Theses/Dissertations from 2008
The Development and Validation of the ARES: A Measure of a Person's Proclivity to Attribute Responsibility to Others for Their Emotions, Michael Kenneth Lauritzen
Spirituality and Religious Support as Buffers against the Negative Effects of Marital Distress on Ambulatory Blood Pressure, John Dale Livingstone
Menstrual Cycle and Visual Information Processing, Michelle Nash
The Neglect of Divorce in Marital Research: An Ontological Analysis of the Work of John Gottman, Joseph Andrew Ostenson
Improving Psychotherapy Outcome: The Use of Immediate Electronic Feedback and Revised Clinical Support Tools, Karstin Lee Slade
The Relationship Between Psychological Well-Being and Work Productivity: Validation of the OQ Productivity Index, Vinessa Kaye Trotter
Psychoeducational Dissemination Across Distance: The Viability of Telehealth with the Deaf Population, Jaime A. B. Wilson
Theses/Dissertations from 2007
An Analysis of the Subjective Socioeconomic Scale among Hispanic Immigrants and Caucasians, Mathew Glen Bowden
Hope for the fatherless?: A grounded interpretive approach, Anna Manja Larcher
Adolescent girls' perception of residential treatment centers: A qualitative study of how treatment works, Tyler Adam Money
Eating and Substance Use: A Comparison of Latter-day Saint and Non-Latter-day Saint College Females, Monika Sandberg
Loneliness and Use of Coping Mechanisms Among U.S. Military Personnel Deployed to the Middle East, David Abraham Shwalb
Theses/Dissertations from 2006
Two-Year-Olds' Discrimination of Gender-Stereotyped Activities, Sara Elizabeth Hill
The Mediating Influence of Homophobia on Male Rape Victims, Sandra Shardlow White
Theses/Dissertations from 2005
Understanding Process Improvement: Social Psychological Factors Affecting the Use of Project Management Practices, Russell K. Thornley
Theses/Dissertations from 2004
Measuring Prejudiced Attitudes Toward Mexicans in Latter-Day Saint Missionaries During Missionary Service in the American Southwest, Jared A. Montoya
Theses/Dissertations from 2002
The Relationship of Corpus Callosum and Cingulate Gyrus Surface Areas with Intelligence Scores in Persons with Early Hydrocephalus, Heather Gerschler
Time as Motivation: Selected Theories as Compared to Modern Revelation, Jill Judkins
Theses/Dissertations from 2000
Seismic Adjustments: The Influence of Inconvenience and Efficacy Perceptions, State of Residence, and Demographic Factors, Nicole Elise Anderson
Theses/Dissertations from 1994
Other-Centeredness and Depression in a Sample of Mormon Women, Janice G. Nielson
Theses/Dissertations from 1993
Employment and Happiness Among Mormon and Non-Mormon Mothers in Utah, Kimberly Grace Andersen
Theses/Dissertations from 1990
Age, Gender, and Religious Differences in Moral Perspective, Samuel L. Clay
Theses/Dissertations from 1973
Changes in Scholastic Achievement and Intelligence of Indian Children Enrolled in a Foster Placement Program, Linda Ouida Willson
Theses/Dissertations from 1958
A Personality Comparison of Students Born in the Mormon Church and Those Who Have Been Converted, Grant Broadbent Smith