
Submissions from 2005


Observations of Flame Behavior in a Laboratory-Scale Premixed Natural Gas/Air Gas Turbine Combustor From Planar Laser Induced Fluorescence Measurements of OH, Laser Doppler Anemometer Velocity Measurements, and Coherent Anti-Stokes Roman Spectrometer Temperature Measurements, Thomas H. Fletcher


Mechanism of Targeted Chemotherapeutic Delivery Using Ultrasound, Thaidra A. Gaufin, Byron K. Murray, Seiga Ohmine, Kim L. O'Neill, William G. Pitt, and Briant S. Stringham


Simulated Land-Based Turbine Deposits Generated in an Accelerated Deposition Facility, Jared W. Jensen, Sean W. Squire, Jeffrey P. Bons, and Thomas H. Fletcher


Analysis of Grain Screenings by X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy, Guilin Jiang, Ghaleb A. Husseini, Larry Lin Baxter, and Matthew R. Linford


Analysis of Sawdust by X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy, Guilin Jiang, Ghaleb A. Husseini, Larry Lin Baxter, and Matthew R. Linford


Analysis of Straw by X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy, Guilin Jiang, Ghaleb A. Husseini, Larry Lin Baxter, and Matthew R. Linford


Analysis of Sugar Beet Pulp by X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy, Guilin Jiang, Ghaleb A. Husseini, Larry Lin Baxter, and Matthew R. Linford


Analysis of Sunflower Shells by X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy, Guilin Jiang, Ghaleb A. Husseini, Larry Lin Baxter, and Matthew R. Linford


RESEARCH ARTICLE| DECEMBER 30 2005 Analysis of Shea Nut Shells by X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy, Guilin Jiang, Ghaleb A. Husseini, Larry Lin Baxter, and Matthew R. Linford


Polymerization Kinetics of PEO-b-pNIPAAm Block Copolymers, William G. Pitt and Yi Zeng


The calculation of characteristic impedance and propagation operator associated with isothermal and viscous effects in acoustic tubes, Dean R. Wheeler


Swelling properties and intrinsic reactivities of coal chars produced at elevated pressures and high heating rates, Dong Zeng, Michael Clark, Todd Gunderson, William C. Hecker, and Thomas H. Fletcher


Effects of Pressure on Coal Pyrolysis and Char Morphology, Dong Zeng and Thomas H. Fletcher

Submissions from 2004


The Effect of Gas Pressure on NO Conversion Energy Efficiency in Nonthermal Nitrogen Plasma, Morris D. Argyle, Gui-Bing Zhao, S.V.B. Janardhan Garikipati, Xudong Hu, and Maciej Radosz


Ignition Behavior of Live California Chaparral Leaves, Joshua D. Engstrom, Jared K. Butler, Steven G. Smith, Larry L. Baxter, Thomas H. Fletcher, and David R. Weise


Modeling the Direct Solar Conversion of CO2 to CO and O2, Thomas H. Fletcher


Molecular-dynamics simulation of the effect of ions on a liquid–liquid interface for a partially miscible mixture, Richard L. Rowley, Kent E. Wardle, Eric Carlson, and Douglas Henderson

Submissions from 2003


In situ UV-Visible Assessment of Extent of Reduction During Oxidation Reactions on Oxide Catalysts, Morris D. Argyle, Kaidong Chen, Carlo Resini, Catherine Krebs, Alexis T. Bell, and Enrique Iglesia


High-Pressure Intrinsic Oxidation Kinetics of Two Coal Chars, William C. Hecker, Peter M. Madsen, Michael R. Sherman, Jared W. Allen, Rebecca J. Sawaya, and Thomas H. Fletcher


High-Pressure Coal Pyrolysis in a Drop Tube Furnace, Koichi Matsuoka, Zhi-xin Ma, Hiroyuki Akiho, Zhan-guo Zhang, Akira Tomita, Thomas H. Fletcher, Marek A. Wojtowicz, and Stephen Niksa


Effects of solvent model flexibility on aqueous electrolyte behavior between electrodes, Richard L. Rowley, John N. Harb, Clint G. Guymon, Matthew L. Hunsaker, and Douglas Henderson


Interaction energy surfaces of small hydrocarbon molecules, Richard L. Rowley, Jukka-Pekka Jalkanen, Tapani A. Pakkanen, and Yan Yang

Submissions from 2002


Effect of Catalyst Structure on Oxidative Dehydrogenation of Ethane and Propane on Alumina-Supported Vanadia, Morris D. Argyle, Kaidong Chen, Alexis T. Bell, and Enrique Iglesia

Submissions from 2001


Simultaneous Capture and Mineralization of Coal Combustion Flue Gas Carbon Dioxide (CO2), Morris D. Argyle, Katta J. Reddy, Sanil John, Hollis Weber, Pradip Bhattacharyya, David T. Taylor, Mikol Christensen, Thomas Foulke, and Paul Fahlsing


Transformations of Coal-Derived Soot at Elevated Temperature, Thomas H. Fletcher, Jim Rigby, Jinliang Ma, and Brent W. Webb


Small-angle X-ray studies of soot inception and growth, Jan P. Hessler, Soenke Seifert, Randall E. Winans, and Thomas H. Fletcher


Determination of an ethane intermolecular potential model for use in molecular simulations from ab initio calculations, Richard L. Rowley, Tapani A. Pakkanen, and Yan Yang


13-C NMR Analysis of Soot Produced from Model Compounds and a Coal, Mark S. Solum, Adel F. Sarofim, Ronald J. Pugmire, Thomas H. Fletcher, and Haifeng Zhang


Simulation of Coal Pyrolysis in Plasma Jet by CPD Model, Yajun Tian, Kechang Xie, Suyu Zhu, and Thomas H. Fletcher


Nitrogen Transformations during Secondary Coal Pyrolysis, Haifeng Zhang and Thomas H. Fletcher

Submissions from 2000


The Use of Two Mixture Fractions to Treat Coal Combustion Products in Turbulent Pulverized-Coal Flames, Daniel V. Flores and Thomas H. Fletcher


Improving the Accuracy of Predicting Effectiveness Factors for mth Order and Langmuir Rate Equations in Spherical Coordinates, Jianhui Hong, William C. Hecker, and Thomas H. Fletcher


Modeling High Pressure Char Oxidation Using Langmuir Kinetics with an Effectiveness Factor, Jianhui Hong, William C. Hecker, and Thomas H. Fletcher


Modeling Nitrogen Evolution during Coal Pyrolysis Based on a Global Free-Radical Mechanism, Steven T. Perry and Thomas H. Fletcher


Solid-State 13C NMR Characterization of Matched Tars and Chars from Rapid Coal Devolatilization, Steven T. Perry, Eric M. Hambly, Thomas H. Fletcher, Mark S. Solum, and Ronald J. Pugmire


Pulsed Ultrasound Enhances the Killing of Escherichia coli Biofilms by Aminoglycoside Antibiotics In Vivo, Andrea M. Rediske, Beverly L. Roeder, Jared L. Nelson, Rachel L. Robison, Bruce Schaaije, Richard A. Robison, and William G. Pitt


Molecular dynamics calculations of the electrochemical properties of electrolyte systems between charged electrodes, Richard L. Rowley, Paul S. Crozier, and Douglas Henderson


Comparison of charged sheets and corrected 3-D Ewald calculations of long-range forces in slab geometry electrolyte systems with solvent molecules, Richard L. Rowley, Paul S. Crozier, Eckhard Spoht, and Douglas Henderson


Measurement of Soot and Char in Pulverized Coal Fly Ash, John M. Veranth, Thomas H. Fletcher, David W. Pershing, and Adel F. Sarofim

Submissions from 1999


Modeling Nitrogen Release during Devolatilization on the Basis of Chemical Structure of Coal, Dominic Genetti and Thomas H. Fletcher


Development and Application of a Correlation of 13C NMR Chemical Structural Analyses of Coal Based on Elemental Composition and Volatile Matter Content, Dominic Genetti, Thomas H. Fletcher, and Ronald J. Pugmire


Ultrasonic Enhancement of Antibiotic Action on Escherichia coli Biofilms: an In Vivo Model, Andrea M. Rediske, Beverly L. Roeder, Maren K. Brown, Jared L. Nelson, Rachel L. Robison, David O. Draper, G. Bruce Schaalje, Richard A. Robison, and William G. Pitt


Simulation and density functional study of a simple membrane separating two restricted primitive model electrolytes, Richard L. Rowley, Dezso Boda, Douglas Henderson, and Stefan Sokolowski


Determination of a methane intermolecular potential model for use in molecular simulations from ab initio calculations, Richard L. Rowley and Tapani A. Pakkanen

Submissions from 1998


Modeling Soot Derived from Pulverized Coal, Alexander L. Brown and Thomas H. Fletcher


Nitrogen Transformations in Coal during Pyrolysis, Simon R. Kelemen, Martin L. Gorbaty, P J. Kwiatek, Thomas H. Fletcher, Mathew Watt, Mark S. Solum, and Ronald J. Pugmire


Evaluation of CH4/NOx Reduced Mechanisms Used for Modeling Lean Premixed Turbulent Combustion of Natural Gas, Hemant P. Mallampalli, Thomas H. Fletcher, and J Y. Chen


Computer simulations of branched alkanes: The effect of side chain and its position on rheological behavior, Richard L. Rowley, Tapani A. Pakkanen, Maija Lahtela, and Mikko Linnolahti

Submissions from 1997


Release of Inorganic Material During Coal Devolatilization, Larry L. Baxter, Reginald E. Mitchell, and Thomas H. Fletcher


Soot in Coal Combustion Systems, Thomas H. Fletcher, Jinliang Ma, Jim Rigby, Alexander L. Brown, and Brent W. Webb


Predicting the viscosity of alkanes using nonequilibrium molecular dynamics: Evaluation of intermolecular potential models, Richard L. Rowley and William Allen

Submissions from 1996


A Computational Method for Determining Global Fuel-NO Rate Expressions. Part 1, Wei Chen, L Douglas Smoot, Thomas H. Fletcher, and Richard D. Boardman


Chen, W., L. D. Smoot, S. C. Hill, and T. H. Fletcher, “Global Rate Expression for Nitric Oxide Reburning. Part 2,” Energy and Fuels, 10, 1046-1052 (1996)., Wei Chen, L Douglas Smoot, Scott C. Hill, and Thomas H. Fletcher


Nitrogen Release during Coal Combustion, Thomas H. Fletcher, Larry L. Baxter, Reginald E. Mitchell, and Robert H. Hurt


Conversion of Coal Tar to Soot During Coal Pyrolysis in a Post-Flame Environment, Thomas H. Fletcher, Jinliang Ma, and Brent W. Webb


Chemical Structure of Coal Tar During Devolatilization, Thomas H. Fletcher and Mathew Watt


Effects of Pyrolysis Heating Rate on Intrinsic Reactivities of Coal Chars, Thomas K. Gale, Calvin H. Bartholomew, and Thomas H. Fletcher

Submissions from 1995


Decreases in the Swelling and Porosity of Bituminous Coals During Devolatilization at High Heating Rates, Thomas K. Gale, Thomas H. Fletcher, and Calvin H. Bartholomew


Effects of Pyrolysis Conditions on Internal Surface Areas and Densities of Coal Chars Prepared at High Heating Rates in Reactive and Non-Reactive Atmospheres, Thomas K. Gale, Thomas H. Fletcher, and Calvin H. Bartholomew


Thermophoretic Sampling of Coal-Derived Soot Particles During Devolatilization, Jinliang Ma, Thomas H. Fletcher, and Brent W. Webb

Submissions from 1994


Ultrasonic enhancement of antibiotic action on gram-negative bacteria, William G. Pitt, Michael O. McBride, Jared K. Lunceford, Randall J. Roper, and Richard D. Sagers


The Impact of Coal Pyrolysis on Combustion, Peter R. Solomon and Thomas H. Fletcher

Submissions from 1993


Swelling Properties of Coal Chars During Rapid Coal Pyrolysis and Combustion,, Thomas H. Fletcher


Chemical Structural Features of Pyridine Extracts of the Argonne Premium Coals Using 13C NMR Spectroscopy, Thomas H. Fletcher, S Bai, Ronald J. Pugmire, Steven Wood, and David M. Grant


Overview of ACERC Comprehensive Model Development, Thomas H. Fletcher and Scott C. Hill


An Overview of ACERC Research in Fuel Characterization and Reaction Mechanisms, Ronald J. Pugmire and Thomas H. Fletcher


Progress in Coal Pyrolysis, Peter R. Solomon, Thomas H. Fletcher, and Ronald J. Pugmire

Submissions from 1992


Chemical Percolation Model for Devolatilization: II. Temperature and Heating Rate Effects on Product Yields, Thomas H. Fletcher, Alan R. Kerstein, Ronald J. Pugmire, and David M. Grant


Chemical Structure of Char in the Transition from Devolatilization to Combustion, Thomas H. Fletcher, Mark S. Solum, David M. Grant, and Ronald J. Pugmire


Note on the number dependence of nonequilibrium molecular dynamics simulations of the viscosity of structured molecules, Richard L. Rowley and James F. Ely

Submissions from 1989


Molecular dynamics simulation of real-fluid mutual diffusion coefficients with the Lennard-Jones potential model, Richard L. Rowley and J. M. Stoker

Submissions from 1987


Heats of transport from diffusion thermoeffect measurements on binary liquid mixtures of carbon tetrachloride with benzene, toluene, 2-propanone, n-hexane, and n-octane, Richard L. Rowley and S. C. Yi


On the use of a modified square-well model for prediction and correlation of thermal diffusion factors in binary liquid mixtures, Richard L. Rowley and S. C. Yi

Submissions from 1986


Heats of Transport from the Diffusion Thermoeffect in Binary Liquid Mixtures of Toluene, Chlorobenzene, and Bromobenzene, Richard L. Rowley and M. D. Hall

Submissions from 1982


Diffusion Thermoeffect Measurements of Heats of Transport in Ternary Liquid Toluene Chlorobenzene Bromobenzene Mixtures at 25°C and 3°C, Richard L. Rowley, Gerald Platt, and Tevin Vongvanich


The Diffusion Thermoeffect in Ternary, Nonelectrolyte Liquid Mixtures, Richard L. Rowley, Gerald Platt, and Tevin Vongvanich

Submissions from 1981


Model for Coal-Fired Reactors, Philip J. Smith, Thomas H. Fletcher, and L. Douglas Smoot

Submissions from 1980


The Dufour effect. III. Direct experimental determination of the heat of transport of carbon tetrachloride-cyclohexane liquid mixtures, Richard L. Rowley and Frederick H. Horne

Submissions from 1978


The Dufour effect. II. Experimental confirmation of the Onsager heat-mass reciprocal relation for a binary liquid mixture, Richard L. Rowley and Frederick H. Horne