Theses/Dissertations from 2017
Development of a Performance-Based Procedure for Assessment of Liquefaction-Induced Lateral Spread Displacements Using the Cone Penetration Test, Tyler Blaine Coutu
Seismic Analysis of and Provisions for Dry-Stack Concrete Masonry Wall Systems with Surface Bond in Low-Rise Buildings, Joseph G. Eixenberger
Development of a Simplified Performance-Based Procedure for the Assessment of Liquefaction-Induced Settlements Using Liquefaction Loading Maps, Braden Michael Error
Development of a Simplified Performance-Based Procedure for the Assessment of Liquefaction-Induced Settlements Using Liquefaction Loading Maps, Braden Michael Error
Cloud-Based Analytic Element Groundwater Modeling, Jacob Baird Fullerton
Development of a Performance-Based Procedure to Predict Liquefaction-Induced Free-Field Settlements for the Cone Penetration Test, Mikayla Son Hatch
Full-Scale Pavement Testing of Aggregate Base Material Stabilized with Triaxial Geogrid, Shaun Todd Hilton
Full-Scale Testing of Blast-Induced Liquefaction Downdrag on Driven Piles in Sand, Luke Ian Kevan
Analysis of Safety Impacts of Access Management Alternatives Using the Surrogate Safety Assessment Model, Kyung Min Kim
Pull-Out Strength of Fiberglass/Epoxy Composite RebarFabricated on a Three-Dimensional Braiding Machine, Tarisai Machanzi
Pull-Out Strength of Fiberglass/Epoxy Composite RebarFabricated on a Three-Dimensional Braiding Machine, Tarisai Machanzi
Reliability of FEQDrain for Modeling Performance of Sand Treated with Large-Diameter Prefabricated Drains for Liquefaction Mitigation, Travis Hatch Meservy
Reliability of FEQDrain for Modeling Performance of Sand Treated with Large-Diameter Prefabricated Drains for Liquefaction Mitigation, Travis Hatch Meservy
Structural Lightweight Grout Mixture Design, Hannah Jean Polanco
Large-Scale Testing of Low-Strength Cellular Concrete for Skewed Bridge Abutments, Tyler Kirk Remund
Blending and Mixed Variational Principles to Overcome Locking Phenomena in Isogeometric Beams, Kyle Dennis Richardson
Using LiDAR Data to Analyze Access Management Criteria in Utah, Marlee Lyn Seat
Quick Shear Testing of Aggregate Base Materials Stabilized with Geogrid, Rawley Jack Selk
An Investigation into Isogeometric Blended Shells, David Scott Willoughby
Theses/Dissertations from 2016
Simplified Performance-Based Analysis for Seismic Slope Displacements, Marlem Lucia Astorga Mejia
Lateral Resistance of Pipe Piles Behind a 20-Foot-Tall MSE Wall with Welded-Wire Reinforcements, Ryan Thomas Budd
Micro-CT Inspection of Impact Damage in Carbon/Epoxy Rods, Lindsey Charlene Cahoon
A Comprehensive Python Toolkit for Harnessing Cloud-Based High-Throughput Computing to Support Hydrologic Modeling Workflows, Scott D. Christensen
Life-Cycle Benefit-Cost Analysis of Safety Related Improvements on Roadways, Jordan Browne Frustaci
Reservoir Sedimentation: The Economics of Sustainability, Matthew William George
Rotational Strength and Stiffness of Shallowly Embedded Base Connections in Steel Moment Frames, Kevin N. Hanks
The Impact of Bicycle Corridors on Travel Demand in Utah, Christopher Kent Haskell
Finite Element Modeling of Shallowly Embedded Connections to Characterize Rotational Stiffness, Trevor Alexander Jones
Design, Development and Testing of Web Services for Multi-Sensor Snow Cover Mapping, Jiri Kadlec
Lateral Resistance of H-Piles and Square Piles Behind an MSE Wall with Ribbed Strip and Welded Wire Reinforcements, Andrew I. Luna
Submerged Jump Remediation at Low-Head Dams: The Multiple Staggered Deflector Design, Ronald Francis McGhin
Roadway Safety Analysis Methodology, Samuel Thomas Mineer
Development of a Performance-Based Procedure for Assessment of Liquefaction-Induced Free-Field Settlements, Brian David Peterson
Optimum Pick Point Locations for Straight, Singly Symmetric Steel Plate Girders, J. Andrew Pratt
Quantifying Computer Vision Model Quality Using Various Processing Techniques, Samantha Anna Ruggles
The Influence of Pile Shape and Pile Sleeves on Lateral Load Resistance, Dalin Newell Russell
Evaluation of the Accuracy of Approach Volume Counts and Speeds Collected by Microwave Sensors, Gregory Hans Sanchez
Investigation of Structural Capacity of Geogrid-Reinforced Aggregate Base Materials in Flexible Pavements, Eric J. Sweat
Simple Models for Estimating the Rotational Stiffness of Steel Column-to-Footing Connections, Joshua Edwin Tryon
Evaluation of Passive Force on Skewed Bridge Abutments with Controlled Low-Strength Material Backfill, Kevin Bjorn Wagstaff
Typical and Darkened Portland Cement Concrete Pavement: Temperature, Moisture, and Roughness Analyses, Tenli Waters
Theses/Dissertations from 2015
Using Remote Sensing to Explore the Time History of Emergent Vegetation at Malheur Lake, Oregon, Zola Yaa Adjei
A Cloud-Based GSSHA Index Map Editor Utility for Watershed Decision Support, Jocelynn Marie Anderson
Bending Behavior of Carbon/Epoxy Composite IsoBeam Structures, Brandon A. Asay
Experimental Testing of Shallow Embedded Connections Between Steel Columns and Concrete Footings, Nicholas Valgardson Barnwell
Use of Roadway Attributes in Hot Spot Identification and Analysis, David R. Bassett
Lateral Resistance of Pipe Piles Near 20-ft Tall MSE Abutment Wall with Strip Reinforcements, Jason James Besendorfer
Evaluation of the Accuracy of Traffic Volume Counts Collected by Microwave Sensors, David Keali'i Chang
A Pilot Study to Determine the Performance of Tension Lap Splices in Reinforced Masonry Made with Light-Weight Grout, Brandon Richard Corbett
Reducing Drifts in Buckling Restrained Braced FramesThrough Elastic Stories, Jennifer Lorraine Craft
Shear Strength Prediction Methods for Grouted Masonry Shear Walls, Patrick Dillon
A Method for Using Pre-Computed Scenarios of Physically-Based Spatially-Distributed Hydrologic Models in Flood Forecasting Systems, Herman Guillermo Dolder
A Simplified Performance-Based Procedure for the Prediction of Lateral Spread Displacements, Levi Thomas Ekstrom
Large-Scale Testing of Passive Force Behavior for Skewed Bridge Abutments with Gravel and Geosynthetic Reinforced Soil (GRS) Backfills, Amy Fredrickson
Numerical Analysis of Passive Force on Skewed Bridge Abutments, Zifan Guo
Laboratory Resilient Modulus Measurements of Aggregate Base Materials in Utah, Kirk David Jackson
Investigation of Laboratory Test Procedures for Assessing the Structural Capacity of Geogrid-Reinforced Aggregate Base Materials, Jaren Tolman Knighton
Correlation of Fluorescence Spectroscopy and Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD5) Using Regression Analysis, Alexander Tetteh Narteh
Shaking Table Testing to Evaluate Effectiveness of Prefabricated Vertical Drains for Liquefaction Mitigation, Caleb Robert Oakes
Hydrologic Data Sharing Using Open Source Software and Low-Cost Electronics, Jeffrey Michael Sadler
Modeling Stokes Flow Using Hierarchical Structure-Preserving B-Splines, Kendrick Monroe Shepherd
A New Global Forecasting Model to Produce High-Resolution Stream Forecasts, Alan Dee Snow
Tethys Platform: A Development and Hosting Platform for Water Resources Web Apps, Nathan R. Swain
An Automated Tool for High Resolution Visualization Applied to Transient Watershed Models, Noah Robert Taylor
Development of a Simplified Performance-Based Procedure for Assessment of Liquefaction Triggering Using Liquefaction Loading Maps, Kristin Jane Ulmer
Evaluation of Empirical Prediction Methods for Liquefaction-Induced Lateral Spread from the 2010 Maule, Chile, Mw 8.8 Earthquake in Port Coronel, Nicole D. Williams
Evaluating Long-Term Land Cover Changes for Malheur Lake, Oregon Using ENVI and ArcGIS, Ryan Joseph Woods
Theses/Dissertations from 2014
Sensitivity of Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy Measurements to Concrete Bridge Deck Properties, Hillary McKenna Argyle
Source Apportionment of Wastewater Using Bayesian Analysis of Fluorescence Spectroscopy, Daniel B. Blake
Latin American Data Drought: An Assessment of Available River Observation Data in Select Latin American Countries and Development of a Web-Based Application for a Hydrometerological Database System in Spanish, Stephen Joseph Bolster
Influence of Pile Shape on Resistance to Lateral Loading, Guillermo Bustamante
A Model for Analyzing Heating and Cooling Demand for Atria Between Tall Buildings, Samuel David Christensen
Environmentally Friendly and Sustainable Stream Stability in the Vicinity of Bridges, Evan David Cope
In-Plane Lateral Load Capacities of Vertically Oriented Interlocking Timber Panels, Brandon T. Decker
Lateral Resistance of Piles near 15 Foot Vertical MSE Abutment Walls Reinforced with Ribbed Steel Strips, Jarell Han
Analysis of Long-Term Utah Temperature Trends Using Hilbert-Haung Transforms, Brent H. Hargis
Lateral Resistance of Piles Near Vertical MSE Abutment Walls, Cody Hatch
Shear-Dominated Bending Behavior of Carbon/Epoxy Composite Lattice IsoBeam Structures, Kirsten Bramall Hinds
Full-Scale Testing of Blast-Induced Liquefaction Downdrag on Auger-Cast Piles in Sand, Joseph Erick Hollenbaugh
Development and Regional Application of Sub-Seasonal Remote- Sensing Chlorophyll Detection Models, Carly Adeline Hyatt
Public Safety at Low-Head Dams: Fatality Database And Physical Model of Staggered Deflector Retrofit Alternative, Edward William Kern
Crash Prediction Modeling for Curved Segments of Rural Two-Lane Two-Way Highways in Utah, Casey Scott Knecht
Unattended Remotely Operated Deep-Water Sediment Oxygen Demand Chambers, Drake Theodore Mailes
Development of a Chloride Concentration Sampling Protocol for Concrete Bridge Decks, Sharlan Renae Montgomery
Lateral-Torsional Buckling Capacity of Tapered-Flange Moment Frame Shapes, Leah O'Neill
Design and Implementation of an Inverse Modeling Framework Using the Method of Anchored Distributions, Carlos Andres Osorio Murillo
Axial Compression Behavior of Unidirectional Carbon/Epoxy Tubes and Rods Before and After Impact, Ian Michael Oxborrow
Sediment Transport Conditions Near Culverts, Kyle Jay Rowley
Evaluation of Passive Force Behavior for Bridge Abutments Using Large-Scale Tests with Various Backfill Geometries, Jaycee Cornwall Smith
Passive Force on Skewed Bridge Abutments with Reinforced Concrete Wingwalls Based on Large-Scale Tests, Kyle Mark Smith
Strength of Masonry Grout Made with Expanded Shale, Allison Tanner
Effect of High Percentages of Reclaimed Asphalt Pavement on Mechanical Properties of Cement-Treated Base Material, Jacob Clark Tolbert
Evaluation of Current Empirical Methods for Predicting Lateral Spread-Induced Ground Deformations for Large Magnitude Earthquakes Using Maule Chile 2010 Case Histories, Ginger Emily Tryon
Determining Dispersion Coefficients in Sewer Networks, Joshua G. Wagstaff
Investigating Virtual Globes for a Prototype Community Archive of 3D Subsurface Data, Derek C. Whitman
Effect of Video Camera-Based Remote Roadway Condition Monitoring on Snow Removal-Related Maintenance Operations, Seishi Yamagata
Theses/Dissertations from 2013
Frost Susceptibility of Base Materials Treated with Asphalt Emulsion, Noelle Anderson
An Analysis of the Provo River Decree and Its Current Application to Provo Area Water Rights, Karsten Eugene Busby
Evaluating the Safety Effects of Signal Improvements, Ashley Lynn Dowell
Hot Spot Identification and Analysis Methodology, Jacob S. Farnsworth