An ETD is an electronic thesis or dissertation document. The document is similar to its paper predecessor, but differs in that ETDs may incorporate multimedia elements, enabling graduate students to more effectively and creatively present their research. ETDs consume virtually no library shelf space, never collect dust, and are available to anyone browsing the World Wide Web. Students were required to submit an electronic version of their paper beginning in September 2009.


Theses/Dissertations from 2014


Interpreting Standard Usage Empirically, Jacob F. Frandsen


Identification of the Infection Route of a Fusarium Seed Pathogen into Non-Dormant Bromus tectorum Seeds, JanaLynn Franke


With So Little Time, Where Do We Start? Targeted Teaching Through Analyzing Error Egregiousness and Error Frequency, Katie Fredrickson


Parturition of Mule Deer in Southern Utah: Management Implications and Habitat Selection, Eric D. Freeman


Determining Dictionary and Usage Guide Agreement with Real-World Usage: A Diachronic Corpus Study of American English, Amanda Kae Fronk


The Effects of Laryngeal Desiccation and Nebulized Isotonic Saline in Trained Male Singers, Robert B. Fujiki


Inheriting the Library: The Archon and the Archive in George MacDonald's Lilith, Lauran Ray Fuller


Teachers' Curricular Reasoning and MKT in the Context of Algebra and Statistics, Kolby J. Gadd


Reading between the Bloodied Lines and Bodies: Dissecting Shakespeare’s Titus Andronicus and Vesalius’s De Humani Corporis Fabrica, Hillary Gamblin


Analyzing the Instructional Methodologies and Ideologies Underlying English as a Foreign Language Textbooks in China and Evaluating Their Alignment with Assessments and National Standards, Anneke Garcia


Studies of PhoU in Escherichia coli: Metal Binding, Dimerization,Protein/Protein Interactions, and a Signaling Complex Model, Stewart G. Gardner


The Influence of University-Related International Experience, Volunteer Service,and Service-Learning on Moral Growth , Parry F. Garff


Social Referencing in Domestic Dogs: The Effects of Human Affective Behavior on Canines Point Following, Peggy Janell Gartman


Characterization of Postural Tremor in Essential Tremor Using a Seven-Degree-of-Freedom Model, Daniel William Geiger


The Accurate Productions of Emotion Words During a Social Communication Intervention in Children with Language Impairment, Emily Marie Gibbons


The Impact of Parentification on Depression Moderated by Self-Care: A Multiple Group Analysis by Gender for South Korea and the U.S., Sunnie Giles


Faculty-Student Interaction and the Educational Outcomes of Native American College Students: A Comparison of First-Generation and Continuing-Generation College Students, Natasha Marilyn Gillette


A Lesson in Rhetoric: Finding God Through Language in “Batter my heart”, Marc Daniel Giullian


Measuring Human Workload in Unmanned Aerial Vehicles, Timothy J. Gledhill


The Impacts of Feral Horses on the Use of Water by Pronghorn on the Sheldon National Wildlife Refuge, Nevada, Amy Marie Gooch


Divalent Copper Compounds as Inhibitory Agents of Influenza A, Nathan Allan Gordon


Lessons Learned: The Process of Creating and Evaluating an Adult Literacy Curriculum for College Transition, Meredith Leigh Packard Gravett


Along Strike Variability of Thrust-Fault Vergence, Scott Royal Greenhalgh


Discovery of an Allosteric Site on Furin, contributing to Potent Inhibition: A Promising Therapeutic for the Anemia of Chronic Inflammation, Andrew Jacob Gross


The Efficacy of Social Communication Intervention on Teacher Report of Sociability for Children With Language Impairment, Julianne Grover Smith Guerra