
Russian Language Journal

RLJ Call for Proposals


The Russian Language Journal invites proposals for special issues that explore areas of current interest in Slavic linguistics and language teaching. Special issues serve as an excellent platform to showcase diverse methodologies and perspectives on specific topics within these fields. We are particularly interested in proposals focused on Slavic linguistics, intersections between literature and language, corpus linguistics, digital studies, sociolinguistics, language acquisition, and decolonization in Slavic Studies, though we welcome other innovative topics as well.

We are looking for guest editor(s), who will produce an issue on a timely and compelling theme that will resonate with our readership and move the field forward. If you are interested in becoming a guest editor, please submit a MS Word file with a proposal to rljeditor@gmail.com addressing the following points:

  1. name(s) and affiliation(s) of the guest editor(s)
  2. topic of the special issue
  3. rationale for the topic (500-750 words)
  4. short CV of each guest editor (with particular emphasis on published research on the topic of the special issue and editing experience)
  5. draft Call for Papers for the special issue

Guest editors may also include a list of possible topics (as part of the CFP) and/or the names of authors they may invite to contribute. Please note that articles in a special issue can fall under any of the article types published by the Russian Language Journal, including research studies, conceptual papers, pedagogical reports, and state-of-the-art scholarship reviews.

Initial expressions of interest and informal inquiries are encouraged and should be sent to the editors – rljeditor@gmail.com. All proposals will be evaluated by the RLJ Journal’s editorial board.