Theses/Dissertations from 2013
Passive Force on Skewed Abutments with Mechanically Stabilized Earth (MSE) Wingwalls Based on Large-Scale Tests, Bryan William Franke
Compositional and Structural Properties of Emulsion-Treated Base Material: 7800 South in West Jordan, Utah, Lisa Renay Gurney
Introducing the VuePod: Development and Testing of a Low-Cost Large-Scale Stereoscopic Immersive System Using 3D LCD Televisions, Shane Makana Hayden
Second-Order Perturbation Analysis of the St. Venant Equations in Relation to Bed-Load Transport and Equilibrium Scour Hole Development, Frans Joseph Lambrechtsen
Developing Guidelines for Including Mobility-Based Performance Specifications in Highway Construction Contracts, Shawn J. Larson
Accuracy of a Simplified Analysis Model for Modern Skyscrapers, Jacob Scott Lee
Evaluation of Passive Force on Skewed Bridge Abutments with Large-Scale Tests, Aaron Kirt Marsh
Structural Analysis and Optimization of Skyscrapers Connected with Skybridges and Atria, Amy Jean Taylor McCall
Modeling and Optimization of Space Use and Transportation for a 3D Walkable City, Bradley R. Mecham
A Trophic State Analysis of Lakes in Yellowstone National Park, Anthony Alexander Melcher
Lateral Resistance of Piles Near Vertical MSE Abutment Walls at Provo Center Street, Kent R. Nelson
Large-Scale Testing of Passive Force Behavior for Skewed Abutments with High Width-Height Ratios, Katie Noel Palmer
Water Vapor Movement in Freezing Aggregate Base Materials, Maile Anne Rogers
Evaluating the Effects of Non-Anonymity on Student Team-Member Evaluations, Taylor Robert Smith
Condition Assessment of Decommissioned Bridge Decks Treated with Waterproofing Membranes and Asphalt Overlays, Eric Scott Sumsion
Deicer Usage on Concrete and Asphalt Pavements in Utah, Chase David Thomas
Comparison of Performance-Based Liquefaction Initiation Analyses Between Multiple Probabilistic Liquefaction Models Using the Standard Penetration Test, Alexander David Wright
Internal Curing of Concrete Bridge Decks in Utah: Mountain View Corridor Project, Joseph Michael Yaede
Theses/Dissertations from 2012
Sensitivity of Resistivity Measurements on Concrete Bridge Decks to Operator-Controlled and Concrete Material Variables, Natasha Christine Barrus
Structural Design of Flexible ETFE Atrium Enclosures Using a Cable-Spring Support System, Ryan Paul Bessey
Passive Resistance of Abutments with MSE Wingwalls, Nathanael G. Bingham
Reducing Residual Drift in Buckling-Restrained Braced Frames by Using Gravity Columns as Part of a Dual System, Megan Boston
Buckling and Crippling of Square Steel Thin-Walled Tubes Fabricated with Symmetrically-Overlapping U-Channels and Foam, David Camenish Gelder
Principal Components Analysis, Factor Analysis and Trend Correlations of Twenty-Eight Years of Water Quality Data of Deer Creek Reservoir, Utah, Nicolas Alejandro Gonzalez
Complexity of Bed-Load Transport in Gravel Bed Streams: Data Collection, Prediction, and Analysis, Darren D. Hinton
Skew Effects on Passive Earth Pressures Based on Large-Scale Tests, Shon Joseph Jessee
A Server-Based Tool for Automating MODFLOW Simulations for Well Permitting Decision Support, David J. Jones
Study of Water Quality of Utah Lake Tributaries and the Jordan River Outlet for the Calibration of the Utah Lake Water Salinity Model (LKSIM), Gordon Killarney Liljenquist
Two-Refinement by Pillowing for Structured Hexahedral Meshes, J. Bruce Malone
Culvert Roughness Elements for Native Utah Fish Passage: Phase II, Suzanne Kim Monk
Seismic Response of Stiffening Elastic Systems, Andrew Scott Morgan
Evaluating Climate Change Effects in Two Contrasting Reservoirs Using Two-Dimensional Water Quality and Hydrodynamic Models, Oliver Obregon
Lateral Resistance of Piles Near Vertical MSE Abutment Walls, Jacob S. Price
Damage Tolerance of Unidirectional Carbon and Fiberglass Composites with Aramid Sleeves, Charles Andrew Sika
Structural Properties of ICLT Wall Panels Composed of Beetle Killed Wood, David Edward Wilson
Theses/Dissertations from 2011
Damage Tolerance of Unidirectional Basalt/Epoxy Composites In Co-Cured Aramid Sleeves, Devin Nelson Allen
Calibration of the Highway Safety Manual Safety Performance Function and Development of Jurisdiction-Specific Models for Rural Two-Lane Two-Way Roads in Utah, Bradford Keith Brimley
Developing Methods to Assess the Potential Effects of Global Climate Change on Deer Creek Reservoir Using Water Quality Modeling, Reed Earl Chilton
Two-Dimensional Hydrodynamics of Swimming Rainbow Trout Using Navier-Stokes and Large Eddy Simulation Models, Donovan R. Chipman
Factors Affecting the Strength of Road Base Stabilized with Cement Slurry or Dry Cement in Conjunction with Full-Depth Reclamation, Paul A. Dixon
A Multifaceted Sedimentological Analysis on Hobble Creek, Andrew S. Dutson
Experimental Investigation of Steel Pipe Pile to Concrete Cap Connections, Ryan S. Eastman
Damage Tolerance of Buckling-Critical Unidirectional Carbon, Glass,and Basalt Fiber Composites in Co-Cured Aramid Sleeves, Michael D. Embley
Culvert Roughness Elements for Native Utah Fish Passage: Phase I, Lindsay D. Esplin
Automated Delay Estimation at Signalized Intersections: Phase I Concept and Algorithm Development, Taylor R. Forbush
Analysis of Selected Factors Affecting Concrete Cover Measurements on Bridge Decks, Jeffrey Ryan Hoki
Evaluation of Portable Devices for Monitoring Microcracking of Cement-Treated Base Layers, Charles A. Hope
Using Commodity Flow Data for Predicting Truck Freight Flow on State Truck Routes, Goangsung Jin
Automatic All-Hex Topology Operations Using Edge Valence Prediction with Application to Localized Coarsening, Timothy Ira Miller
Mapping and Modeling Chlorophyll-a Concentrations in Utah Lake Using Landsat 7 ETM+ Imagery, Victor Nii Afum Narteh
Hexahedral Mesh Refinement Using an Error Sizing Function, Gaurab Paudel
Comparison of Analysis and Optimization Methods for Core-Megacolumn-Outrigger Skyscrapers, James B. Peterson
Temporal and Spatial Variability in Base Materials Treated with Asphalt Emulsion, Tyler James Quick
Quantifying Mass Sediment Movement in Deer Creek Reservoir During Spring Runoff and Potential Water Quality Impacts, Colin Rodger Ricks
Reduction in Wick Drain Effectiveness in Typical Utah Clays, Gabriel M. Smith
Field Algae Measurements Using Empirical Correlations at Deer Creek Reservoir, Ryan A. Stephens
A GIS-Based Data Model and Tools for Analysis and Visualization of Levee Breaching Using the GSSHA Model, Hoang Luu Tran
Strength of Concrete Masonry Prisms Constructed with Non-Traditional Grout and Type-M Mortar, Scott Michael Watterson
Evaluation of the Effectiveness of a Variable Advisory Speed System on Queue Mitigation in Work Zones, Aaron B. Wilson
Strength and Deformation Characteristics of a Cement-Treated Reclaimed Pavement with a Chip Seal, Bryan T. Wilson
Theses/Dissertations from 2010
Field Evaluation of Asphalt Overlays on State Route 30 in Northern Utah, Mark J. Butler
Comparison of Winter Temperature Profiles in Asphalt and Concrete Pavements, Jeremy Brooks Dye
An Adaptive Grid-Based All Hexahedral Meshing Algorithm Based on 2-Refinement, Jared D. Edgel
An Enhanced Data Model and Tools for Analysis and Visualization of Levee Simulations, Thomas Richard Griffiths
Effects of Thermal Gradient and Fines Content on Frost Heave of an Alaska Base Material, Adam Ray Homewood
Evaluation of the Accuracy of the Incremental Queue Accumulation Delay Estimation Method, Yaye Mallon Keita
Effectiveness of Compacted Fill and Rammed Aggregate Piers for Increasing Lateral Resistance of Pile Foundations, Nathan A. Lemme
Numerical Analysis of the Effectiveness of Limited Width Gravel Backfills in Increasing Lateral Passive Resistance, Mo'oud Nasr
An Examination of Distributed Hydrologic Modeling Methods as Compared with Traditional Lumped Parameter Approaches, Murari Paudel
Using Buckling-Restrained Braces in Eccentric Configurations, Gary S. Prinz
Understanding the Economics of Transportation in Utah, Jeremy E. Searle
Hydraulic Conductivity of Cement-Treated Soils and Aggregates after Freezing, Michael Scott Shea
Influence of Relative Compaction on Passive Resistance of Abutments with Mechanically Stabilized Earth (MSE) Wingwalls, Alec N. Strassburg
Liquefaction Mitigation in Silty Sands at Salmon Lake Dam Using Stone Columns and Wick Drains, Emily Dibb Thiriot
Analyzing the Effectiveness of Safety Measures Using Bayesian Methods, Daniel J. Thurgood
Minimizing Base Column Demands in Multi-Story Buckling Restrained Braced Frames Using Genetic Algorithms, Christopher Hiroshi Yeates
Theses/Dissertations from 2009
Automated All-Quadrilateral Mesh Adaptation through Refinement and Coarsening, Bret D. Anderson
Phosphorus Fractionation and Distribution across Delta of Deer Creek Reservoir, Warren C. Casbeer
Behavior of a Full-Scale Pile Cap with Loosely and Densely Compacted Clean Sand Backfill under Cyclic and Dynamic Loadings, Colin Reuben Cummins
Evaluation of Full-depth Reclamation on Strength and Durability of Pavement Base Layers, Benjamin Earl Griggs
Analysis of the Sediment Transport Capabilities of TUFLOW, Cameron G. Jenkins
Isogeometric Finite Element Analysis Using T-Splines, Jingang Li
Second-Order Structural Analysis with One Element per Member, Jesse William Lyon
Passive Earth Pressures on a Pile Cap with a Dense Sand Backfill, Robert Ashall Marsh
Impact of Large Gravity Loads on Buckling Restrained Braced Frame Performance, Mark Thurgood Matthews
Economic Development Criteria and Project Prioritization, Jason Scott McGee
The Effect of Flowable Fill on the Lateral Resistance of Driven-Pile Foundations, Dustin David Miner
Optimized Distribution of Strength in Buckling-Restrained Brace Frames in Tall Buildings, Graham Thomas Oxborrow
Visualizing and Modeling Mining-Induced Surface Subsidence, Marcor Gibbons Platt
Performance of a Full-Scale Lateral Foundation with Fine and Coarse Gravel Backfills Subjected to Static, Cyclic, and Dynamic Lateral Loads, Joshua M. Pruett
Liquefaction Mitigation in Silty Sands Using Stone Columns with Wick Drains, Michael James Quimby
Stochastic Spatio-Temporal Uncertainty in GIS-Based Water Quality Modeling of the Land Water Interface, Ahmad Mohamad Salah
Automated Calibration of the GSSHA Watershed Model: A Look at Accuracy and Viability for Routine Hydrologic Modeling, Kayson M. Shurtz
Correlating Responses of Portable Field Instruments Used for Testing Aggregate and Soil Pavement Layers, Wendy Melissa Thompson
Slip Lined Culvert Retrofit and Fish Passage, Joseph Ray Webb
Theses/Dissertations from 2008
Impact of Jet Grouting on the Lateral Strength of Soil Surrounding Driven Pile Foundations, Matthew E. Adsero
Crashes in the Vicinity of Major Crossroads, Charles G. Allen
Fish Passage at UDOT Culverts: Prioritization and Assessment, Aaron Evens Beavers
Sedimentological and Biological Analyses on Hobble Creek Prior to Restoration, Jaron Michael Brown