"Impact of peer teaching on the acquisition of social skills by adolesc" by Mary Anne Prater, Loretta A. Serna et al.


Social skills, Learning disabilities, Special education, Negative feedback, Teachers, Special needs students, Training, Adolescents, Disabilities, Positive feedback


The purpose of the study was to examine the impact of peer teaching on social skills acquisition of adolescents with learning disabilities. A special education teacher taught 12 students with learning disabilities three social skills, giving positive feedback, contributing to discussion, and accepting negative feedback. A random sample of five students previously taught by the teacher then instructed five other students with learning disabilities. Results indicated that both groups, the students taught by their teachers and those taught by their peers, improved in all three social skills. Both groups made less improvement in accepting negative feedback. The authors' conclude that social skill instruction taught by peers may be as effective and more efficient than when taught solely by teachers.

Original Publication Citation

Prater, M. A., Serna, L. A., & Nakamura, K. K. (1999). Education and Treatment of Children, 22, 1-17.

Document Type

Peer-Reviewed Article

Publication Date


Permanent URL



West Virginia University Press




David O. McKay School of Education


Counseling Psychology and Special Education

University Standing at Time of Publication

Associate Professor

MaryAnne Permission.pdf (47 kB)
Mediated Submission Document
