An open access repository for publications by Brigham Young University faculty, staff, and administrators.


Submissions from 2016


Client-based Experiential Learning and the Librarian: Information Literacy for the Real World, Andy Spackman


Isaiah 52 in the Book of Mormon: Notes on Isaiah's Reception History, Joseph M. Spencer


The Vision of All: Twenty-Five Lectures on Isaiah in Nephi’s Record. Contemporary Studies in Scripture, Joseph M. Spencer


An EWP model of Quechua agreement: Further evidence against DM, Joseph A. Stanley


Build a Better Project Starting a DH Project from Primary Sources, Joseph A. Stanley


Pacific Northwest English: Historical Overview and Current Directions, Joseph A. Stanley


When Do Mormons Call Each Other by First Name?, Joseph A. Stanley


The Systematic Stretching and Contracting of Ideophonic Phonology in Pastaza Quichua, Joseph A. Stanley, Janis B. Nuckolls, Elizabeth Nielsen, and Roseanna Hopper


The Systematic Stretching and Contracting of Ideophonic Phonology in Pastaza Quichua, Joseph A. Stanley, Janis B. Nuckrolls, Elizabeth Nielsen, and Roseanna Hopper


Phonetic shift /ɔr/ phonemic change? American English mergers over 40 years, Joseph A. Stanley and Margaret E. L. Renwick


Soryo no naka: Saigyo no shukke to homososharu yokkyu to waka, Jack C. Stoneman


Early Christianity, Gaye Strathearn


A new open source platform for lowering the barrier for environmental web app development, Nathan R. Swain, Scott D. Christensen, Alan D. Snow, Herman Dolder, Gonzola Espinoza-Dávalos, Erfan Goharian, Norman L. Jones, E. James Nelson, Daniel P. Ames, and Steven J. Burian


Expectations About Couple Therapy Over Time, Rachel B. Tambling, Shayne Anderson, and Alison G. Wong


Dynamic Modeling of Friction Stir Welding for Model Predictive Control, Scott Taysom, John Hedengren, and Carl Sorensen


A Demographic Deficit? Local Population Aging and Access to Services in Rural America, 1990–2010, Brian C. Thiede, David L. Brown, Scott R. Sanders, Nina Glasgow, and Laszlo J. Kulcsar


Health and Psychosocial Outcomes of a Telephonic Couples Behavior Change Intervention in Patients With Poorly Controlled Type 2 Diabetes: A Randomized Clinical Trial, Paula M. Trief, Lawrence Fisher, Jonathan G. Sandberg, Donald A. Cibula, Jacqueline Dimmock, Danielle M. Hessler, Patricia Forken, and Ruth S. Weinstock


Does Improving Marital Quality Improve Sleep? Results From a Marital Therapy Trial, Wendy Troxel, Scott Braithwaite, Jonathan G. Sandberg, and Julianne Holt-Lunstad


The effect of combat experience on adult attachment: A stepfamily perspective, Ryan D. Turner, David Wood, D Aaron Parks, and Kevin Shafer


Justice Denied: Low Submission Rates of Sexual Assault Kits and the Predicting Variables, Julie L. Valentine, L. Kathleen Sekula, Lawrence J. Cook, Rebecca Campbell, Alison Colbert, and Victor W. Weedn


Beyond redundancy and multiplicity. Integrating phytolith analysis and micromorphology to the study of Brussels Dark Earth, Luc Vrydaghs, Terry Ball, and Yannick Devos


Revealing a 5,000-y-old beer recipe in China, Jiajing Wang, Li Liu, Terry Ball, Linjie Yu, Yuanquing Li, and Fulai Xing


Application of Voltammetry for Electroanalytical Measurement of Concentrations in LaCl3-MgCl2 Mixtures in Eutectic LiCl-KCl, Zhonghang Wang, Devin Rappleye, C S. Yang, and Michael Simpson


Review of Gathering the Potawatomi Nation: Revitalization and Identity, by Christopher Wetzel, Carol Ward


Mental Health Concerns of Older Adults Living in Long-Term Care Facilities: An Area of Expansion for MFTs, Tabitha N. Webster, Jeremy B. Yorgason, Ashley Maag-Winter, Charity Clifford, Kathleen Baxter, and David Thompson