
Submissions from 2024


Ethnic-Racial Socialization Experiences of Mexican American Youth, Katherine J. Bingham, Elizabeth A. Cutrer-Párraga, and Timothy B. Smith

Submissions from 2022


Maternal depression moderated by family resources when children have developmental disabilities., Timothy B. Smith and Terisa P. Gabrielsen


Reasons for Open and Closed Attitudes Regarding Type 1 Diabetes, Tina M. Taylor, Jamie K. Easler, Helena M. Haueter, Susanne Olsen Roper, and Donna Freeborn


Uplifts, Respite, Stress, and Marital Quality for Parents Raising Children With Down Syndrome or Autism, Tina M. Taylor; Jamie K. Easler; Susanne Olsen Roper; Jeremy B. Yorganson; and James M, Harper

Submissions from 2021


Effects of psychosocial support interventions on survival in inpatient and outpatient healthcare settings: A meta-analysis of 106 randomized controlled trials, Timothy B. Smith and Julianne Holt-Lunstad

Submissions from 2019


Examining religious commitment, personality, and well-being among Latter-Day Saints, Kawika Allen, Ofa Hafoka, and Lane Fischer


A Decade of Disability Depictions In Newbery Award Books, H. Grow, Sharon Black, K. Egan, Tina Taylor, K. Moss, Rachel L. Wadham, and Mary Anne Prater


Integration or Separation? Addressing Religious and Spiritual Issues in Multicultural Counseling: A National Survey of College Counselors, Timothy B. Smith, Rachel Crook Lyon, and Kari O'Grady


Beyond English only: Addressing language interpretation in professional psychology training, Timothy B. Smith, Clay A. Frandsen, Derek Griner, Domenech Rodriguez, and Guillermo Bernal


Military Deployment in a Family: Children’s Literature as a Basis for Counseling Support, Tina M. Taylor, Aimee Tubbs, Ellie L. Young, and Melissa A. Heath

Submissions from 2018


Religious Discrimination Scale: Development and Initial Psychometric Evalutation, Kawika Allen, Kenneth T. Fuller, P. Scott Richards, Mason Ming, and Han Na Suh


An Exploration of the Role of Religion and Spirituality in the Treatment and Recovery of Patients With Eating Disorders, P. Scott Richards, Michael E. Berrett, Carrie L. Caoili, Sabree A. Crowton, Randy K. Hardman, Russell N. Jackson, and Peter W. Sanders


Cultural Adaptations and Therapist Multicultural Competence: Two Meta-analytic Reviews, Timothy B. Smith, Alberto Soto, Derek Griner, Melanie Domenech Rodriguez, and Guillermo Bernal


Same but Different: Characters with Developmental Disabilities in Current Juvenile Literature, Tina Taylor, Kellie Egan, Kimberly T. Moss, Hannah P. Grow, Sharon Black, and Mary Anne Prater


Effects of Parent-Implemented Interventions on Outcomes for Children with Developmental Disabilities: A Meta-Analysis, Tina Taylor, Timothy B. Smith, Byran B. Korth, and Barbara Mandleco

Submissions from 2017


Supporting individuals with autism spectrum disorder in understanding and coping with complex social emotional issues, Kaitlyn P. Ahlers, Terisa P. Gabrielsen, Danielle Lewis, Anna M. Brady, and April LItchford


Racial Discrimination and Psychological Health Among Polynesians in the U.S., Kawika Allen, Hokule'a Conklin, and Davis K. Kane


Racial Identity, Phenotype, and Self-Esteem Among Biracial Polynesian/White Individuals, Kawika Allen, Patton O. Garriott, Carla J. Reyes, and Catherine Hsieh


Spiritually Oriented Psychotherapy for Trauma and Meaning Making Among Ethnically Diverse Individuals in the United States, Kawika Allen, P. Scott Richards, and T. Lea


Perceived Perfectionism from God Scale: Development and Initial Evidence, Kawika Allen, Kenneth T. Wang, Hannah I. Stokes, and Han Na Suh


School Experiences of Early Adolescent Latinos/as at Risk for Emotional and Behavioral Disorders, Ryan M. Balagna, Ellie L. Young, and Timothy B. Smith


Religion and Esotericism among Students: A CrossCultural Comparative Study, Franz Höllinger and Timothy B. Smith


Socioemotional selectivity and mental health among trauma survivors in old age, Derek M. Isaacowitz, Timothy B. Smith, and Laura L. Carstensen


Client outcomes across counselor training level within a multitiered supervision model, Scott J. Nyman, Mark A. Nafziger, and Timothy B. Smith


Can patients with eating disorders learn to eat intuitively? A 2-year pilot study, P. Scott Richards, Sabree Crowton, Michael E. Berrett, Melissa H. Smith, and Kimberly Passmore


Racial attitudes among Asian and European American college students: A cross-cultural examination., Timothy B. Smith, Raquel Bowman, and Sungti Hsu


Pressing Issues in College Counseling: A Survey of American College Counseling Association Members, Timothy B. Smith, Brenda Dean, Suzanne Floyd, Christopher Silva, Momoko Yamashita, Jared Durtschi, and Richard A. Heaps


Effects of mothers' locus of control for child improvement in a developmentally delayed sample., Timothy B. Smith, Matthew N.I. Oliver, Glenna C. Boyce, and Mark S. Innocenti


Intake Screening with the Self-Rating Depression Scale in a University Counseling Center, Timothy B. Smith, Ilene Rosenstein, and Michael M. Granaas


Lessons Learned From a Life With Type 1 Diabetes: Adult Perspectives, Tina M. Taylor, Donna S. Freeborn, and Susanne Olsen Roper


Positive Parenting of Children with Developmental Disabilities: A Meta-Analysis, Tina Taylor, Timothy B. Smith, Byran B. Korth, Susanne Olsen Roper, and Barbara Mandleco


Secondary Transition of Multicultural Learners: Lessons from the Navajo Native American Experience, Lynn K. Wilder, Aaron P. Jackson, and Timothy B. Smith

Submissions from 2016


Psychotherapy utilization and presenting concerns among Polynesian American college students, G. E. Kawika Allen, Timothy B. Smith, Jon Cox, Ofa Hafoka, Derek Griner, and Mark Beecher


Psychotherapy Utilization and Presenting Concerns Among Polynesian American College Students, Kawika Allen, Jon Cox, Timothy B. Smith, Ofa Hafoka, Derek Griner, and Mark Beecher


Sibling Experiences: Living with Young Persons with Autism Spectrum Disorders, Tina Dyches, Beth Ward, Brianna Smith Tanner, Barbara Mandleco, and Donna Freeborn


Development of the clinically adaptive multidimensional outcome survey, Peter W. Sanders, P. Scott Richards, and Jason A. McBride


Counseling Attitudes and Stigma among Polynesian Americans, Timothy B. Smith, G. E. Kawika Allen, and Ofa Hafoka


Reliability generalization of the multigroup ethnic identity measure- Revised (MEIM-R), Timothy B. Smith, Hayley Marie Herrington, Erin Feinauer, and Derek Griner

Submissions from 2015


Collectivistic coping strategies for distress among Polynesian Americans, G. E. Kawika Allen and Timothy B. Smith


Exploring Perceived Attitudes of Counseling between LDS Religious Leaders and Mental Health Therapists, Kawika Allen and Curtis Hill


Spiritual Pathways to Healing and Recovery: An Intensive Single-N Study of an Eating Disorder Patient, Kawika Allen, Troy Lea, P. Scott Richards, Peter W. Sanders, and Jason A. McBride


Bringing Spiritually Oriented Psychotherapies Into the Health Care Mainstream: A Call for Worldwide Collaboration, Kawika Allen, P. Scott Richards, Peter W. Sanders, Troy Lea, and Jason A. McBride


Intrinsic Religiousness and Spirituality as Predictors of Mental Health and Positive Psychological Functioning in Latter-Day Saint Adolescents and Young Adults, Kawika Allen, Peter W. Sanders, P. Scott Richards, Lane Fischer, David T. Morgan, and Richard W. Potts


Examining legalism, scrupulosity, family perfectionism, and psychological adjustment among LDS individuals, Kawika Allen, Kenneth T. Wang, and Hannah Stokes


A multi-institutional study of the impact of open textbook adoption on the learning outcomes of post-secondary students, Lane Fischer, John Hilton III, T. Jared Robinson, and David Wiley


Loneliness and Social Isolation as Risk Factors for Mortality: A Meta-Analytic Review, Julianne Holt-Lunstad, Timothy B. Smith, Mark Baker, Tyler Harris, and David Stephenson


Processes and Outcomes of Theistic Spiritually Oriented Psychotherapy: A Practice-Based Evidence Investigation, Peter W. Sanders, P. Scott Richards, Jason A. McBride, Troy Lea, Randy K. Hardman, and Daniel V. Barnes

Submissions from 2014


Examining Religious Commitment, Perfectionism, Scrupulosity, and Well-Being Among LDS Individuals, Kawika Allen and Kenneth T. Wang


Indigenous Women College Students’ Perspectives on College, Work, and Family, Jennie L. Bingham, Aaron P. Jackson, Quintina Bearchief Adolpho, and Louise R. Alexitch


Using Experiential Group Therapy in the Treatment of Eating Disorders, Randy K. Hardman, Michael E. Berrett, P. Scott Richards, and Sharon Black

Submissions from 2013


Video Self-Modeling on an iPad to Teach Functional Math Skills to Adolescents with Autism and Intellectual Disability, Cami Elizabeth Burton, Darlene Anderson, Mary Anne Prater, and Tina Taylor


Addressing Religious and Spiritual Diversity in Graduate Training and Multicultural Education for Professional Psychologists, Rachel E. Crook-Lyon, Timothy B. Smith, Kari A. O’Grady, Kirti Potkar, Dallas R. Jensen, and Thomas Golightly


Respite Care, Marital Quality, and Stress in Parents of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders, Amber Harper, Tina Taylor, James Harper, Susanne Olsen Roper, and Mikle South


The Hispanic Mortality Paradox: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of the Longitudinal Literature, J. Ruiz, P. Steffen, and Timothy B. Smith


Culturally congruent practices in counseling and psychotherapy: A review of research., Timothy B. Smith


Preliminary Examination of International Students' Adjustment and Loneliness Related to Electronic Communications., Timothy B. Smith and David A. Shwalb

Submissions from 2012


Effects of tiered training on general educators' use of specific praise, M. T. Thompson, Michelle Marchant, D. Anderson, Mary Anne Prater, and G. Gibb

Submissions from 2011


Journal of Career Development: A 36-Year Content Analysis (1972-2007), Kawika Allen, Adipat Chaichanasakul, Yuhong He, Hsui-Hui Chen, Taleb S. Khairallah, and Karina Ramos


Progressive Trends and Impact of the Journal of Career Development: A Citation Analysis, Kawika Allen, Adipat Chaichanasakul, Yuhong He, Hsui-Hui Chen, Taleb S. Khairallah, and Karina Ramos


Religiosity, Coping, and Psychological Well-Being Among Latter-Day Saint Polynesian in the U.S., Kawika Allen and P. Paul Heppner


A 17-year longitudinal study of religion and mental health in a Mormon sample, Jeremy D. Bartz, P. Scott Richards, Timothy B. Smith, and Lane Fischer


Racial/Ethnic Matching of Clients and Therapists in Mental Health Services: A Meta-Analytic Review of Preferences, Perceptions, and Outcomes, Timothy B. Smith and Raquel R. Cabral


Culture, Timothy B. Smith, Melanie Domenech Rodríguez, and Guillermo Bernal


Ethnic Identity and Personal Well-being of People of Color: A Meta-Analysis, Timothy B. Smith and Lynda Silva

Submissions from 2010


The Role of Inspiration in the Helping Professions, Kari A. O'Grady and P. Scott Richards


The impact of IDEA and the Jacob Javits Act, Mary Anne Prater


The Role of Religion and Spirituality in Olav’s Treatment and Recovery: Commentary on an Exemplary Case Report, P. Scott Richards


The Need for Evidence-Based, Spiritually Oriented Psychotherapies, P. Scott Richards and Everett L. Worthington Jr.


Social Relationships and Mortality Risk: A Meta-Analytic Review, Timothy B. Smith, Julianne Holt-Lunstad, and J. Bradley Layton


Provide Visual Structure for Students with ASD, Tina Taylor

Submissions from 2009


Ethical Challenges and Opportunities at the Edge: Incorporating Spirituality and Religion Into Psychotherapy, John C. Gonsiorek, P. Scott Richards, Kenneth I. Pargament, and Mark R. McMinn


Cultural Competence: Developing and Assessing Multicultural Proficiency for Teachers and School Personnel in Hawaii, Caryl H. Hitchcock, Mary Anne Prater, and Chuan Chang


The Need for Ecumenical, Denominational and Empirically-Supported Christian Psychotherapy Approaches in Public Settings, P. Scott Richards


Assessing Religion and Spirituality in Counseling: Some Reflections and Recommendations, P. Scott Richards, Jeremy D. Bartz, and Kari A. O'Grady


A Theistic Spiritual Treatment for Women With Eating Disorders, P. Scott Richards, Melissa H. Smith, Michael E. Berrett, Kari A. O'Grady, and Jeremy D. Bartz

Submissions from 2008


Enhancing Special Educators' Knowledge and Understanding of HIV/AIDS, Mary Anne Prater, Nancy M. Sileo, and Thomas W. Sileo


Evaluating Your Educational Program for Students with Autism, Tina Taylor


Autism Fast Start Checklist, Tina Taylor and Leeann Whiffen

Submissions from 2007


The Role of Spirituality in the Treatment of Trauma and Eating Disorders: Recommendations for Clinical Practice, Michael E. Berrett, Randy K. Hardman, Kari A. O'Grady, and P. Scott Richards


Spiritual interventions in psychotherapy: Evaluations by highly religious clients, Jennifer S. Martinez, Timothy B. Smith, and Sally H. Barlow


Theistic Psychotherapy and the God Image, Kari A. O'Grady and P. Scott Richards


Comparative Efficacy of Spirituality, Cognitive, and Emotion Support Groups for Treating Eating Disorder Patients, P. Scott Richards, Michael E. Berrett, Randy K. Hardman, and Dennis L. Eggett


Outcomes of religious and spiritual adaptations to psychotherapy: A meta-analytic review, Timothy B. Smith, Jeremy Bartz, and P. Scott Richards


The association of racial attitudes and spiritual beliefs in post-apartheid South Africa, Timothy B. Smith, Christopher R. Stones, Christopher E. Peck, and Anthony V. Naidoo

Submissions from 2006


Multicultural competency instrumentation: A review and analysis of reliability generalization, Todd W. Dunn, Timothy B. Smith, and Jared A. Montoya


Tips for Working with Children and Youth with Disabilities, Mary Anne Prater


Multicultural education in the mental health professions: A meta-analytic review, Timothy B. Smith, Madonna G. Constantine, Todd W. Dunn, Jared M. Dinehart, and Jared A. Montoya


Culturally Adapted Mental Health Interventions: A Meta-Analytic Review, Timothy B. Smith and Derek Griner


Portrayal of Disabilities in Caldecott Books, Tina Taylor, Mary Anne Prater, and Jennifer Jenson

Submissions from 2005


Development and validation of the theistic spiritual outcome survey, P. Scott Richards, Timothy B. Smith, Marion Schowalter, Michael E. Berrett, and Randy K. Hardman


The integration of spiritual and religious issues in racial-cultural psychology and counseling., Timothy B. Smith and P Scott Richards


Acculturation to Western Society as a Risk Factor for High Blood Pressure: A Meta-Analytic Review, Timothy B. Smith, Patrick R. Steffen, Michael Larson, and Leon Butler

Submissions from 2004


The Impact of Exposure to the Thin-Ideal Media Image on Women, Nicole Hawkins, P. Scott Richards, H. Mac Granley, and David M. Stein


Examining the relationship between religious orientation and eating disturbances, Melissa H. Smith, P. Scott Richards, and Christopher J. Maglio

Submissions from 2003


Spirituality and Ten False Beliefs and Pursuits of Women With Eating Disorders: Implications for Counselors, Randy K. Hardman, Michael E. Berrett, and P. Scott Richards


Academic Persistence Among Native American College Students, Aaron P. Jackson, Steven A. Smith, and Curtis L. Hill


Binge and Purge Processes in Bulimia Nervosa: A Qualitative Investigation, Jay E. Jeppson, P. Scott Richards, Randy K. Hardman, and H. Mac Granley


Intrinsic Religiousness and Spiritual Well-Being as Predictors of Treatment Outcome Among Women with Eating Disorders, Faune Taylor Smith, Randy K. Hardman, P. Scott Richards, and Lane Fischer


From individuality to individualism: A critique of the helping, Timothy B. Smith and Matthew R. Draper


From the Individual to Individualism: A Critique of the Helping Professions, Timothy B. Smith and Matthew R. Draper