Theses on Mormonism (Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints) includes more than 650 theses written at Brigham Young University. It is an eclectic Mormon studies collection representing a broad look at the history, culture, and sociology of Mormonism. The collection includes theses from 1932 through 2005.
Theses/Dissertations from 1976
Samuel Brannan: An Historical Play, Reed Davidson Turnbow
A History of the Young Men's Mutual Improvement Association 1939 to 1974, John Kent Williams
The Impact of Polygamy Upon the Life of James Yorgason: A Nineteenth-Century Mormon Bishop, Blaine M. Yorgason
Theses/Dissertations from 1975
An Analysis of the Problems in Obtaining and Maintaining Released Time for Seminary in the Central Idaho Seminary District, Arthur A. Bailey
A Study of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints in Upper Canada, 1830-1850, Richard E. Bennett
Basic Principles of Orally Communicating the Gospel as Found in the Doctrine and Covenants, Reed Amussen Benson
The Settlement and Development of Wayne County, Utah, to 1900, Aldus DeVon Chappell
Bryan, Populism and Utah, Herbert E. Cihak
The History of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints in South America, 1945-1960, Joel Alva Flake
Stephen Markham: Man of Valour, Mervin LeRoy Gifford
The Historical Development of Wasatch Trails in Salt Lake County, Clyde Brian Hardy
A History of Kirtland Camp: Its initial Purpose and Notable Accomplishments, Gordon Orville Hill
Melchizedek, the Man and the Tradition, Ann Nicholls Madsen
For God and Country: Mormon Chaplains During World War II, Richard Maher
An Analysis of the Doctrinal Teachings of President George Albert Smith, Robert K. McIntosh
A History of Latter-Day Saint Screen Portrayals in the Anti-Mormon Film Era, 1905-1936, Richard Alan Nelson
A Sociological Profile of LDS Inmates At Utah State Prison, Robert D. Payne
Home Teaching: Attempts by the Latter-Day Saints to Establish an Effective Program During the Nineteenth Century, Gary L. Phelps
Conceptual Patterns of Repetition in the Doctrine and Covenants and their Implications, Richard Cottam Shipp
Reasons For Non-Enrollment and Low Attendance in LDS Early Morning Seminary at Minneapolis-St. Paul, Wayne P. Smith
An Examination of the Strategies of Instruction Employed by Prophets and Teachers in the Book of Mormon and their Potential Application to Current LDS Instructional Settings, Bruce A. Van Orden
A Comparison of Mission Programs Used in the Three Language Training Missions of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, Rawn Arthur Wallgren
Dance in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints 1830-1940, Karl E. Wesson
Joseph Smith the Colonizer, Brent L. Winward
Theses/Dissertations from 1974
A Documentary History of the Lord's Way of Watching Over the Church by the Priesthood Through the Ages, Rex A. Anderson
The Tradition of Isaiah in The Book of Mormon, Gary L. Bishop
A Geographic Sketch of Early Utah Settlement, John Thomas Blake
Perception and Land Use: the Case of the Mormon Culture Region, Lester D. Campbell
Transcendental Meditation and Mormonism, Gregory C. Cherry
An Analysis of Visual Religious Symbols Appearing in the Improvement Era, Ensign, and New Era Published by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints From 1952-1972, Carl Landus Christensen
Relief Society Grain Storage Program, 1876-1940, Jessie L. Embry
The Settlement of Teton Valley, Idaho-Wyoming, David Brooks Green
The Mormon Role in Irrigation Beginnings and Diffusions in the Western States: An Historical Geography, Kelly C. Harper
The Development of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints in Hawaii, Richard C. Harvey
Proselyting Techniques of Mormon Missionaries, Jay E. Jensen
A Study of Some Textual Variations in the Book of Mormon Comparing the Original and the Printer's Manuscripts and the 1830, the 1837, and the 1840 Editions, Stanley R. Larson
The Relevance and Effectiveness of Four Book of Mormon Prophets and their Teachings, David Earl Perry
History of Mormon Exhibits in World Expositions, Gerald Joseph Peterson
Residency Differentials in Mormon Fertility, Brian LeRoy Pitcher
The Life and Contributions of Zebedee Coltrin, Calvin Robert Stephens
Mormonism and War: An Interpretative Analysis of Selected Mormon Thought Regarding Seven American Wars, R. Jeffrey Stott
A History of the Nauvoo Legion in Illinois, John Sweeney Jr.
A Study of Early Utah Water Color Painting, James Harvey Taylor
Kelsey, Texas: The Founding and Development of a Latter-Day Saint Gathering Place in Texas, James Clyde Vandygriff
Some Demographic Aspects of One Hundred Early Mormon Converts, 1830-1837, Laurence Milton Yorgason
Theses/Dissertations from 1973
Prophetic Authority in the Teachings of Modern Prophets, Clifford Gary Bennett
The Economic Development of Moab, Utah, Gary W. Booher
A Study of the Opinions of LDS Athletes Concerning Excellence in Gospel Living Contributing to Excellence in Sports, Robert L. Cummings
A History of the Involvement of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints in the Tanning Industry in Utah From 1847 to 1973, Paul Edwards Damron
The Des Moines Rapids: A History of its Adverse Effects on Mississippi River Traffic and its Use as a Source of Water Power to 1860, Donald L. Enders
History of the Swedish Mission of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints 1905-1973, Carl Erik Johansson
Alexander William Doniphan, the Forgotten Man from Missouri, Gregory P. Maynard
The Divine Nature of God: A Study of What has Been Said and Taught About the Divine Nature of God by Ancient and Modern Apostles and Prophets, Lester Young Moody
Possible Lexical Hebraisms in the Book of Mormon: (Words of Mormon - Moroni), Melvin Deloy Pack
The Box Elder Stake Academy in its Historical Setting, Byron L. Parkinson
Mormonism in National Periodicals, 1961-1970, Dale P. Pelo
Publication Design for the Youth of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, Peggy H. Proctor
J. Bracken Lee and Utah Public Education, Elwin Lee Reynolds
The Correlation Program of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints During the Twentieth Century, Jerry Rose
A Geographic Study of Stone Houses in Selected Utah Communities, Barry M. Roth
Zion's Camp, Wilburn D. Talbot
Changes in Scholastic Achievement and Intelligence of Indian Children Enrolled in a Foster Placement Program, Linda Ouida Willson
Nathan and Ruth Hale: People, Producers, Playwrights, Performers, Sheryl Lee Wilson
Theses/Dissertations from 1972
The Lord's Definition of Woman's Role as He has Revealed it to His Prophets of the Latter Day, Mildred Chandler Austin
An Historical Investigation of the Recreational Philosophy, Views, Practices and Activities of Brigham Young, David Lawrence Bolliger
A Study of Nephite, Lamanite, and Jaredite Governmental Institutions and Policies as Portrayed in The Book of Mormon, Donald Arthur Cazier
A Study of Mormon Knowledge of the American Far West Prior to the Exodus (1830-February, 1846), Lewis Clark Christian
An Analysis of the Speaking Style of Charles W. Penrose, Kent Shelley Davis
The Perception of Sacred Space: the Case of Utah and Other Sacred Places in Mormondom, Roger L. Henrie
A Study of A Teaching Method Called Seminary Bowl, Max G. Hirschi
Physical Fitness Activities for Latter-Day Saint Missionaries, Robert R. Hughes
An Evaluation of Instructional Television in the Brigham Young University College of Religious Instruction, James Frank Killian
The Development of Municipal Government in the Territory of Utah, Alvin Charles Koritz
Dixie Wine, Dennis R. Lancaster
A Study to Determine Reasons Why LDS Students were not Enrolled in LDS Seminary in the Southern Alberta Seminary District During 1970-71, Robert Owen McClung
A Comparative Study of the Book of Mormon Secret Combinations and the American Mafia Organization, Ray G. Morley
The office of Associate President of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, Robert Glen Mouritsen
A History of the Photojournalism Department of the Deseret News 1948 to 1970, Richard J. Nye
A History of the Schools and Educational Programs of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints in Ohio and Missouri, 1831-1839, Orlen Curtis Peterson
An Historical Analysis of the Word of Wisdom, Paul H. Peterson
A Study of Evidences Related to LDS Church History as Reflected in Volumes I Through XIII of the Journal of Discourses, Paul C. Richards
Bayard Taylor's the Prophet: Mormonism as Literary Taboo; Calaveras County Comes of Age; the Erosion of Belief in the Poetry of Clinton F. Larson, Thomas D. Schwartz
The Union Pacific Railroad and the Mormon Church, 1868-1871: An in Depth Study of the Financial Aspects of Brigham Young's Grading Contract and its Ultimate Settlement, Thomas M. Stevens
The Development of Structured Situations for Role-Playing in the LDS Department of Seminaries and Institutes of Religion, Roy E. Welty
Survey of Converts to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints at Brigham Young University Between September, 1965 and January, 1969, Marcus H. White
Theses/Dissertations from 1971
A Study of Rock Music to Determine its Declared Position Relative to Unchastity, the Use of Drugs and the Departure from Traditional Concepts of Family and Religion, E. Lynn Balmforth
Home Recreational Activities and the Effect they Have in a Family Home Evening Program, Dwight Rees Butikofer
An Analysis of the Role of Temples in the Establishment of Zion, C. Max Caldwell
A Comparative Study of the Teaching Methods of the LDS and Non-LDS Religious Educational Movements Among the Indians in Southeastern Utah Since 1943, James A. Carver
History of Utah's Salt Industry 1847-1970, John L. Clark
The Design and Implementation of A Missionary Language Course in Aymara, Joseph Orville Davidson
The Establishment of an Instructional Materials Program and Center in the Snake River Seminary District With Guidelines and Recommendations, Wayne Ray Doman
Causes of the Mormon Boycott Against Gentile Merchants in 1866 and 1868, Peter Neil Garff