Russian Language Journal
Russian Language Journal, reviews, linguistics, culture
On behalf of the editorial team of the Russian Language Journal, it is with great pleasure that we present Volume 63. The current issue of RLJ sees a number of changes to the editorial team as well as an expansion of the kinds of materials we publish; we hope that these changes serve both the profession and our readers. Starting with this issue, we will include review articles, as well as a section of shorter book reviews. Michael Gorham, our Associate Editor, leads this effort for the RLJ. As well, there are two new appointments to the Editorial Team: Dr. Ewa Golonka, of the Center for Advanced Study of Language, joins us as an Associate Editor, with primary responsibility among the team for Second Language Acquisition, Pedagogy, and Linguistics, and I have the privilege of assuming the position of Editor, following in the formidable footsteps of our colleague, Dr. Maria D. Lekić. Her remarkable tenure as editor of RLJ saw the revival and renaissance of a crucial repository of the collected knowledge of the Russian field. I am deeply indebted to her example and her fine work in reestablishing this journal, and — working with the worldwide коллектив of scholars of Russian — I shall endeavor to carry on her example.
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Russian Language Journal: Vol. 63:
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