Aims & Scope | The Journal of Response to Writing | Journals | Brigham Young University

Aims & Scope

The Journal of Response to Writing is an international, peer-reviewed journal for writing theorists, researchers, and teachers of writing. JRW focuses on the main categories of second and foreign language writing instruction and general/first language writing/composition instruction to make quality contributions to the study of response to writing. The Journal of Response to Writing seeks research on topics related to response to writing in its various formats and contexts. While we value traditional forms of response, including marginal notes, face-to-face interactions, electronic feedback, self-reflection, and peer review, we also value and encourage the research of alternative response methods, purposes, and practices. Articles may address any of a number of questions that will enhance our understanding of response to writing and its centrality to writer or text development. Topics within the scope of this journal include:

  • Use of technology in writing
  • Writing center pedagogy and tutor preparation
  • Second language/ foreign language writing instruction
  • Applied linguistics
  • Rhetoric and composition
  • Writing responder preparation and training
  • Critical pedagogy
  • Genre development
  • Writing power and ideology
  • Language and grammar usage
  • Components of CAF (complexity, accuracy, fluency) in connection with response to writing
  • Writing assessment
  • Writing contexts (including cultural, institutional, linguistic, political, and social)
  • Managing feedback on writing
  • Supporting response transfer
  • Response to writing in professional contexts
  • Any part of the writing endeavor or other topics that connect to writing and writer development