Theses/Dissertations from 2024
Barbie, Taylor Michelle Gale
Comics About Organs: Social Support and Graphic Medicine in The Awkward Yeti, Jacob Gibb
The National Basketball Association Communications Strategy for the 2019-20 Season Restart, Trevor Dale Jones
Taking a Bite out of Shark Week: Discovery's CSA and CSR Messages, Kari Mortenson
"Remember Me": A Narrative Analysis on Latino Representation in Disney's Coco and Encanto, Angie Nicole Vega
Black Stereotypes in Basketball Films, Carsen Jackson Williams
Theses/Dissertations from 2023
Green Lighting the Altruistic Influencer, Savanna Rebecca Bagley
Twitch Chat Advertising: How Live Chat Valence Affects Consumer Advertising Perceptions, Austin W. Camper
The Pioneering Efforts of Ellen Larsen: The First Female Sports Information Director at Brigham Young University, Kiana Schlenker
A Rhetorical Analysis of Motivational Speeches in Sports Films, Brenna Seeman
Losing Control to the Controller: MMORPG Video Game Addiction and Mediating Roles of Player Motivations, Abbie Speed
Social Media's Impact on the Puerto Rican Diaspora After Hurricane Maria, Heidi Lynn Steidel II Camacho
"Social" Movements: A Trend Analysis of the Role of Social Media in Social Movements, Courtney Nelson Stubbs
Sound, Stories, and Psychology: The Perceptions and Motivations of Audiobook Consumption, Ellice K. Tan
Theses/Dissertations from 2022
Examining the Effects of Eating Behaviors on Mental Health and Internalization of Weight-Based Messaging, Avery E. Bollinger
Narrative Archetypes and Paratextuality: Analysis of Three Films by Christopher Nolan, Alycia Burnett
How Brazilians Used Media to Cope with the Issues Brought by the COVID-19 Pandemic, Vivian de Melo Campos
Examining the Perceptions of Fake News, Verification, and Notices on Twitter, Brendan Patrick Gwynn
An Eye to the Sky: Describing Characteristics of Weather App Users Through Q Method, Danielle Wardinsky Hallows
Exploring Perceptions of New Media Among the Lakota Nation, Isabelle C. Kramer
Mutants, Sentinels, and Cerebro: Messages About Technology and Society in Science Fiction Films, Paige Marie Lee
Facing the Matter: An Eye-tracking Assessment of Social Media Beauty Filter's Impact on Cosmetic Surgery Normative Beliefs, Camilla Marie Owens
Virtual Advertising in the NBA: How Arousal Level and Visual Attention Alter Brand Recall and Recognition, Caleb H. Porter
"This is the Way": Gender Representation in Disney's The Mandalorian, Brooke Solorio
Nutritional Messaging: To Eat or Not to Eat?, Christina Triptow
The Intersection of Fashion and Politics: A Semiotic Analysis of Vogue Magazine Covers Surrounding Election Seasons, Megan M. Vincent
Theses/Dissertations from 2021
Agenda Setting in the Digital Age: The Impact of Mass Media and Social Media on the Topic of Sexual Harassment, Melissa True Gibbs
Linking Exposure to Political Content on Social Media with Political Polarization: The Mediating Role of Anger, Audrey Anne Halversen
Perceptions of the Physically Disabled Influenced by Media Portrayals, Jessica Parcell
Exploring Mentions of Pornography in Popular Television Shows, A. Lucia Pollock
Influence for Change: Consumer Perceptions of Social Media Influencer Engagement in Social Responsibility, Lauren Elizabeth Silva
< Justice > and < Open Debate >: An Ideographic Analysis of < Freedom of Speech >, Emily Ann Spackman
Theses/Dissertations from 2020
Depictions of Female Body Types in Advertising: How Regional Visual Attention, Body Region Satisfaction, Media Influence, and Drive for Thinness Relate, Dallin Russell Adams
Creating a Long-Term Relationship Between a Museum and its Patrons: Examining Social Media as OPR Tool, Kylie M. Brooks
Asian American Cultural Identity Portrayal on Instagram, Jesse Lau Kristine King
Self-Framing of Women in U.S. Politics on Instagram, Madison Marie Parks
Gender Portrayal in Marvel Cinematic Universe Films: Gender Representation, Moral Alignment, and Rewards for Violence, Kristen Ray
Comparing Binge-Watching Motivations in South Korea and the United States: Westernization of South Korean Entertainment, Sohyun Ribeiro
Comparing Binge-Watching Motivations in South Korea and the United States: Westernization of South Korean Entertainment Media, Sohyun Ribeiro
UsTube -- An Exploration of the Relationship Between YouTube and Influencers, Alex Michie Sanders
UsTube - A Grounded Theory Analysis of the Relationship Between YouTube and Influencers, Alex Michie Sanders
The Roles of Moral Anger, Empathy, and Self-Efficacy in Persuading Prosocial Activism, Erin Lurae Willder
Jumping from Journalism -- Why Broadcast Journalists Leave the Field, Daniel Mark Woodruff
Theses/Dissertations from 2019
The New Face of Business: Comparing Male and Female Gender Stereotypes in Multi-Level Marketing Facebook Posts in India, Hannah Elizabeth Chudleigh
Refugees and Media Framing During the Refugee Crisis, Alyssa Carol Davidson
Way-Finding: A New Approach to Studying Digital Communications, William Daniel Glade
Bridging the Gender Gap: A Journey of Women and Men in Communications Leadership, Steven Bruce Pelham
Deflategate and Image Repair Theory: A Case Study, Erica Alejandra Rivas Cruz
Is Binge Watching Bad for You? Escapism, Stress, Self-Controland Gratifications?, Weipu Wang
Theses/Dissertations from 2018
TV Dads: A Grounded Theory Analysis of Viewer Perceptions of Fathers in Television Dramas, Katherine Ann Barboza
Social Media Use and Its Impact on Relationships and Emotions, Spencer Palmer Christensen
But First, Let Me Take a Selfie: A Content Analysis of Female and Male Celebrity Selfies on Instagram, Maureen Grace Elinzano
Brand Communication Through Social Media Influencers: How Organizations Can Advance Effective Relationships with SMIs in Brazil, Andressa Ferreira Gaertner
Why Can't Zelda Save Herself? How the Damsel in Distress Trope Affects Video Game Players, Jared Capener Hansen
How Are U.S. Startups Using Instagram? An Application of Taylor's Six-Segment Message Strategy Wheel and Analysis of Image Features, Functions, and Appeals, Robert David Jenkins
The Impact of Breakups on Social Media Use Among Digital Natives, HyeJin Kim
A Content Analysis of Relationships and Intimacy in Teen Dramas on Television, Sara Valoise Lamb
A Q-Method Study of Visual Metaphors in Advertising, Mckenzie Joell Madsen
Like and Shout: Brand Loyalty, Framing, and Fan Interactions on the BYU Football Facebook Page, Zachary Anderson Miller
The Impact of Statistical, Research-Based, andNarrative Anti-Pornography Messagingon Psychological Reactance, Alison Rachel Ostler
A Rhetorical Analysis of Campaign Songs in Modern Elections, Lottie Elizabeth Peterson
Nonprofit Public Relationships on Social Media: The Public's Perspective, Brooke Lauren Smith
P300 Event-Related Potentials to a Phoneme Discrimination Task Requiring a Motor Response, Kaitlyn Chelsea Turner
The Emotional Effects of Life Experience on Bilingual Speakers' Nonverbal Communications, Sarah Marie Webb
Perceptual Proficiency Ratings of Obstruent Productions in L2 Learners of English as a Function of Speech Task Type, Word Position, and Listener Expertise, Rachel McPherson Zitting
Theses/Dissertations from 2017
Livestrong or Lie Hard: A Pentadic Analysis of Deception and Reputation Management in 'The Armstrong Lie', Harper D. Anderson
"Sure It's Foreign Music, but It's Not Foreign to Me" Understanding K-Pop's Popularity in the U.S. Using Q Sort, Janice Kim Cho
The Rise of the Listicle: Using Eye-Tracking and Signal Detection Theory to Measure This Growing Phenomenon, Jason Robert Freeman
The Rise of the Listicle: Using Eye-Tracking and Signal Detection Theory to Measure This Growing Phenomenon, Jason Robert Freeman
Tweeting for a Cause: A Content Analysis of Successful Charitable Nonprofits' Publishing Strategies on Twitter, Shaela Annice Hougaard
A Content Analysis of the Portrayal of Refugees in U.S. News Media, Tambi Farouk Issac
Is Video Enjoyment Deeper for Those with ADHD?, Daisy Kristina Milman
Social Aggression in the 2016 U.S. Presidential Primary and General Election Debates, Daniel John Montez
The Post-Revolutionary Roles of Fidel Castro: A Semiotic Analysis of Cuban Political Posters, 1959-1988, Meghan Elizabeth Payne
When Eyes and Ears Compete: Eye Tracking How Television News Viewers Read and Recall Pull Quote Graphics, Othello Lennox Richards
When Eyes and Ears Compete: Eye Tracking How Television News Viewers Read and Recall Pull Quote Graphics, Othello Lennox Richards
Natural Disaster Films: A Social Learning and Perceived Realism Perspective, Melissa Seipel
Natural Disaster Films: A Social Learning and Perceived Realism Perspective, Melissa Seipel
The Right to Be Forgotten: Analyzing Conflicts Between Free Expression and Privacy Rights, Mindy Weston
Theses/Dissertations from 2016
An E-Government Analysis of State Legislatures' Social Media Use, Karen Sue Connell
Social Supers: A Content Analysis of Non-Physical Aggressions in Popular Superhero Movies, Ian Trent Gillespie
That's Disgusting: The Role of Disgust in Nonprofit Marketing Campaigns, Tyler N. King
We're Friends Right? Dialogical Strategy Effects in CSR Facebook Posts on Perceived Organizational Trust and Authenticity, Casey J. McDonald
Assessing Diversity Among Corporations in Brazil: An Exploratory Study, Helga Sheyla Pereira
Why Kids Are 'Lovin' It': A Q Methodology Analysis of the Appeal of McDonald's, Erica Nelson Rivera
The Gratification Niches of Traditional and Digital Radio, Don G. Shelline
How Public Relations Firms Do PR for Themselves Through Corporate Social Responsibility, Melissa Elise Steckler
Just Tweet It: Sports Teams' Communication of CSR on Twitter, David Paul Stephan
Standing Ground: Situational Crisis Communication Theory and The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints Handbook Policy Change, Natalie Marie Tripp
Modeling Children's Organization of Utterances Using Statistical Information from Adult Language Input, Katie Lynn Walker
Theses/Dissertations from 2015
The Role of Documentary Film in the Emerging Social Entrepreneurial Culture, KaRyn Elizabeth Daley
Online Mormon Self-Presentation: Content Analysis of and Profiles, Megan Marie Fereday
Exploring LDS Missionary Blogs: How Culture Manifests in Self-Narratives of Foreign Missionaries, Karina Marie Gathu
Where They Least Expect It: Product Placement in Children's Picture Books, Steven John Holiday
#DoINeedSocialMedia: Social Media in Local Political Elections, Brittany K. Karzen
Power Distance in Mormon Culture, Sara Isabel Lee
Television Executive Producers' Use of Twitter as a Public Relations Tool, Scott Joseph Nash
New Mothers and Social Media: The Effects of Social Media Consumption and Production on Social Support and Parental Stress, Rachel Clawson Nielsen