"Release of Inorganic Material During Coal Devolatilization" by Larry L. Baxter, Reginald E. Mitchell et al.


Inorganic Material, Coal, Devolatilization


Experimental results presented in this paper indicate that coal devolatilization products convectively remove a fraction of the nonvolatile components of inorganic material atomically dispersed in the coal matrix. Results from three facilities burning six different coals illustrate this mechanism of ash transformation and release from coal particles. Titanium is chosen to illustrate this type of mass release from coal particles on the basis of its low volatility and mode of occurrence in the coal. During moderate rates of devolatilization (104 K/s heating rate), no significant loss of titanium is noted. At more rapid rates of heating/devolatilization (105 K/s) a consistent but minor (3%-4%) loss of titanium is noted. During rapid devolatilization (5 X l05 K/s and higher), significant (lo%-20%) amounts of titanium leave the coal. The loss of titanium monitored in coals ranging in rank from subbituminous to high-volatile bituminous coals and under conditions typical of pulverized-coal combustion. The amount of titanium lost during devolatilization exhibits a complex rank dependence. These results imply that other atomically dispersed material (alkali and alkaline earth elements) may undergo similar mechanisms of transformation and release.

Original Publication Citation

Baxter, L. L., R. E. Mitchell, and T. H. Fletcher, "Release of Inorganic Material During Coal Devolatilization," Combustion & Flame, 108, 494-502 (1997). DOI: 10.1016/0010-2180(95)00120-4

Document Type

Peer-Reviewed Article

Publication Date







Ira A. Fulton College of Engineering


Chemical Engineering

University Standing at Time of Publication

Full Professor
