Submission Guidelines & Policies
Fees for Publication
Because of the generosity of Brigham Young University, this journal does not charge fees for article submission, processing, or publication.Types of Submissions & Specifications
Featured Articles are theory-driven, research-based articles that have practical applications for teaching. Whether primary or secondary research, these should be well-grounded in appropriate and relevant theory, prior research, and/or practice.
- Approximately 7,500 words (max 8,000) including tables, charts, and references.
- Structured to include the following elements of a research paper, though they may use different terminology: Abstract (200 word limit), Key Words, Introduction, Literature Review, Research Questions, Methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusion, References
Teaching Articles are action research and application reports with a strong pedagogical emphasis. The results should be something that teachers could immediately apply in order to improve their response techniques to student writing in the classroom.
- Approximately 4,000 words (max 5,000) including tables, charts, references.
- Structured to include the following elements, though they may use different terminology: Abstract (200 word limit), Key Words, Introduction, Context, Materials or Methods, Discussion, Suggestions or Applications, References
Reaching Across the Divide Articles offer insights into debates and disagreements among the domains of linguistics, applied linguistics, composition, and second- and foreign-language teaching.
- Approximately 2,500 words (max 3,000) including tables, charts, and references.
- Structured to include the following elements, though they may use different terminology: Abstract (200 word limit), Key Words, Introduction, Assumptions or Background, Discussion, Conclusion, References
Teaching Tips are brief descriptions of concrete pedagogical activities that can be used in responding to student writing at any stage in the composition process. They should be written for an audience that may include writing teachers, teacher educators, WPAs, writing center coordinators, writing tutors, and/or graduate students. We encourage authors to consider how teaching tips could work with learners in different contexts or academic levels.
- Approximately 600-1000 words including references; appendices may be included beyond the word count
- Structured to include the following elements; please use this exact terminology: Introduction and theoretical grounding, Context, Learning Outcomes or Goals, Course Format, Teacher Preparation, Estimated Time, Procedure, Caveats and Alternatives, References, Appendices
- Note that teaching tips are editor-reviewed, not peer-reviewed.
Book Reviews are solicited and unsolicited and provide instructive reviews of very current books dealing with any type of response to writing. We strongly recommend reaching out to our editors with the proposed book prior to submitting an unsolicited review.
- Approximately 500 words (1,500 max) including publishing information and references
- Structured to include the following elements, though they may use different terminology: summary, critical review, applications, book title, author, publisher, price, edition, page range
General Guidelines for Submissions
- Manuscripts should conform to APA (7th edition) formatting style including heading specifications and reference preferences.
- Manuscripts must be blinded so that self-references are replaced with blinded references in-text and on the reference page (i.e., Author, 20XX; Author 1 & XXXX, 19XX). Also remove any author identification in the document metadata, running heads, etc.
- The manuscript does not exceed the word count limits listed above
- The text is double-spaced in 12-point font with page numbers on each page
- Do not include a title page or abstract. (Begin the document with the introduction; a title page, including the abstract, will be added to your paper by the editors.)
- Tables and figures should appear in the document near where they are referenced in the text.
- If figures are included, use high-resolution figures, preferably encoded as encapsulated PostScript (eps).
- Copyedit your manuscript.
- Submit your manuscript, including tables, figures, appendices, etc., as a single file. (Word, RTF files are accepted).
General Submission Rules
Anyone may submit an original article to be considered for publication provided he or she owns the copyright to the work being submitted or is authorized by the copyright owner or owners to submit the article. Authors are the initial owners of the copyrights to their works unless authors have, as a condition of employment, agreed to transfer copyright to their employer.
Submitted articles cannot have been previously published, nor be forthcoming in an archival journal or book (print or electronic). By submitting the manuscript, the author is stipulating that the material is not currently under review at another journal (electronic or print) and that he or she will not submit the material to another journal (electronic or print) until the completion of the editorial decision process at Journal of Response to Writing.
Rights for Authors and BYU ScholarsArchive
As further described in our submission agreement (the Submission Agreement), in consideration for publication of the article, the authors assign to BYU ScholarsArchive all copyright in the article, subject to the expansive personal--use exceptions described below.
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Reproduction, posting, transmission or other distribution or use of the article or any material therein, in any medium as permitted by a personal-use exemption or by written agreement of BYU ScholarsArchive, requires credit to BYU ScholarsArchive as copyright holder (e.g., BYU ScholarsArchive © 2025).
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The following uses are always permitted to the author(s) and do not require further permission from BYU ScholarsArchive provided the author does not alter the format or content of the articles, including the copyright notification:
- Storage and back-up of the article on the author's computer(s) and digital media (e.g., diskettes, back-up servers, Zip disks, etc.), provided that the article stored on these computers and media is not readily accessible by persons other than the author(s);
- Posting of the article on the author(s) personal website, provided that the website is non-commercial;
- Posting of the article on the internet as part of a non-commercial open access institutional repository or other non-commercial open access publication site affiliated with the author(s)'s place of employment (e.g., a Phrenology professor at the University of Southern North Dakota can have her article appear in the University of Southern North Dakota's Department of Phrenology online publication series); and
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People seeking an exception, or who have questions about use, should contact the editors.
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