Submissions from 2003
Real Time Dynamic Trajectory Smoothing for Uninhabited Aerial Vehicles, Erik Anderson, Randal Beard, and Timothy W. McLain
A Self-Adapting Healthcare Information Infrastructure Using Mobile Computing Devices, James K. Archibald, Eric S. Hall, Charles D. Knutson, and David K. Vawdrey
Enabling Remote Access to Personal Electronic Medical Records, James K. Archibald, Eric S. Hall, Charles D. Knutson, and David K. Vawdrey
In situ UV-Visible Assessment of Extent of Reduction During Oxidation Reactions on Oxide Catalysts, Morris D. Argyle, Kaidong Chen, Carlo Resini, Catherine Krebs, Alexis T. Bell, and Enrique Iglesia
Mormons and the Media, 1898-2003: A Selected, Annotated, and Indexed Bibliography (with Suggestions for Future Research), Sherry Baker and Daniel Stout
Native- and Second-Language Interaction in Early and Late Bilinguals: The Effect of Cross-Language Similarity, Wendy Baker and Pavel Trofimovich
Transport Discovery in Wireless Multi-Transport Environments, Shannon B. Barnes, Charles D. Knutson, and Ryan W. Woodings
Just-In-Time Browsing for Digitized Microfilm and Other Similar Image Collections, William A. Barrett and Douglas J. Kennard
Consensus-Based Table Form Recognition, William A. Barrett and Heath E. Nielson
Remembering the Mormons in Lee County, Iowa: Marking the Past in Montrose and Keokuk, Alexander L. Baugh
Was Joseph F. Smith Blessed by His Father Hyrum Smith in Liberty Jail?, Alexander L. Baugh
The Impact of Parental Support, Behavioral Control, and Psychological Control on the Academic Achievement and Self-Esteem of African American and European American Adolescents, Roy A. Bean, Kevin R. Bush, Patrick C. McHenry, and Stephan M. Wilson
Motion Planning using Potential Fields, Randal W. Beard and Timothy W. McLain
Multiple UAV Cooperative Search under Collision Avoidance and Limited Range Communication Constraints, Randal W. Beard and Timothy W. McLain
A 39-year-old Man With Left Shoulder Pain: Comparing 3- and 5-Point Triage Scales, Renea L. Beckstrand and Ellen K. Sanders
That Every Man Might Speak in the Name of God the Lord: A Study of Official Declaration 2, Richard Bennett
Neutral-Plasma Oscillations at Zero Temperature, Scott D. Bergeson and Ross L. Spencer
Ptolemaic Agriculture, “Syrian Wheat”, and Triticum aestivum, Andrea M. Berlin, Terry Ball, Robert Thompson, and Sharon C. Herbert
Dynamic Modeling of Compliant Constant-Force Compression Mechanisms, Cameron Boyle, Larry L. Howell, Spencer P. Magleby, and Mark S. Evans
A Multi-National Study of Interparental Conflict, Parenting, and Adolescent Functioning, Kay Bradford, Brian K. Barber, Joseph A. Olsen, Suzanne L. Maughan, Lance D. Erickson, Deborah Ward, and Heidi E. Stolz
The New Economy Is Dead, Long Live the Information Economy, Phillip J. Bryson
“Rocky Mountain Entrepreneur: Robert Campbell as a Fur Trade Capitalist.”, Jay H. Buckley
Adapting Enactments to Couple Reactivity: Five Developmental Stages, Mark H. Butler and Brandt C. Gardner
Micro-genetic algorithm design of hybrid conventional waveguide and photonic crystal structures, J. Cai, S. Kim, Gregory P. Nordin, and J. Jiang
Ultracompact high-efficiency polarizing beam splitter with a hybrid photonic crystal and conventional waveguide structure, J. Cai, S. Kim, Gregory P. Nordin, and J. Jiang