Submissions from 2003
Parallel microgenetic algorithm design for photonic crystal and waveguide structures, J. Cai, L. Li, Gregory P. Nordin, and J. Jiang
Evaluating the Effectiveness of Premarital Prevention Programs: A Meta‐Analytic Review of Outcome Research, Jason S. Carroll and William J. Doherty
Optically oriented and detected electron spin resonance in a lightly doped n-GaAs layer, John S. Colton, T. A. Kennedy, A. S. Bracker, D. Gammon, and J. B. Miller
Long coherence times at 300 K for nitrogen-vacancy center spins in diamond grown by chemical vapor deposition, John S. Colton, T. A. Kennedy, J. E. Butler, R. C. Linares, and P.J. Doering
Inverse Multiplexing in Short-Range Multi-Transport Wireless Communications, Lichen Dai, Heidi R. Duffin, James C. Funk, and Charles D. Knutson
The Ecosystem of Partnerships: A Case Study of a Long-Term University-Community Partnership, Gary Daynes, Scott L. Howell, and Nathan K. Lindsay
A Study of the Suitability of IrOBEX for High-Speed Exchange of Large Data Objects, Casey T. Deccio, Joseph Ekstrom, Charles D. Knutson, D. Ryan Partridge, and Kevin B. Tew
A Narrative Approach to Exploring Responsible Involvement of Fathers With Their Special-Needs Children, David C. Dollahite
Fathering for Eternity: Generative Spirituality in Latter-Day Saint Fathers of Children with Special Needs, David C. Dollahite
Minimal graphs in R3 over convex domains, Michael Dorff
Spectral Measures and Perceptual Ratings of Hypokinetic Dysarthria, Christopher Dromey
An Imaging System Correlating Lip Shapes with Tongue Contact Patterns for Speech Pathology Research, Christopher Dromey, Daniel Bates, Xiaoqian Xu, Sameer Antani, and D J. Lee
Effects of Concurrent Motor, Linguistic, or Cognitive Tasks on Speech Motor Performance, Christopher Dromey and April Benson
A Vision System Performing Lip Shape Analysis for Speech Pathology Research, Christopher Dromey, D J. Lee, Daniel Bates, and Xiaoqian Xu
Institutional Issues in the Implementation of an International Student Exchange Program, Mary E. Duffy, Suzette Farmer, Patricia K. Ravert, and Liisa Huittinen
Perceptions of Marriage Preparation Among College-Educated Young Adults With Greater Family-Related Risks for Marital Disruption, Stephen F. Duncan and Melissa M. Wood
Quality of dehydrated mashed potatoes retail packaged in No. 10 cans, H. Farnsworth, Lynn V. Ogden, and Oscar A. Pike
Every three-point set is zero dimensional, David L. Fearnley, J. W. Lamoreaux, and David L. Fearnley
The Topology of Hyperbolic Attractors on Compact Surfaces, Todd L. Fisher
Concurrently Learning Neural Nets: Encouraging Optimal Behavior in Cooperative Reinforcement Learning Systems, Nancy Fulda and Dan A. Ventura
Dynamic Joint Action Perception for Q-Learning Agents, Nancy Fulda and Dan A. Ventura
Target Sets: A Tool for Understanding and Predicting the Behavior of Interacting Q-learners, Nancy Fulda and Dan A. Ventura
Weakening Water Rights and Efficient Transfers 1, B. Delworth Gardner
Quality of dehydrated whole egg packaged in No. 10 cans, T.A. Gnadt, Lynn V. Ogden, and Oscar A. Pike
Model-Based Human-Centered Task Automation: A Case Study in ACC System Design, Michael A. Goodrich and Erwin R. Boer