Submissions from 2007
An Overview of MAV Research at Brigham Young University, Timothy W. McLain, Randal W. Beard, D. Blake Barber, and Nathan B. Knoebel
Parallel PSO Using MapReduce, Andrew McNabb, Christopher K. Monson, and Kevin Seppi
Hardness for Explicit State Software Model Checking Benchmarks, Eric G. Mercer and Neha Rungta
Clustering Streaming Music via the Temporal Similarity of Timbre, Jacob Merrell, Bryan S. Morse, and Dan A. Ventura
Is Bowen Theory Valid? A Review of Basic Research, Richard B. Miller, Shayne Anderson, and Davelyne Kaulana Keals
International Marriages in Japan: A Prefecture-Level Analysis, Charlie V. Morgan and John P. Hoffmann
Teaching One Way and Testing Another: An Interview with Scott Howell, James L. Morrison and Scott L. Howell
Image-Based Color Schemes, Bryan S. Morse, Daniel Thornton, Qing Xia, and John Uibel
Empty Threats? How Egyptians' Self-Ontology Should Affect the Way We Read Many Texts, Kerry M. Muhlestein
Conditional discrimination and reversal in amnesia subsequent to hypoxic brain injury or anterior communicating artery aneurysm rupture, C. E. Myers, J. DeLuca, Ramona O. Hopkins, and M. A. Gluck
Experiments in Cooperative Timing for Miniature Air Vehicles, Derek R. Nelson, Timothy W. McLain, and Randal W. Beard
The Effects of Peer Praise Notes on Socially Withdrawn Adolescents: A Classroom Intervention, Julie Nelson, Natalie Webb, and Paul Caldarella
The Effects of Peer Praise Notes on Socially Withdrawn Adolescents: A Classroom Intervention, Julie Nelson, Natalie Webb, and Paul Caldarella
Emerging Adulthood in China: The Role of Social and Cultural Factors, Larry J. Nelson and Xinyin Chen
Associations Between Shyness and Internalizing Behaviors, Externalizing Behaviors, and Relationships during Emerging Adulthood, Larry J. Nelson, Laura M. Padilla-Walker, Sarah Badger, Carolyn McNamara Barry, Jason S. Carroll, and Stephanie D. Madsen
"If You Want Me to Treat You Like an Adult, Start Acting Like One!" Comparing the Criteria That Emerging Adults and Their Parents Have for Adulthood, Larry J. Nelson, Laura M. Padilla-Walker, Jason S. Carroll, Stephanie D. Madsen, Carolyn McNamara Barry, and Sarah Badger
The Basic Skills Evaluation Device, Thorana S. Nelson and Lee N. Johnson
Analysis of stacked rotated gratings, Gregory P. Nordin, P. C. Deguzman, and J. Jiang
Culturally Competent Family Therapy with Latino/Anglo-American Adolescents: Facilitating Identity Formation, Jason C. Northrup and Roy A. Bean
Structural Ambiguity Collecting as a Tool for Teaching Grammar, Dallin D. Oaks
Theistic Psychotherapy and the God Image, Kari A. O'Grady and P. Scott Richards
Characteristics of Mother-Child Interactions Related to Adolescents’ Positive Values and Behaviors, Laura M. Padilla-Walker
Looking on the bright side: The role of identity status and gender on positive orientations during emerging adulthood, Laura M. Padilla-Walker, Carolyn McNamara Barry, Jason S. Carroll, Stephanie D. Madsen, and Larry J. Nelson
Personal Values as a Mediator Between Parent and Peer Expectations and Adolescent Behaviors, Laura M. Padilla-Walker and Gustavo Carlo
Evidence-Based Practice For Marriage and Family Therapists, Jo Ellen Patterson, Rick B. Miller, Stefanie Carnes, and Shanna Wilson