Western North American Naturalist | Vol 84 | No. 3

Volume 84, Number 3 (2024)

Front Matter



Genetic variation and population structure among western hibernacula of Townsend’s big-eared bats, Corynorhinus townsendii townsendii
Natalie M. Hamilton, Katelyn Sanchez, Megan L. Moran, Richard E. Sherwin, Jessica E. Light, and Michael L. Morrison


Northern breeding range expansion of two Sula species at Sutil Island, California, USA
Jim A. Howard, Amelia J. DuVall, David M. Pereksta, David M. Mazurkiewicz, Adam J. Searcy, Phillip J. Capitolo, and Tamara M. Russell


A botanical framework for long-term research in the Upper Sand Creek Research Natural Area, Dixie National Forest, Utah, USA
Marc Coles-Ritchie, Pierce Adams, John R. Spence, Andrey Zharkikh, Joel Tuhy, Linda Whitham, Mimi Trudeau, and Steven D. Leavitt



Novel records of rodent species in the Sierra de Manantlán, Jalisco, México: phylogenetic insights and taxonomic implications
Daryl D. Cruz, Daily Martínez-Borrego, Francisco X. González-Cózatl, María Magdalena Ramíriz-Martínez, and Elizabeth Arellano

End Matter