An ETD is an electronic thesis or dissertation document. The document is similar to its paper predecessor, but differs in that ETDs may incorporate multimedia elements, enabling graduate students to more effectively and creatively present their research. ETDs consume virtually no library shelf space, never collect dust, and are available to anyone browsing the World Wide Web. Students were required to submit an electronic version of their paper beginning in September 2009.


Theses/Dissertations from 1960


A Study of Eschatological Prophecies Found in the Scriptures and in the Works of General Authorities of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, Duane S. Crowther


Factors that Influenced Homesteading and Land Abandonment in San Juan County, Utah, Melvin J. Frost


The Pratt-Newman Debate, Robert Duane Hatch


Early History of Malad Valley, Glade F. Howell


Application of the quasi-lattice theory to the heats of mixing of some alcohol-hydrocarbon systems, Mar Lynn James


Benjamin Franklin Stewart, Lifetime Pioneer, Janet Jenson


A Comprehensive Comparison of Christ's Teachings on the Doctrine of Fasting and the Ancient and Present Day Practices Thereof, Alan P. Johnson


Fred T. Dubois, Foe of the Mormons: A Study of the Role of Fred T. Dubois in the Senate Investigation of the Hon. Reed Smoot and the Mormon Church, 1903-1907, Jay R. Lowe


A Study of the Doctrinal Significance of Certain Textual Changes Made by the Prophet Joseph Smith in the Four Gospels of the Inspired Version of the New Testament, Robert J. Matthews


A Study of the Criticisms of the Book of Abraham, Calvin D. McOmber


A Comparative Study of the Group Guidance Teaching Method and the Traditional Teaching Method in the Seminary System, Garth P. Monson


Lichens of the Wasatch Mountains in central Utah, Harry Stewart Nielsen Jr.


The Differential Effects of Bases for Moral Behavior and Major Field of Study Upon Moral Judgment, Ray Edgar Paskett


An investigation of the formation constant of molecular silver chloride using ion exchange techniques.|nII.|pAn investigation of the rate of precipitation of silver sulfide by thioacetamide, James W. Pyper


A comparative study of Crotaphytus holbrook (Iguanidae), Wilbur Gerald Robinson


Life history of the desert wood rat, Robert Carr Stones


A History of the Manti Temple, Glen R. Stubbs


Observations on the hibernation of Culex tarsalis Coquillett in Utah Valley, Utah, Dennis W. Trent


A Study of the Effectiveness of Bibliotherapy to Effect a Change of Attitudes as Measured Statistically, June Gracey Whiteford


A Study of Selected Factors Which influence Latter-Day Saint and Non-Latter-Day Saint Students to Attend the Church College of Hawaii, Daniel G. Witt

Theses/Dissertations from 1959


A History of Murray to 1905, Clinton R. Ahlberg


Factors Associated With Attendance at Church Related Activities of LDS Male Household Heads in Selected Utah Rural Areas, C. LeRoy Anderson


A History of Iosepa, the Utah Polynesian Colony, Dennis H. Atkin


The History of Public Education in Daggett County, Utah, and Adjacent Areas, Donald Weir Baxter


An investigation of metallic rhenium, rhenium dioxide and rhenium chlorides as catalysts in the hydrogenation of certain organic substrates, Walter William Brown