"An Exploration of the Role of Religion and Spirituality in the Treatme" by P. Scott Richards, Michael E. Berrett et al.


eating disorder, spirituality, religion, etiology, recovery


This article reports two qualitative studies that explored how religion and spirituality (R/S) influenced the treatment and recovery process of patients with eating disorder. In Study 1 and Study 2, a total of 83 women who had successfully completed treatment at an inpatient eating disorder treatment center responded to open-ended survey questions about the role of R/S in their recovery. Twelve of the women in Study 2 participated in follow-up phone interviews. Qualitative analysis of survey responses and interview transcripts indicated that although many women believed R/S contributed to the development and maintenance of their eating disorder, most of them also felt it was indispensable to their recovery. Several women believed R/S did not influence or negatively influenced their recovery. The findings from these qualitative studies indi- cate that some patients with eating disorders who have completed treatment believe that R/S can be powerful adjuncts in eating disorder treatment. The findings also provide rich insight into how R/S may assist in treatment and recovery.

Original Publication Citation

Richards, P. S., Caoili, C. C., Crowton, S. A., Berrett, M. E., Randy K. Hardman, R. K., Jackson, R. N., & Sanders, P. W. (2018). An exploration of the role of religion and spirituality in the treatment and recovery of patients with eating disorders. Spirituality in Clinical Practice.

Document Type

Peer-Reviewed Article

Publication Date


Permanent URL



Spirituality in Clinical Practice




David O. McKay School of Education


Counseling Psychology and Special Education

University Standing at Time of Publication

Full Professor
