Theses/Dissertations from 2019
The Effects of Distracting Background Audio on Spontaneous Speech, Kacy Nicole Chapman
The Effects of Distracting Background Audio on Spontaneous Speech, Kacy Nicole Chapman
The Distinction Between Lingua-Palatal Contact Patterns of English Light and Dark [ɫ]: A Precursor to Using Electropalatography in Second Language Instruction, Kallie Lynne Chaves
The Cross-Validation of the Classification Accuracy of a Dynamic Assessment of Narrative Language for School-Age Children with and Without Language Disorder, Kallie Dawn Clark
Developmental Language Disorders and Reticence in Childhood, Aimee Diehl
Improving Narrative and Expository Language: A Comparison of Narrative Intervention to Shared Storybook Reading, Karee Douglas
The Ability of Children with Developmental Language Disorder (DLD) to Infer Emotions from Pictures: Where's the Breakdown?, Mary Rebekah Forbes
Agreement Between Parent and Teacher Ratings of Social Communication Abilitieson the Children's Communication Checklist-Second Edition, Courtney Lynn Hammond
A Discourse Analysis of Clinician-Child Interactions Within a Meaning-Based Phonological Intervention, Brittany Appleby Long
Kinematic and Acoustic Vowel Changes in Adult Bite Block Speech, Tanner Keith Low
The Impact of Electropalatography in Teaching the /r/-/l/ Sound Contrast for Native Japanese Language Learners of English: Evidence from Lingua-Palatal Contact, Nicole Rose McDougal
Sociability in Children with Developmental Language Disorder, Miranda Elizabeth Miller
Modeling Subglottic Stenosis Effects on Phonation Threshold Pressure in the Porcine Larynx, Jessica Maryn Murphey
Mismatch Negativity Event Related Potential Elicited by Speech Stimuli in Geriatric Patients, Dana Lynn Pierce
A Preliminary Study Using Electropalatography in Second Language Instruction: An Examination of Formant Frequencies, Summer Ann Price
Articulatory Kinematic Compensation for a Bite Block During Diphthong Production, Michelle Olson Richins
The Accuracy of a Spanish Dynamic Assessment of Narrative Language in Identifying Language Disorder: A Cross Validation Study, Mariah Forbush Romero
Modeling Subglottic Stenosis Effects on Phonation Threshold Flow in the Porcine Larynx, Robin Michelle Smith
Phonological Processing in Children with Dyslexia: Analyzing Nonword Repetition Error Types, Camille Christine Stanley
Theses/Dissertations from 2018
The Effect of the Slope of the Psychometric Function on the Measurement of Speech Recognition Threshold Using a Male Talker, Nujod Ali Bakhsh
The Association Between Articulator Movement and Formant Histories in Diphthongs Across Speaking Contexts, Janae Valyn Christensen
The Influence of Task Type on Speech Production by Second Language Learners of German: An Electropalatographic Study, Elizabeth Cope
Comparison of Early Literacy iPad Apps: Evaluation of Teachers' Perceptions, Julie McIntyre Evans
The Nature of Child Engagement and Teacher-Child Interactions Within STEM-Based Instruction in Preschool Classrooms, Hayley Ann Griffin
The Effects of a Social Communication Intervention on the Correct Production of Emotion Words for Children with Language Impairment, Julia Vincent Hetherton
Effects of Divided Attention on Speech in Parkinson's Disease, Melissa Inkley
The Effect of a Social Communication Intervention on the Correct Production of Emotion Words in Children with Language Impairment, Annelise Luddington
Articulatory Kinematic Differences During Adaptation to a Bite Block, Madison Ann McHaley
Effects of Larynx Preservation Method on Phonation Threshold Pressure in an Excised Porcine Benchtop Model, Chelsea Savannah Pipkin Litster
The Effect of the Slope of the Psychometric Function on the Measurement of Speech Recognition Threshold Using a Female Talker, Jessica Lee Reese
An Early Childhood Expository Comprehension Measure: A Look At Validity, MaryBeth Fillerup Robertson
The Effects of Social Communication Intervention on Emotion Inferencing in Children with Developmental Language Disorder, Capri Annissa Seaberg
Acoustic Correlates of Aging and Familial Relationship, Samantha Michelle Taylor
Effects of Larynx Preservation Method on Phonation Threshold Flow in an Excised Porcine Benchtop Model, Emily Huber Webster
Measuring the Reliability of the Early Expository Comprehension Assessment, Revised 3rd Edition, Garrett Frane Wilkes
Native Mandarin Speakers' Production of English Fricatives as a Function of Linguistic Task Type and Word Position: A Spectral Moment Analysis, Lindsey McCall Wing
Theses/Dissertations from 2017
Using a Social Communication Intervention to Increase Emotion Word Use in Children with Language Impairment, Breeana Lee Bell
Effect of Speaker Age and Dialect on Listener Perceptions of Personality, Brittni Elizabeth Bergstrom
Development of An Early Expository Text Comprehension Assessment: A Pilot Study, Stacey Christianson
Measuring Subtypes of Withdrawal in Children with Language Impairment, Emma Maille Coombs
Perceptual Analysis of Children's Adaptation to an Electropalatography Sensor, Kasey Marie Duffield
Perceptual Analysis of Children's Adaptation to an Electropalatography Sensor, Kasey Marie Duffield
Effects of Conversational Modalities on Driving and Speaking Performance, Katy Glenn
Development of Word Recognition Materials for Native Cebuano Speakers, Sarah Mickele Gordon
Comparison of Early Literacy iPad Applications: Children's Engagement, Shawnii Lyman
The Efficacy of a Literature-Based Social Communication Intervention on Teacher Report of Withdrawal for Children with Language Impairment, Cammy G. Peterson
Solitary-Pretend Play in Children with Language Impairment and Their Typically-Developing Peers, Mallory Paige Scofield
Examining the Reversal of Vocal Fold Dehydration Using Aerosolized Saline in an Excised Larynx Model, Maya Elena Stevens
Theses/Dissertations from 2016
The Ability of Six Children with Language Impairment to Generate Stories from Pictured Stimuli: A Pilot Study, Molly Roxanne Alldredge
Development of Psychometrically Equivalent Speech Recognition Threshold Materials for Native Cebuano Speakers, Melissa Dawn Anderson
Topic Manipulation in Five Children with Language Impairment in Response to Topic Probes, Kimberly Kasey Baker
A Model of Children's Acquisition of Grammatical Word Categories from Adult Language Input Using an Adaption and Selection Algorithm, Emily Marie Berardi
Mean Length of Utterance and Developmental Sentence Scoring in the Analysis of Children's Language Samples, Laurie Lynne Chamberlain
Story Retell Narratives in Five School-Aged Children with Language Impairment, Megan Bradshaw Deere
Psychometrically Equivalent Trisyllabic Words for Testing Spanish Pediatric Speech Recognition Thresholds, Jessica Lee Graham
Preventing Vocal Fold Dehydration Using Aerosolized Salinein an Excised Porcine Model, Mallory Lynn Hansen
The Efficacy of a Literature-Based Social Communication Intervention on Teacher Report of Sociability for Children with Language Impairment, Mnisa Lyn Harlow
Speech Adaptation to Kinematic Recording Sensors, Elise Hansen Hunter
A Comparison of Manual and Automated Grammatical Precoding on the Accuracy of Automated Developmental Sentence Scoring, Sarah Elizabeth Janis
The Effects of a Social Communication Intervention on the Production of Emotion Words for Children with Language Impairment, Emilee Anne Longmore
Effects of Two Gait Tasks on Language Complexity in Parkinson's Disease, Betty Ann Marquardt
Effects of Subglottic Stenosis and Cricotracheal Resection on Voice Production in Women, Lisa Marie Mattei
The Association Between Articulator Movement and Formant Trajectories in Diphthongs, Katherine Morris McKell
Semantic and Syntactic Processing in a Patient with Left Temporal Lobe Damage Secondary to Traumatic Brain Injury: An fMRI Study, Caitlin Moizer
The Effect of Age, Noise Level, and Frequency on Loudness Matching Functions of Normal Hearing Listeners with Noise Masking, Linda Titera Parrish
Psychometrically Equivalent Bisyllabic Word Lists for Spanish Pediatric Word Recognition Testing, Brenda Karina Peterson
Bidirectional Interference Between Simulated Driving and Speaking, Kelsey Lynn Simmons
The Influence of a Social Communication Intervention on the Syntactic Complexity of Three Children with Language Impairment, Alyse Wheeler
Theses/Dissertations from 2015
The Effects of Laryngeal Activity on Articulatory Kinematics, Katherine Marie Barber
Neurophysiological Correlates of the Critical Bandwidth in the Human Auditory System, Grace Ann Bentley
External Validity of Grammatical Word Category Classification Using an Adaptation and Selection Model, Michelle Chatterton
Source Localization in Cross Modality Matching of Brightness and Loudness of Young Adults, Tawnya Nadine Coates
An Examination of the Effectiveness of Systematic and Engaging Early Literacy (SEEL) with Children with ASD, Maren Hyatt Davis
Increasing Emotion Word Productions in Children with Language Impairment with a Social Communication Intervention, Madelane Kate Dixon
Automated Grammatical Tagging of Clinical Language Samples with and Without SALT Coding, Andrea Nielson Hughes
The Right Ear Advantage in Response to Levels of Linguistic Complexity: A Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging Study, Elizabeth Hyatt
Establishing Normative Data for Contact Patterns of Fricative Production by Native German Speakers: An Electropalatography Study, Lisa Diane Isaacson
Story Generation in Five School-Aged Children with Language Impairment, Suzanne Tutt Jones
Brain Mapping of the Latency Epochs in a McGurk Effect Paradigm in Music Performance and Visual Arts Majors, Lauren Donelle Nordstrom
Changes in Acoustic and Kinematic Articulatory Working Space Across Three Intensity Levels, Panika Ellis Palmer
The Efficacy of a Social Communication Intervention on Teacher Report of Withdrawal for Children with Language Impairment, Allyson Roscher
Monophthongal Vowel Production in Females with Primary Sjögren's Syndrome Following a Hydration Treatment of Nebulized Saline, Kara Rytting
The Efficacy of a Social Communication Intervention to Increase Syntactic Complexity in Narratives of Children with Language Impairment, Alexandra Smith
Modeling Children's Acquisition of Grammatical Word Categories from Adult Input Using an Adaptation and Selection Algorithm, Nicole Adele Stenquist
Incorporating a Robot in Intervention with Children with ASD: The Effect on Tantrum Behaviors, Tayler Bodon Whitmer
Precoding and the Accuracy of Automated Analysis of Child Language Samples, Rachel Christine Winiecke
Theses/Dissertations from 2014
Language Pathways Defined in a Patient with Left Temporal Lobe DamageSecondary to Traumatic Brain Injury: A QEEG & MRI Study, Janelle Lee Bailey
Speech Adaptation to Electropalatography in Children's Productions of /s/ and /ʃ/, Marissa Celaya
Story Generation Ability in Four Children with Language Impairment, Monica Leroy Chamberlain
A Model of Grammatical Category Acquisition Using Adaptation and Selection, Sarah Zitting Cluff
The Effects of Laryngeal Desiccation and Nebulized Isotonic Saline in Trained Male Singers, Robert B. Fujiki
The Accurate Productions of Emotion Words During a Social Communication Intervention in Children with Language Impairment, Emily Marie Gibbons
The Efficacy of Social Communication Intervention on Teacher Report of Sociability for Children With Language Impairment, Julianne Grover Smith Guerra
Development of Speech Recognition Threshold and Word Recognition Materials for Native Vietnamese Speakers, Claire Hanson
A Model of Grammatical Category Acquisition in the Spanish Language Using Adaptation and Selection, Camille Lorraine Judd
Children's Adaptation to Electropalatography: Evidence From Acoustic Analysis of /t/ and /k/, Kara Brianne Knapp
Voice Features of Sjogren's Syndrome: Examination of Relative Fundamental Frequency (RFF) During Connected Speech, Victoria Anne Lovett