Theses on Mormonism (Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints) includes more than 650 theses written at Brigham Young University. It is an eclectic Mormon studies collection representing a broad look at the history, culture, and sociology of Mormonism. The collection includes theses from 1932 through 2005.
Theses/Dissertations from 1963
Mahonri Mackintosh Young, Printmaker, Shirley Kazuko Yonemori
Theses/Dissertations from 1962
A History of the (Price, Utah) Sun-Advocate 1891-1962, Edith May A. Allred
Four Oil Paintings Illustrating Book of Mormon Events, Ernel LeRoy Anderson
An Historical Study of the Koyle Relief Mine, 1894-1962, James R. Christianson
A Historical Study of the Mormon Temple at Nauvoo, Illinois, Don F. Colvin
A History of the Latter-Day Settlement of Star Valley, Wyoming, Ray McCord Hall
Some Political Concepts of J. Reuben Clark, Jr, F. Melvin Hammond
The Relationship of Empathy and Seminary Teachers' Effectiveness, Chet W. Harris
A Biographical Study of Leonard John Nuttall, Private Secretary to Presidents John Taylor and Wilford Woodruff, Clarence G. Jensen
The Faith of their Fathers: A Study of the Religious Influence in Child-Rearing, Phillip R. Kunz
The Visual Image of Joseph Smith, William B. McCarl
An Evaluation of the Beginnings, Purposes, and Influence of Drama in Ogden from 1840 to 1900, Harold R. Oaks
A Study of Forces and Events Leading to the Repeal of Prohibition and the Adoption of a Liquor Control System, George Harmon Skyles
A Study of the Influence of Seminary Teachers on Seminary Enrollment in the Twenty-Seven One-Teacher Seminaries of the State of Utah, Hal Loren Taylor
The 1912 Presidential Election in Utah, C. Austin Wahlquist
Theses/Dissertations from 1961
The Life of Amos Milton Musser, Karl Brooks
A Study of Childhood Experiences of Physicists, LDS Seminary Teachers and Outstanding Competitive Athletes, A. Garr Cranney Jr.
An Exploratory Study of the Effects of the Divorce Process and Postdivorce Readjustment on the LDS Person, Everett Louis Hagerty
A Study of Drop-Outs From Twelve Seminaries in Utah Conducted During 1960-61, Roy Fearnley Hatch
Charles Ora Card, Pioneer and Colonizer, A. James Hudson
The Life and Contributions of Samuel Harrison Smith, Dean Jarman
A Study of the Attitudes Toward and Understandings of Temple Marriage of a Selected Group of Seminary Students in the Alpine School District (Utah), Jerald Ray Johansen
A History of Preston, Idaho, Clarence G. Judy
A Circumspection of Ten Formulators of Early Utah Art History, Tom Leek
An Historical Study of the Factors Influencing the Organization of Education in Washington County, 1852-1915, Robert H. Moss
A Survey and Analysis of Utah's Weekly Newspaper Publishers and their Publications, Martin Bradley Munn
An Historical Study of the All-Church Softball Tournament of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, Gordon Norman Oborn
History of the Construction of the Salt Lake Temple, Wallace Alan Raynor
A History of Formal Religious Instruction by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints in Alberta, 1890-1960, Phyllip G. Redd
Uncle Jesse: the Story of Jesse Knight, Miner, Industrialist, Philanthropist, Gary Fuller Reese
The Ogden Tabernacle Choir: Its History and Contributions to the Cultural History of Utah, Merlin Ray Sorensen
Relative Importance of and Adherence to Church Standards of LDS Youth, F. Weldon Thacker
A Study of Problems Relative to the Fulfillment of Selected Prophecies in The Book of Mormon: With Particular Reference to the Prophetic View from 1830 Onward, Ross William Warner
A Study of the Reactions of Latter-Day Saint Youth to the Thirteen Fireside Programs Given in the Winter of 1960, Emerson Roy West
Theses/Dissertations from 1960
The Role and Function of the Seventies in LDS Church History, James N. Baumgarten
History of the Southern States Mission, 1831-1861, LaMar C. Berrett
Hebrew Idioms in the Small Plates of Nephi, E. Craig Bramwell
Pioneer Bands and Orchestras of Salt Lake City, Martha Tingey Cook
A Study of Eschatological Prophecies Found in the Scriptures and in the Works of General Authorities of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, Duane S. Crowther
Factors that Influenced Homesteading and Land Abandonment in San Juan County, Utah, Melvin J. Frost
The Pratt-Newman Debate, Robert Duane Hatch
Early History of Malad Valley, Glade F. Howell
Benjamin Franklin Stewart, Lifetime Pioneer, Janet Jenson
A Comprehensive Comparison of Christ's Teachings on the Doctrine of Fasting and the Ancient and Present Day Practices Thereof, Alan P. Johnson
A Study of the Doctrinal Significance of Certain Textual Changes Made by the Prophet Joseph Smith in the Four Gospels of the Inspired Version of the New Testament, Robert J. Matthews
A Study of the Criticisms of the Book of Abraham, Calvin D. McOmber
A Comparative Study of the Group Guidance Teaching Method and the Traditional Teaching Method in the Seminary System, Garth P. Monson
The Differential Effects of Bases for Moral Behavior and Major Field of Study Upon Moral Judgment, Ray Edgar Paskett
A History of the Manti Temple, Glen R. Stubbs
A Study of Selected Factors Which influence Latter-Day Saint and Non-Latter-Day Saint Students to Attend the Church College of Hawaii, Daniel G. Witt
Theses/Dissertations from 1959
A History of Murray to 1905, Clinton R. Ahlberg
Factors Associated With Attendance at Church Related Activities of LDS Male Household Heads in Selected Utah Rural Areas, C. LeRoy Anderson
A History of Iosepa, the Utah Polynesian Colony, Dennis H. Atkin
The History of Public Education in Daggett County, Utah, and Adjacent Areas, Donald Weir Baxter
William Clayton: Missionary, Pioneer, and Public Servant, Paul E. Dahl
A Study of Representative Examples of Art Works Fostered by the Mormon Church With an Analysis of the Aesthetic Value of these Works, Monte B. DeGraw
A Follow-Up Study of the Graduates of the Seminary of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints At Preston, Idaho, Ernest Eberhard Jr.
A Study of Early Utah-Montana Trade, Transportation, and Communication, 1847-1881, L. Kay Edrington
An Analysis of the Development and Use of Objectives For the Seminary Teachers in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, John Paul Fugal
The Founding and Development of Grantsville, Utah, 1850-1950, Alma A. Gardiner
The Theory and Practice of the Political Kingdom of God in Mormon History, 1829-1890, Klaus J. Hansen
Philip De La Mare, Pioneer Industrialist, Leon R. Hartshorn
A Comparative Study and Evaluation of the Latter-Day Saint and "Fundamentalist" Views Pertaining to the Practice of Plural Marriage, Dean C. Jessee
A History of the Federal and Territorial Court Conflicts in Utah, 1851-1874, Clair T. Kilts
Mormon Indian Missions - 1855, Wesley R. Law
Brigham Young's Philosophy of History, H. Carleton Marlow
Similarities and Differences in the Anabaptist Restitution and the Mormon Restoration, Robert J. McCue
A Historical Study of the Congressional Career, John T. Caine, Judith Ann Roderick
Nellie Nash: (A Pioneer Biography of Mrs. Ellen Elvira Nash Parkinson Wife of William Chandler Parkinson), Carma L. Sandberg
History of Latter-Day Saints in Bridger Valley, Wyoming, Jerry F. Twitchell
An Analysis of Textual Changes in "The Book of Abraham" and in the "Writings of Joseph Smith, the Prophet" in the Pearl of Great Price, Walter L. Whipple
Theses/Dissertations from 1958
The Versatile W.W. Phelps: Mormon Writer, Educator, and Pioneer, Walter D. Bowen
An Analysis of Style Variations in the Book of Mormon, Glade L. Burgon
The Cattle Industry of San Juan County, Utah, 1875-1900, Franklin D. Day
A Study of the Forces Leading to the Adoption of Prohibition in Utah in 1917, Bruce T. Dyer
The Lemhi Indians of Eastern Idaho, 1860 to 1907, Dean M. Green
A Study of the Changes in the Contents of the Book of Moses From the Earliest Available Sources to the Current Edition, James Roy Harris
An Experimental Study of Selected Group Guidance Techniques in the Seminary Classroom, Charles R. Hobbs
A History of the Missionary Activities of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints in the Near East, 1884-1929, Rao H. Lindsay
A Study of the Status, as Counselors, of One Hundred Bishops in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, Franklin Kelso Meadows
An Analysis of References to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints in General Magazines of the United States During Selected Periods Between 1847 and 1953, Herbert Newel Morris
A Historical Analysis of Territorial Government in Utah Under Alfred Cumming, 1857-1861, Charles S. Peterson
Factors Influencing the Decisions of Latter-Day Saint Youth Concerning the Selection of a Temple Or Non-Temple Type of Marriage Ceremony, Boyd C. Rollins
A Comparative Study of Latter-Day Saint Missionaries and Non-Missionaries in Scholastic Aptitude, Academic Achievement, and Vocational interest, Inez S. Searle
Joseph Smith, Sr., First Patriarch to the Church, Earnest Morgan Skinner
A Personality Comparison of Students Born in the Mormon Church and Those Who Have Been Converted, Grant Broadbent Smith
An Explication of Some Philosophical Aspects of the Thought of Orson Pratt, Joseph Willard Tingey
A Century of Life in Nephi and Juab Valley 1851-1951, Keith N. Worthington
Theses/Dissertations from 1957
A Study of General and Religious Personal Problems of Tenth, Eleventh and Twelfth Grade Seminary Students, Wilson K. Andersen
John Elliott Tullidge: the influence of his Life and Works on the Musical Culture of Utah, Virgil H. Camp
A Study to Determine the Ten Most Serious Problems of LDS Seminary Students, and What the Seminary is Doing to Help Students With These Problems, Ortho Christensen
The Effect of the Speaking of George A. Smith on the People of the Iron Mission of Southern Utah, Ray Haun Gleave
An Early History of Milford up to its Incorporation as a Town, George A. Horton Jr.
Utah Mail Service Before the Coming of the Railroad, 1869, Ralph L. McBride
Music History of the Salt Lake Theatre, the Formative Years: 1862-1870, Alfred S. Morris
History of the Japan Mission of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, 1901-1924, Murray L. Nichols
A Study of the Speaking of B. H. Roberts, Utah's Blacksmith Orator, R. Wayne Pace