Russian Language Journal, RLJ | Journals | Brigham Young University

Russian Language Journal


Editor-in-Chief: Liudmila Klimanova, University of Arizona
Associate Editors: Ewa Golonka, University of Maryland
Ekaterina Sudina, University of Maryland
  Cori Anderson, Rutgers University
Assistant Editors: Sofia Kasmeridi, ACTR
  Molly Godwin-Jones, University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa
  Karen Evans-Romaine, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Peer Reviewers: 2023, 2024

Russian Language Journal is the official refereed journal of the American Council of Teachers of Russian. The journal is a bilingual scholarly review of research, resources, symposia, and publications pertinent to the study and teaching of Russian language and culture, as well as comparative and interdisciplinary research in Russian and other Slavic languages, culture and the acquisition of Russian and other Slavic languages as a second language. The journal seeks to serve the professional interests of classroom instructors, researchers, and administrators across a range of contexts and is dedicated to the advancement of the teaching and learning of Russian. The journal publishes two issues a year - in June (Special Issue) and December (Regular or Thematic Issue).

Current Issue: Volume 74, Issue 1 (2024) Artificial Intelligence (AI) & Machine Translation in the Teaching of Slavic Languages and Literatures

Thematic Section


AI Chatbot as a Companion in Writing Travel Notes
Maria Sulimova and Daria Dornicheva


Book Reviews


Book Review: Golosa: A Basic Course in Russian (6th ed)
Michelle Verbitskaya and Siobhán Seigne

Digital Resources Corner