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Tuesday, September 15th
11:00 AM

Modelling Climate Change Impacts on the Water-Energy-Food Nexus

Seleshi Yalew, Technical University of Delft

11:00 AM - 11:20 AM

11:20 AM

Water-Food-Poverty Nexus

Tiziano Distefano, University of Pisa

11:20 AM - 11:40 AM

12:00 PM

Climate Change as a Threat Multiplier: Assessing Conflict Risk in Uganda

Gautam Sethi, Bard College, United States

12:00 PM - 12:20 PM

1:00 PM

A land use change model to simulate the global development of irrigated cropland areas

Christopher Jung, CESR, University of Kassel, Germany

1:00 PM - 1:20 PM

1:20 PM

Assessing the effects of agricultural intensification on natural habitats and biodiversity in Southern Amazonia

Jan Goepel, CESR, University of Kassel, iES, University of Coblenz-Landau

1:20 PM - 1:40 PM

1:40 PM

Implementing the role of reservoirs in the CTSM land surface model

Inne Vanderkelen, VUB

1:40 PM - 2:00 PM

2:00 PM

Local biogeophysical effects of deforestation

Steven De Hertog, VUB Brussels

2:00 PM - 2:20 PM

2:20 PM

Modelling landcover change with a CA-Markov model for the Siliana hydrological catchment (Northwestern Tunisia)

Imen El Ghoul, UClouvain, GDRES, CERTE

2:20 PM - 2:40 PM

2:40 PM

Scenario development in land-use change model: An empirical comparison between deductive and inductive approaches

Margriet Cox, Delft University of Technology

2:40 PM - 3:00 PM

3:00 PM

Simulating global agricultural land-use change as local economic decisions in a multi-model framework: strengths, limitations and ways forward

Vasco Diogo, Swiss Federal Institute WSL, Switzerland

3:00 PM - 3:20 PM

3:40 PM

Policy support for sustainable development in an uncertain future

Hedwig van Delden, RIKS

3:40 PM - 4:00 PM

4:00 PM

Addressing economic, political and social feasibility of simulated biophysically optimal landscapes

Michael Strauch, Helmholtz Center - UFZ, Germany

4:00 PM - 4:20 PM

4:40 PM

Designing synergetic and sustainable policy mixes - a new methodology

Hannah Kosow, ZIRIUS, Germany

4:40 PM - 5:00 PM

5:00 PM

Probabilistic approach for drought mitigation measures in the Sardinian water systems

Andrea Sulis, University of Cagliari

5:00 PM - 5:20 PM

5:20 PM

The D-MOSS dengue fever forecasting system

Quillon Harpham, HR Wallingford, UK

5:20 PM - 5:40 PM

6:20 PM

Adapting the QMRA framework for a real-time decision support at DWTP

Luis Godo-Pla, LEQUIA - University of Girona, LEQUIA - Universitat de Girona & ATL, Spain

6:20 PM - 6:40 PM

6:40 PM

Enhanced coagulation with RSM and HPSEC analysis for DWTPs optimization

Jordi Suquet, LEQUIA -University of Girona

6:40 PM - 7:00 PM

7:00 PM

NOM fractionation by HPSEC-DAD-DOC to optimise drinking water treatment processes

Meritxell Valentí-Quiroga, LEQUIA, UdG

7:00 PM - 7:20 PM

7:20 PM

Multiobjective Optimization to Support Long-term Water Treatment Planning

Joseph Kasprzyk, University of Colorado Boulder, USA

7:20 PM - 7:40 PM

Wednesday, September 16th
10:20 AM

Exploring land based benefits of the circular economy

Martin Jancovic, State Nature Conservancy, SR, Constantine the Philosopher University

10:20 AM - 10:40 AM

11:40 AM

Testing slum upgrading policies to foster sustainable development in cities: Exploring effects on Indian cities with an agent-based model

Nina Schwarz, University of Twente, Netherlands

11:40 AM - 12:00 PM

4:00 PM

Assessing Regional Tradeoffs for Fit-for-Purpose Water and End-Use Efficiency

Sybil Sharvelle, Colorado State University

4:00 PM - 4:00 PM

5:40 PM

Modelling Green and Grey Stormwater Infrastructure Using a 2D Model for New York City

Tyler Dell, Colorado State University, USA

5:40 PM - 6:00 PM

6:00 PM

CLASIC: A Tool to Inform Decisions on Appropriate Application of Stormwater Control Measures

Sybil Sharvelle, Colorado State University

6:00 PM - 6:20 PM

Thursday, September 17th
1:40 PM

Contingent Diachronicity and Biodiversity: Lessons from an agent-based model simulating the impact of biodiversity offsetting policy in a complex, socio-ecological system

Matthew Hare, The James Hutton Institute

1:40 PM - 2:00 PM