Theses/Dissertations from 2019
Thalamic Morphology in Non-Semantic Primary Progressive Aphasia, Holly Rochelle Paxton
Describing Therapeutic Relationship Change and Failure in Group Psychotherapy, Harold Thomas Svien
Y-BOCS Factor Structure Analysis and Calculation of Measurement and Structural Invariance Between Genders, Sean B. Vanhille
Deterioration in Individual Psychotherapy: The Effectiveness of the Clinical Support Tools, Melissa Mallory White
Theses/Dissertations from 2018
Day-of-Injury Computed Tomography (CT) and Longitudinal Rehabilitation Outcomes: A Comparison of the Marshall and Rotterdam CT Scoring Methods, Kayla Michelle Alder
Day-of-Injury Computed Tomography (CT) and Longitudinal Rehabilitation Outcomes: A Comparison of the Marshall and Rotterdam CT Scoring Methods, Kayla Michelle Alder
Stress and Anxiety Interventions for Classical Musicians, Tara Ashley Austin
Stress and Anxiety Interventions for Classical Musicians, Tara Ashley Austin
Latent Toxoplasma gondii Infection Moderates the Association Between the C677T MTHFR Polymorphism and Cognitive Function in U.S. Adults, Andrew Nathan Berrett
Latent ;Toxoplasma gondii; Infection Moderates the Association Between the C677T MTHFR Polymorphism and Cognitive Function in U.S. Adults, Andrew Nathan Berrett
Contributions of Target-Lure Similarity and Sensory Modality to Lure False Alarms, Daniel Kent Bjornn
The Relationship Between Experiential Avoidance and Physiological Reactivity, Brodrick Thomas Brown
Informant Discrepancy in Y-OQ Reporting and Inferences Regarding Youth and Primary Caregiver Functioning, Tess Janeen Collett
Psychiatric Symptom Severity Following Pediatric Traumatic Brain Injury: A Meta-Analysis, Benjamin Douglas Eschler
Psychiatric Symptom Severity Following Pediatric Traumatic Brain Injury: A Meta-Analysis, Benjamin Douglas Eschler
Well-Being and Physiological Reactivity to Stress, Sheilagh Fox
Does the Scientist-Practitioner Gap Have Ontological Roots?, Eric Alexander Ghelfi
Effects of Competition in Violent and Nonviolent Video Games on Aggressive/Prosocial Behavior, Christopher Edward Hawk
Does Dietary Behavior Mediate the Association Between Hedonic Hunger and BMI in Overweight/Obese Adolescents?, Kirandeep Kaur
The Interactive Effects of Deployment and Other Organizational Dynamics on Sexual Harassment in the Military, Clinton Dean Kelly
Effects of Traumatic Brain Injury on Pediatric Brain Volume, Sanam Jivani Lalani
Managing Distressing Thoughts in Adults With and Without Autism: The Role of Cognitive Fusion and the Effectiveness of a Brief Defusion Intervention, Max Emanuel Maisel
Social Outcome Following Pediatric Traumatic Brain Injury: A Meta-Analysis, Jonathan James Mietchen
Physical Abuse Tendencies Among Males: Initial Development and Validation of the Likelihood to Physically Abuse, Christina Elisabeth Riley
Autism, Alexithymia, and Anxious Apprehension: A Multimethod Investigation of Eye Fixation, Kevin G. Stephenson
Cognition and Behavioral Outcome in Children and Adolescents with Previous ECMO Treatment: A Case Series with Neuroimaging Correlates, Juliann Thompson
A Comparison of Qualitative and Quantitative White Matter Methods in Pediatric Traumatic Brain Injury, Kacie LaRae Wright
Theses/Dissertations from 2017
Investigating Motivations for Using Dating Websites and Geosocial Apps, Sean Calvin Aaron
Marital Quality and Cardiovascular Risk in Women During the Menopausal Transition, Tracy E. Brown
Rates and Predictors of Adolescent Premature Termination: Applying Clinically Significant Change, Mariah Meaalii Bullock
Partner Responsiveness Mediates the Relationship Between Virtues and Partner Movement Toward Ideal Self, Amber Rachel Cazzell
The Effects of Income and Ethnicity on Health Outcomes of Mexican Immigrant and Anglo Women, Andrea M. DeBarros
Associations Between Parent-Child Relationship Quality, Parent Feeding Practices, and Child Weight Status in Preadolescent Children, Kristina Marie Duncombe
It's Not What You Say, It's How You Say It: The Role of Evidence Type in Changing Violent Media Consumption, Felicia Lene Farley
The Effectiveness of Utilizing the Treatment Support Measure for Treatment Planning in Youth Mental Health Services, Adam D. Garland
Cognitive Control Disruption and Quality of Life in Individuals with Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder, Isaac J. Hunt
The Association Between Locus of Control and Marital Satisfaction Throughout Adulthood, Matthew Elias Kahler
Do Adults Diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorders have an Advantage in Real-World Visual Search Tasks?, Nicholas Charles Russell
Parenting Skills as a Predictor of Youth Externalizing Outcomes in Routine Community Mental Health Services, Corinne Elizabeth Ruth
The Relationship Between Briefly Induced Affect and Cognitive Control Processes: An Event-Related Potential (ERP) Study, Hilary Anne Smith
Correlates of Risky Sexual Behavior in the People's Republic of China, Kersti A. Spjut
The Relationship Between Auditory Habituation and Anxiety in Autism Spectrum Disorder, David Nicholas Top
Stress and Psychotherapy Outcome: Implementation of a Heart Rate Variability Biofeedback Intervention to Improve Psychotherapy Outcome, Louise Fidalgo Wheeler
Association Between Latent Toxoplasma gondii Infection and Alzheimer's Disease, Cynthia Elizabeth Wyman
Association Between Latent Toxoplasma gondii Infection and Alzheimer's Disease, Cynthia Elizabeth Wyman
Theses/Dissertations from 2016
Sticking With It: Psychotherapy Outcomes for Adults with ASD in a College Counseling Center Setting, Emily Irene Anderberg
An Investigation of Associations Between Heart Rate Measures of Aerobic Fitness and Executive Functioning in Pre-Adolescent Children, Kimberly Anne Barnett
Concept Identification and Formation in Adolescents Diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder, Jonathan Sterling Beck
Does Sleep Disturbance Among Parents of Infants Predict Increased Depressive Symptoms?, Zachary Joseph Blackhurst
Towards Dimensionality in Psychosis: A Conceptual Analysis of the Dimensions of Psychosis Symptom Severity, Jessica Abigail Carmona
"Out of Sight, Out of Mind": Examining the Association Between Geographic Distance and the Likelihood of Cheating, Krista Joy Dowdle
Gender Threat, Male Dominance, and Masculinity: A Perfect Storm for Workplace Aggression, Brooke Elise Dresden
Cortical Thickness and Voxel-Based Morphometry of Classic Motor Regions of Interest in Autism Spectrum Disorder, Tyler Cole Duffield
Associations Between Physical and Sedentary Activity Regularity and Sleep in Preschoolers and Kindergartners, Kara McRae Duraccio
Asymmetry of Gains and Losses: Behavioral and Electrophysiological Measures, Diego Gonzalo Flores
An Assessment of the Effects of Spiritual and Relational Teaching on Student Learning, Matthew Alan Hiatt
Examining Justifiable and Unjustifiable Cultural Biases in Psychological Science, Jordan D. Hyde
An Item Reduction Analysis of the Group Questionnaire, Jennifer Lynn Jensen
The Relationship Between Dispositional Mindfulness Characteristics and Anxiety in High Functioning Adults Diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder, Max Emanuel Maisel
Cognitive Functioning in Multiple Sclerosis: An Investigation of the Utility of a Computerized Cognitive Testing System, Stephanie Patrice McLaughlin
Parent-Reported Deficits in Executive Function and Sleep-Disordered Breathing in Adolescent Behavioral Weight Loss Program Participants, Jonathan James Mietchen
Association Between Polymorphisms Associated with Major Depression, Cognitive Function, and Stress Regulation and Telomere Length in Older Community-Dwelling Adults and in Older Competitive Athletes, Cynthia Elizabeth Perry
Who is Helpful?: Examining the Relationship between Personality Factors and Supportive Responses and Attitudes toward Domestic Violence Victims, Christina Elisabeth Riley
Parenting Self-Efficacy in Parents of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders, Larene K. Smart
Moral Values in Moral Psychology? A Textual Analysis, Shannon Starks
Developmental Changes in Response to Music-evoked Emotion Among Children and Adolescents with Autism Spectrum Disorders, Kevin G. Stephenson
Sex Differences in Cognitive Decline in Mild Cognitive Impairment and Alzheimer's Disease, Juliann Thompson
Process Feedback in Group Psychotherapy: A Second Look at Leader Implementation of GQ Feedback, Kaitlyn Elizabeth Whitcomb
Using the Assessment for Signal Clients as a Feedback Tool for Reducing Treatment Failure, Melissa Mallory White
Theses/Dissertations from 2015
Interactions Between Social Support, Acculturationand Health Among Mexican Immigrants, Christopher D. Anderson
Longitudinal Association Between Self-Esteem in Adolescence and Posttraumatic Stress Disorder in Older Adults: A Cohort Study, John Anthony Blue Star
Effects of Feedback Assisted Treatment on Post-Treatment Outcome for Eating Disordered Inpatients: A Follow-Up Study, Megan Michelle Bowen
Impact of Heart-Rate Variability Biofeedback on Major Depression Disorder in Resting-State fMRI, Hiu Wai Caldwell
Electrophysiological Endophenotypes in Autism Spectrum Disorder: A Family Study, Ann Clawson
A Controlled Comparison of Errorless and Errorful Learning in Individuals with Moderate-to-Severe Traumatic Brain Injury, Joseph Edward Fair
Passing or Failing of Symptom Validity Tests in Academic Accessibility Populations: Neuropsychological Assessment of “Near-Pass” Patients, Thomas Jeffrey Farrer
The Role of Stress in Hypersexual Behavior, Randy Gilliland
Effectiveness of a Parent Health Report in Increasing Fruit and Vegetable Consumption Among Preschoolers and Kindergarteners, Sanita Lisa Hunsaker
Social Skills and Executive Functioning in Children with Epileptic and Non-Epileptic Seizures, Ashley J. Levan
Aerobic Fitness, Executive Control, and Emotion Regulation in Preadolescent Children, Mark A. Lott
Exploring the Effects of Depression and Physical Activity on Pattern Separation Performance, Michelle I. Nash
Mothers' Views of Their Children's Anxiety in Autism: A Qualitative Approach, Jessica Mae Palilla
Loss Aversion and Perspective Taking in the Sunk-Cost Fallacy, Veronika Rudd Tait
Process Feedback in Group Psychotherapy: A Qualitative Inquiry into Leader Implementation of GQ/OQ Feedback, Sean Cameron Woodland
Theses/Dissertations from 2014
The Impact of Relationship Functioning on Cortisol in Married Couples: A Dyadic Exploration of Sleep as a Potential Mediator, Benjamin D. Clark
Social Referencing in Domestic Dogs: The Effects of Human Affective Behavior on Canines Point Following, Peggy Janell Gartman
Unexpected Dramatic Change in Psychotherapy: Comparing Three Methods, Joseph Richard Horner
Integrity Matters: Construction and Validation of an Instrument to Assess Ethical Integrity as an Attitudinal Phenomenon, Marc-Charles Ingerson
The Effect of Sleep-Dependent Consolidation on Pattern Separation and Pattern Completion in Delayed Retrieval, Jesse Ray James
Cognitive Function Following Bubble-Contrast Transcranial Doppler for Evaluation of Right-to-Left Shunt, Erin Elizabeth Krauskopf
Error Awareness and Apathy in Moderate-to-Severe Traumatic Brain Injury, Dustin Michael Logan
Youth Motivation as a Predictor of Treatment Outcomes in a Community Mental Health System, Brett M. Merrill
Predicting Youth Treatment Failure: An Investigation of Clinical Versus Actuarial Judgment, Tessa Nicole Salisbury
Predicting Alcohol Consumption in Adolescent Rhesus Macaques (Macaca mulatta), Andrea Nichole Sorenson
Objective Science of Biased Philosophy: Does Naturalism Play a Dogmatic Role in Psychology?, Shannon Starks
Patterns of Student Curricular Experience in Psychology as Predictors of Performance on the ETS Major Field Test, Jason J. van der Horst
The Effects of Cultural Orientation Change on Metabolic Health in a Sample of Mexican Immigrants to the United States, Jillian L. Walker
Is a Viable Theistic Program of Psychological Research Possible?, Michael Zhang
Theses/Dissertations from 2013
Brain Structures Associated with Temperament and Social Behavior in Rhesus Monkeys: An MRI Study, Andrew C. Chaffin
Meta-Analysis of the Effectiveness of Biological and Non-Biological Treatments for Postpartum Depression, Sarah Jeung soon Christian