on Campus: A Scoping Review of Evidence 2009 to 2021 and Call to Action, Neil E. Peterson, Jacquelyn N. Zera, Megan A. Rothermel, Connie L. Tompkins, Carrie Davidson, Shelby Mandla, Renee Jeffreys-Heil, Zainab Shirazi, Robyn Stuhr, and Carena S. Winters


The Ability to Classify Patients Based on Gene-Expression Data Varies by Algorithm and Performance Metric, Stephen Piccolo, Avery Mecham, Nathan P. Golightly, Jérémie L. Johnson, and Dustin B. Miller


Passages from the Book of Micah in the Book of Mormon, Dana M. Pike


Affirmative Action and Human Capital Investment: Evidence from a Randomized Field Experiment, Joseph Price, Chirstopher S. Cotton, and Brent R. Hickman


The association between educational attainment and longevity using individual-level data from the 1940 census, Joseph Price, Adriana Lleras-Muney, and Dahai Yue


Old Boys’ Clubs and Upward Mobility Among the Educational Elite, Joseph Price, Valerie Michelman, and Seth D. Zimmerman