Theses/Dissertations from 2013
Scheduled Healing: The Relationship Between Session Frequency and Psychotherapy Outcome in a Naturalistic Setting, David McConkie Erekson
QEEG Correlates of Cognitive Deficits in Multiple Sclerosis During Targeted Cognitive Tasks, Robert B. Frost
Children's Recognition of Pride: An Experimental Approach, Darren Jason Garcia
Error Processing and Naturalistic Actions Following Moderate-to-Severe Traumatic Brain Injury, Daniel A. Good
Establishing Measurement Invariance of Thin Ideal Internalization and Body Dissatisfaction Across Studies: An Integrative Data Analysis, Kat Tumblin Green
Sudden Gains: A Pluralistic Approach to the Patient and Therapist Experience, Brian P. Hansen
Parenting Skills as Predictors of Child and Adolescent Psychotherapy Outcomes: Examining Change in Usual Care Settings, Alicia Ann Henderson
Psychotherapy Outcome for Eating Disorders: A Meta-Analysis, Julia Bryn Hubbard
Development and Validation of the Abstinence Motivation Scale, Natalie Johnson
Mindfulness Meditation: Effects of a Brief Intervention on Cardiovascular Reactivity during Acute Stress, Dustin LaMar Jones
A Qualitative Inquiry into the Treatment Experience of Adolescent Females in a Relationally Based Therapeutic Boarding School, Douglas S. Marchant
"You're Looking Good": Compliment or Harassment?, David B. McMillan
Concepts of Divine Action for a Theistic Approach to Psychology, Brent S. Melling
Perceived Racism and Blood Pressure in Foreign-Born Mexicans, Richard Iztcoatl Merideth
The State of the Research: Meta-Analysis and Conceptual Critique of Mild Traumatic Brain Injury, Ryan Lance Nelson
Differences in Perceived Stress and Coping Strategies Between Ukrainian and US College Students, Malvina Salash
Mood and Memory: An Association Between Pattern Separation and Depression, Don J. Shelton
Predicting Career Outcome Measures Using an Internship Evaluation Instrument: The Internship Profiling Questionnaire, Christopher Terao Silva
Client Experiencing in Cognitive-Behavioral Treatment for Eating Disorders, James William VanDyke
Theses/Dissertations from 2012
Does Social Role Functioning Predict Work Productivity? Further Validation of the Social Role Scale of the Outcome Questionnaire, Aaron M. Allred
Multidimensional Item Response Theory in Clinical Measurement: A Bifactor Graded-Response Model Analysis of the Outcome-Questionnaire-45.2, Arjan Berkeljon
Measurement Approach to the Comparisons of Career Anchor Models, Mengfei Cai
Change in Group Therapy: A Grounded Theory Inquiry into Group and Interpersonal Patterns in a Community Sample, Rebecca R. Canate
Cardiovascular Reactivity in Friendships: Length of Relationship and Frequency of Contact as Potential Moderators, Benjamin D. Clark
The Longitudinal Stability of Memory in Males with Autism Spectrum Disorder, Alexander J. Cramond
Social Support and Youth Psychotherapy Outcomes: Examining Change Processes in Usual Care Settings, Robert Virgil Dindinger
The Actor-Observer Effect and Perceptions of Agency: The Options of Obedience and Pro-social Behavior, Samuel David Downs
Malingering Detection Measure Utility and Concordance in a University Accommodation-Seeking Student Population, Nichole M. Loser
A Longitudinal Study of the Effect of at Birth Adoptions on Anxiety, Stress Hormones and Adolescent Alcohol Intake: A Nonhuman Primate Model, Whitney Faith Maxwell
Imaging and Behavioral Correlates of the Anterior Cingulate in Pediatric Traumatic Brain Injury, Tricia L. Merkley
Comparative Psychotherapy Outcomes of Sexual Minority Clients and Controls, Sasha A. Mondragon
Visual Attention, Color Processing and Physiological Measure Differences in Males and Females with Substance Abuse and Opiate Addiction, Jo Ann Petrie
A Comparison of Attitudes Towards Time Management, Usage of Time, and Self-Expression by High-Performing and Low-Perfoming Students at Brigham Young University, Jessica Mae Scott
The Forgotten Medium: The Impact of Reading Violent Literature on Aggressive Thoughts, McKay Robert Stevens
The Validity of the Group Questionnaire: Construct Clarity or Construct Drift?, Stephen D. Thayer
The Psychology of Personal Constructs as a Response to the Ethical, Jeffrey Lamar Thayne
Theses/Dissertations from 2011
Third-Party Forgiveness in Ambivalent and Supportive Relationships, Daniel Stephen Allen
Cohesion's Relationship to Outcome in Group Psychotherapy: A Meta-Analytic Review of Empirical Research, Jennifer Tehani Alonso
Ambivalent Sexism and Traditional Gender Roles as Predictors of Performance Evaluation Bias, Caleb Braxton Bragg
Valuing and Defending: A New Natural Law Approach to the Family, Stephen Wade Francis
Providing Patient Progress Information and Clinical Support Tools to Therapists: Effects on Patients at Risk for Treatment Failure, Mitchell Wayne Harris
Communal and Exchange Relationships in Marriage and Their Effects on Ambulatory Blood Pressure in Caucasians and Foreign-born Mexican Americans, Bryan J. Jensen
The Good Life in Psychotherapy: Implicit and Influential, Emily Lonas Morris
The Effect of Sexblindness and Sexawareness on Workplace Related Gender Bias, Katie Nichol
Reciprocal Communication as a Form of Nonverbal Communication: A Qualitative Approach, John Christian Penrod
Utilizing Focus Groups to Determine Clinical Perceptions of Assessment Needs, Emily Ruth Smith Putnam
Videogames and Friendships: Contextual Factors That Influence the Willingness to Aggress Following the Playing of a Violent Videogame, Jonathan Charles Edwin Rogers
The Neural Correlates of Retrospective Memory Monitoring: Convergent Findings from ERP and fMRI, Jeremy Clark Roper
Time Management Practices of Brigham Young University Students, Jessica Mae Scott
Therapist Utilization of Evidence-Based Treatment Monitoring, Jason Scott Southwick
Examining the Mediating Factors Between Religiosity and Pornography Use in Adolescents, Michael A. Steelman
The Effects of Acute and Chronic Nicotine on GABA and Dopamine Neurons in the Midbrain Ventral Tegmental Area, Devin Hardy Taylor
7- and 12-Month-Olds' Intermodal Recognition of Affect: 7-Month-Olds are "Smarter" than 12-Month-Olds, Mark Oborn Whiteley
The Dilemma of Mixed Methods, Bradford J. Wiggins
Longitudinal Changes in the Corpus Callosum Following Pediatric Traumatic Brain Injury as Assessed by Volumetric MRI and Diffusion Tensor Imaging, Trevor Chuang Kuo Wu
Theses/Dissertations from 2010
Selecting Members for Group Therapy: A Continued Validation Study of the Group Selection Questionnaire, Elizabeth Louise Baker
Factors Contributing to Premature Maternal Rejection and Its Effects on Offspring, Ashley Mariah Sproul Bassett
Comparison of Adoptive vs. Biological Mother-Infant Relationships in Nonhuman Primates, Rachel Ann Bogh
Sudden Gains in Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy for Eating Disorders, Adriane Ito de Queiroz Cavallini
Clinical Prediction in Group Psychotherapy, Christopher L. Chapman
Malingering Detection among Accommodation-Seeking University Students, Spencer Paul Clayton
Levinas, Meaning, and Philosophy of Social Science: From Ethical Metaphysics to Ontology and Epistemology, Samuel David Downs
Opening and Closing the Moral Judgment--Moral Action Gap, Carol Frogley Ellertson
Positive Versus Negative Neuroimaging in Mild Traumatic Brain Injury Outcome: A Meta-Analysis, Thomas Jeffrey Farrer
The Roles of Shame and Guilt in Hypersexual Behavior, Randy Gilliland
The Relationship Between Perceived Social Status, Stress, and Health in Mexican American Immigrants, Roland Marcus Green
Effects of Computer-Based, Early-Reading Academic Learning Time on Early-Reading Achievement: A Dose-Response Approach, Benjamin Heuston
An Ontological Analysis of Mainstream Addiction Theories: Exploring Relational Alternatives, Wiley Benjamin Hill III
Classifying Symptom Change in Eating Disorders: Clinical Significance Metrics for the Change in Eating Disorder Symptoms Scale, Anthony D. Hwang
Evaluation of Psychological Recovery in Patients with Major Medical Illnesses, Kelly Marie James
Toward Determining Best Items for Identifying Therapeutic Problem Areas, Kevin Larry Kimball
Throwing the Baby Out with the Bathwater: When Can We Trust Self Report with the SMI Inpatient Population?, Jeffrey A. Lee
DKEFS Performance as a Measure of Executive Dysfunction in Adult ADHD, Thad Q. Lloyd
Improving Undergraduate Education in Psychology Using an End-of-Major Standardized Assessment and a Teaching Resources Wiki, David L. Mason
Does Electroacupuncture Affect Ethanol Modulation of Mesolimbic Neurons?, Jung Jae Park
The Neural Systems of Working Memory: The Sternberg Working Memory Task in a Pediatric Traumatic Brain Injury Sample, Jon Leroy Pertab
Investigating Executive Functions in Men Seeking Help for Hypersexual Behavior Using Neuropsychological Testing, Rory C. Reid
A Patient-Focused Psychotherapy Quality Assurance System: Meta-Analytic and Multilevel Analytic Review, Kenichi Shimokawa
Are Impact Factors Comparable? Impact Factor Comparisons Across Areas of Psychology, Jason J. van der Horst
The Effects of Using Clinical Support Tools to Prevent Treatment Failure, Tiffany K. Washington
Prediction of Cognitive Sequelae and Ecological Validity in Critically-Ill Adult Patients, Fu Lye Woon
Theses/Dissertations from 2009
Therapeutic Alliance and Outcomes in Children and Adolescents Served in a Community Mental Health Setting, Golee Farshbaf Abrishami
Infant Facial Discrimination and Perceptual Narrowing, Joseph Edward Fair
Acoustic Mediation of Vocalized Emotion Identification: Do Decoders Identify Emotions Idiographically or Nomothetically?, Michael Kenneth Lauritzen
Relative Sensitivity to Change of Psychotherapy Outcome Measures for Children and Adolescents: A Comparison Using Parent- and Self-Report Versions of the CBCL/6-18, BASC-2, and Y-OQ-2.01, Debra Theobald McClendon
Overcoming the Challenges: Toward a Truly Theistic Psychology?, Brent S. Melling
Measuring Marriage or Measuring Individuals: An Ontological Analysis of Marital Therapy Outcome Measures, Joseph Andrew Ostenson
Neural correlates of self-reflection in fMRI: Brain activation differences between males and females, Tyler Eugene Owens
Parent Functioning and Child Psychotherapy Outcomes: Predicting Outcomes in Usual Care, Anna Elise Packard
Commitment in Marriage: An Influence for Moral Growth, Shelly Evans Powell
A Comparison Study Between Instructional and Transformational Leadership Theories: Effects on Student Achievement and Teacher Job Satisfaction, Ryan Hamilton Shatzer
Predicting Transformational Leadership: Self-Other Agreement in Multi-Source Feedback, Ryan Hamilton Shatzer
The Epistemic Qualities of Quantum Transformation, Jonathan Edward Skalski
Theses/Dissertations from 2008
The Claustrum in Autism and Typically Developing Male Children: A Quantitative MRI Study, Warren B. Davis
The Promise of Academic Learning Time in a Dose-Response Model of Early Reading Achievement, Benjamin Heuston
Clinical Applications of fMRI: An Adaptation of a Standard Neuropsychological Battery, Alina K. F. Ichimura
Characterization and Comparative Analysis of Adolescents Admitted to Therapeutic Wilderness Programs and More Traditional Treatment Settings, Mayer M. Jeppson
Identifying Factors That Produce Blame for Sexually Harassing Behavior, Colin W. Key
The Group Questionnaire: A New Measure of the Group Relationship, JulieAnn Krogel