Counseling Psychology and Special Education Faculty Publications | Counseling Psychology and Special Education | Brigham Young University


Submissions from 2006


Portrayal of Disabilities in Caldecott Books, Tina Taylor, Mary Anne Prater, and Jennifer Jenson

Submissions from 2005


Development and validation of the theistic spiritual outcome survey, P. Scott Richards, Timothy B. Smith, Marion Schowalter, Michael E. Berrett, and Randy K. Hardman


The integration of spiritual and religious issues in racial-cultural psychology and counseling., Timothy B. Smith and P Scott Richards


Acculturation to Western Society as a Risk Factor for High Blood Pressure: A Meta-Analytic Review, Timothy B. Smith, Patrick R. Steffen, Michael Larson, and Leon Butler


Being a Sibling, Tina M. Taylor, Steven L. Baumann, and Marybeth Braddick


Characterization of Developmental Disability in Children's Fiction, Tina M. Taylor and Mary Anne Prater


Multicultural Perspectives on Teaching Students with Autism, Tina M. Taylor, Lynn K. Wilder, Festus E. Obiakor, and Bob Algozzine

Submissions from 2004


The Impact of Exposure to the Thin-Ideal Media Image on Women, Nicole Hawkins, P. Scott Richards, H. Mac Granley, and David M. Stein


Examining the relationship between religious orientation and eating disturbances, Melissa H. Smith, P. Scott Richards, and Christopher J. Maglio


Snapshots of Life: Perspectives of School-Aged Individuals with Developmental Disabilities, Tina M. Taylor, Elizabeth Parret, Susanne Frost Olsen, and Barbara Mandleco

Submissions from 2003


Spirituality and Ten False Beliefs and Pursuits of Women With Eating Disorders: Implications for Counselors, Randy K. Hardman, Michael E. Berrett, and P. Scott Richards


Academic Persistence Among Native American College Students, Aaron P. Jackson, Steven A. Smith, and Curtis L. Hill


Binge and Purge Processes in Bulimia Nervosa: A Qualitative Investigation, Jay E. Jeppson, P. Scott Richards, Randy K. Hardman, and H. Mac Granley


Intrinsic Religiousness and Spiritual Well-Being as Predictors of Treatment Outcome Among Women with Eating Disorders, Faune Taylor Smith, Randy K. Hardman, P. Scott Richards, and Lane Fischer


From individuality to individualism: A critique of the helping, Timothy B. Smith and Matthew R. Draper


From the Individual to Individualism: A Critique of the Helping Professions, Timothy B. Smith and Matthew R. Draper


Religiousness and depression: Evidence for a main effect and the moderating influence of stressful life events, Timothy B. Smith, Michael E. McCullough, and Justin Poll


The Spiritual Self: Toward a Conceptualization of Spiritual Identity Development, Timothy B. Smith and Justin B. Poll


Racial attitudes among South African young adults: A four-year follow-up study, Timothy B. Smith, Christopher R. Stones, and Anthony Naidoo


Ethnic identity and racial attitudes in a minority group of mixed racial origin, Timothy B. Smith, Joy Stratton, Christopher R. Stones, and Anthony Naidoo

Submissions from 2001


How Separable Are Spirituality and Theology in Psychotherapy?, Brent D. Slife and P. Scott Richards


Parenting Stress in Families with Children with Disabilities, Timothy B. Smith, Matthew N. I. Oliver, and Mark S. Innocenti


Language Acquisition In Children With Autism, Tina Taylor

Submissions from 2000


Ethnic representation in a sample of the literature of applied psychology, Leslie Case and Timothy B. Smith


What Works for Treating Eating Disorders? Conclusions of 28 Outcome Reviews, P. Scott Richards, Bret M. Baldwin, Harold A. Frost, Julie B. Clark-Sly, Michael E. Berrett, and Randy K. Hardman


Caregivers locus of control for child improvement, Timothy B. Smith


Cultural Values and Happiness, Timothy B. Smith

Caregivers' locus of control for child improvement, Timothy B. Smith, Glenna C. Boyce, and Mark S. Innocenti


Strategies for Preventing Disruptive Behaviors Among Students with Autism, Tina Taylor

Submissions from 1999


Impact of peer teaching on the acquisition of social skills by adolescents with learning disabilities, Mary Anne Prater, Loretta A. Serna, and Kayleen K. Nakamura


Health and educational outcomes of children who experienced severe neonatal medical complications, Timothy B. Smith, Glenna C. Boyce, and Glendon Castro


An outreach support group for international students, Timothy B. Smith, Li-Chen Chin, Arpana Inman, and Jennifer Hudson


Evaluating therapy outcome at a university counseling center wit the College Adjustment Scales, Timothy B. Smith, Mark A. Nafziger, and Gwenna C. Couillard


Identities and racial attitudes of South African and American adolescents: A cross-cultural examination, Timothy B. Smith and Christopher R. Stones

Submissions from 1998


Normative data on the college adjustment scales from a university counseling center, Timothy B. Smith, Mark A. Nafziger, and Gwenna C. Couillard

Submissions from 1997


An evaluation of the clinical utility of the College Adjustment Scales, Timothy B. Smith, Mark A. Nafziger, and Gwenna C. Couillard

Submissions from 1996


Development of a Method for Studying Thematic Content of Psychotherapy Sessions, P. Scott Richards and Susan D. Lonborg


Religion and racism: An examination of values and racial attitudes, Timothy B. Smith and Richard N. Roberts


On the Cross-Cultural Attitudes and Experiences of Recently Returned LDS Missionaries, Timothy B. Smith, Richard N. Roberts, and Burton Kerr

Submissions from 1995


Using Spiritual Interventions in Psychotherapy: Practices, Successes, Failures, and Ethical Concerns of Mormon Psychotherapists, P. Scott Richards and Richard W. Potts

Submissions from 1994


Religious Devoutness, Impression Management, and Personality Functioning in College Students, P. Scott Richards

Submissions from 1993


A religiously oriented group counseling intervention for self defeating perfectionism: A pilot study, P. Scott Richards, Laura Owen, and Suzanne Stein

Submissions from 1992


Religious Bias in Moral Development Research: A Psychometric Investigation, P. Scott Richards and Mark L. Davison

Submissions from 1991


Religious Devoutness in College Students: Relations With Emotional Support Adjustment and Psychological Separation From Parents, P. Scott Richards


The Relation Between Conservative Religious Ideology and Principled Moral Reasoning: A Review, P. Scott Richards

Submissions from 1989


Healthy and Unhealthy Forms of Religiousness Manifested by Psychotherapy Clients: An Empirical Investigation, P. Scott Richards, Steven A. Smith, and Lanay F. Davis

Submissions from 1987


Religiousness and Mental Health Reconsidered: A Study of an Intrinsically Religious Sample, Allen E. Bergin, Kevin S. Masters, and P. Scott Richards

Submissions from 1986


Multidimensional Scaling in Counseling Research and Practice, Mark L. Davison, P. Scott Richards, and James B. Rounds Jr.


A Scale for Assessing Student Attitudes Toward Computers: Preliminary Findings, P. Scott Richards, David W. Johnson, and Roger T. Johnson

Submissions from 1985


The Effect of Prolonged Implementation of Cooperative Learning on Social Support Within the Classroom, David W. Johnson, Roger T. Johnson, Lee A. Buckman, and P. Scott Richards


Construct Validation of the Self-Control Schedule, P. Scott Richards