Volume 77, Number 2 (2017)
Front Matter
Fossil Mustela nigripes from Snake Creek Burial Cave, Nevada, and implications for black-footed ferret paleoecology
Nathaniel S. Fox, Steven C. Wallace, and Jim I. Mead
Genetic structure across a contact zone between Xerospermophilus ground squirrels in southern California
Philip Leitner, Jennifer Rippert, and Majorie D. Matocq
Between hot rocks and dry places: the status of the Dixie Valley toad
Matthew J. Forrest, Josefin Stiller, Tim L. King, and Greg W. Rouse
Seasonal progression of aquatic organisms in a temporary wetland in northern California
Michael G. Peterson, Kevin B. Lunde, Ming-Chih Chiu, and Vincent H. Resh
Estimating ages of Utah chubs by use of pectoral fin rays, otoliths, and scales
Kayla M. Griffin, Zachary S. Beard, Jon M. Flinders, and Michael C. Quist
Methods for sampling density and basal area of multi-trunked trees: Juniperus osteosperma in pinyon-juniper vegetation
John L. Vankat
Historical occurrence of White-tailed Ptarmigan in Wyoming
Clait E. Braun and Gregory T. Wann
Distribution of western juniper seeds across an ecotone and implications for dispersal
Lindsay A. Dimitri and William S. Longland
Westward expansion of the evening bat (Nycticeius humeralis) in the United States, with notes on the first record from New Mexico
Brett R. Andersen, Keith Geluso, Hans W. Otto, and Larisa Bishop-Boros
Limitations in the reproductive success of a burrow-nesting bird (Momotus mexicanus) during a humid season
Grégory Michaël Charre, Omar Paniagua, and Marcela Osorio-Beristain
Single-species and multiple-species connectivity models for large mammals on the Navajo Nation
Erica Fleishman, Jesse Anderson, and Brett G. Dickson
A surprising discovery of American pika sites in the northwestern Great Basin
Mackenzie R. Jeffress, K. Jane Van Gunst, and Constance I. Miller
Range extension of the giant water bug Belostoma flumineum Say 1832 (Hemiptera: Belostomatidae) to Saskatchewan, Canada
Iain D. Phillips, Stephen Srayko, Kate S. Prestie, Aaron J. Bell, and Dale Parker
Germination of netleaf hackberry seeds on the north sides of boulders: a shift away from patterns of mature hackberry distribution?
Michael T. Stevens and Daniel L. Holland
End Matter