Western North American Naturalist | Vol 76 | No. 3

Volume 76, Number 3 (2016)

Front Matter



Helminth infections across a Northern Bobwhite (Colinus virginianus) annual cycle in Fisher County, Texas
Stacie M. Villarreal, Andrea Bruno, Alan M. Fedynich, Leonard A. Brennan, and Dale Rollins


Nutrient recycling by Eared Grebes in the Great Salt Lake
Anthony J. Roberts and Michael R. Conover


Nomenclatural adjustments in Phacelia sect. Glandulosae (Hydrophyllaceae, Boraginales)
Genevieve K. Walden, Laura M. Garrison, and Robert Patterson


Aspects of the reproductive ecology of female turtles in New Mexico
Jeffrey E. Lovich, Mickey Agha, Charles W. Painter, Levi Cole, Austin Fitzgerald, Kevin Narum, and Randy D. Jennings


Sagebrush, Greater Sage-Grouse, and the occurrence and importance of forbs
Victoria E. Pennington, Daniel R. Schlaepfer, Jeffrey L. Beck, John B. Bradford, Kyle A. Palmquist, and William K. Lauenroth


Physiological response of Tamarix ramosissima (Tamaricaceae) to a biological control agent
Evan B. Craine, Ann Evankow, Katherine Bibee Wolfson, Kathryn Dalton, Holly Swedlund, Casey Bowen, and M. Shane Heschel



Directional floral orientation in Joshua trees (Yucca brevifolia)
Steven D. Warren, L. Scott Baggett, and Heather Warren


The intestinal parasites of an assemblage of stream fishes in central Utah
Matthew Rambo, Ashlee N. Smith, Mehmet Cemal Oguz, and Mark C. Belk

End Matter