Western North American Naturalist | Vol 78 | No. 1

Volume 78, Number 1 (2018)

Front Matter



Short-term regeneration dynamics of Wyoming big sagebrush at two sites in northern Utah
Sara J. Germain, Rebecca K. Mann, Thomas A. Monaco, and Kari E. Veblen


Humpback Chub (Gila cypha) range expansion in the western Grand Canyon
David L. Rogowski, Robin J. Osterhoudt, Harrison E. Mohn, and Jan K. Boyer


Occurrence of chironomid species (Diptera: Chironomidae) in the high Se-78 concentrations and high pH of Fountain Creek Watershed, Colorado, USA
Del Wayne R. Nimmo, Scott J. Herrmann, James E. Sublette, Igor V. Melnykov, Lisa K. Helland, John A. Romine, James S. Carsella, Lynn M. Herrmann-Hoesing, Jason A. Turner, and Brian D. Vanden Heuvel



Molecular detection of northern leatherside chub (Lepidomeda copei) DNA in environmental samples
Joseph C. Dysthe, Kellie J. Carim, Thomas W. Franklin, Dave Kikkert, Michael K. Young, Kevin S. McKelvey, and Michael K. Schwartz


Mass upstream dispersal of pelagic-broadcast spawning cyprinids in the Rio Grande and Pecos River, New Mexico
Thomas P. Archdeacon, Stephen R. Davenport, Joshua D. Grant, and Eileen B. Henry


Evidence for current presence of a collared peccary ( Pecari tajacu) in Guanajuato, Mexico
Juan F. Charre-Medellín, J. Manuel Rangel-Rojas, Gloria Magaña-Cota, Tiberio C. Monterrubio-Rico, and Joel L. Charre-Luna


End Matter