Journal of Nonprofit Innovation (JoNI) is an international, open-access, peer-reviewed journal academic research and thought paper on community and global issues related to the nonprofit sector.title>.
JoNI is bridging the gap between academic research and nonprofits operating on the ground by making research more accessible that’s related to civil society.
See the Aims and Scope for a complete coverage of the journal.
Current Issue: Volume 4, Issue 4 (2024) Access to Education
Lack of Women in Federal Level Politics in the United States
Ellie E. Romans Draper
Enhancing Data-Driven Decisions by Improving Nonprofit Transparency and Collaboration: A Study of the Accessibility of Nonprofit Data in the Global Landscape
Angie Holzer, Beverli DeWalt, and Louis Ye
Literature Reviews
Research Summaries: Access to Education
Erica Jensen
Nonprofit Spotlight: Choice Humanitarian
Erica Jensen
Full Issue
Full Issue: Access to Education
Angie Holzer