Volume 75, Number 1 (2015)
Front Matter
Precision of hard structures used to estimate age of mountain whitefish (Prosopium williamsoni)
Carson J. Watkins, Tyler J. Ross, Ryan S. Hardy, and Michael C. Quist
Northern range extension of the figeater beetle, Cotinis mutabilis (Scarabaeidae: Cetoniinae), into Nevada, Utah, and Colorado
Frank-Thorsten Krell, Jeff B. Knight, Robert Hammon, Pamela Wheeler, Jeffrey Johns Roberts, and Jason R. Eckberg
Molecular systematics of Nyctinomops (Chiroptera: Molossidae)
Richard W. Dolman and Loren K. Ammerman
Fecal glucocorticoid levels of endangered San Joaquin kit foxes (Vulpes macrotis mutica) in natural and urban habitats
Julia L. Nelson, Scott Creel, and Brian L. Cypher
Assessing the value of potential "native winners" for restoration of cheatgrass-invaded habitat
Rebecca S. Barak, Jeremie B. Fant, Andrea T. Kramer, and Krissa A. Skogen
Baselines to detect population stability of threatened alpine plant Packera franciscana (Asteraceae)
James F. Fowler, Carolyn Hull Sieg, and Shaula Hedwall
Antioxidant capacity of Wyoming big sagebrush (Artemisia tridentata ssp. wyomingensis) varies spatially and is not related to the presence of a sagebrush dietary specialist
Xinzhu Pu, Lisa Lam, Kristina Gehlken, Amy C. Ulappa, Janet L. Rachlow, and Jennifer Sorensen Forbey
Effects of ungulate disturbance and weather variation on Pediocactus winkleri: insights from long-term monitoring
Deborah J. Clark, Thomas O. Clark, Michael C. Duniway, and Cody Flagg
An assessment of metrics to measure seasonal variation in and grazing effects on riparian plant communities
Caroline M. Laine, Karin M. Kettenring, and Brett B. Roper
Population characteristics of big-brown bat and Arizona myotis using artificial roosting structures in northern Arizona
Joel M. Diamond, R. Nathan Gwinn, Janet Johnson, Hannah Telle, and Gabrielle F. Diamond
Book Reviews
Ten Thousand Birds: Ornithology Since Darwin by Tim Birkhead, Jo Wimpenny, and Bob Montgomerie
Howard O. Clark Jr.
End Matter