Volume 41, Issue 8 (2020) August 2020
Book Reviews
Full Issue
Various Reviewers
The Arctic Fox’s Journey
Jennifer Padgett
The Secret Garden
Sydnee Burr
Darkdeep #2: The Beast
Aubrey Parry
Your Body on Sugar
Jennifer Haltli
Black Beauty
Taylor Bitton
Swashby and the Sea
Karen Abbott
The Scarecrow
Jazmin Gomez
The Flying Flamingo Sisters
Amanda Morgan
The How and the Why
Taylor Bitton
The Secret Garden
Taylor Bitton
The Paper Kingdom
Karen Abbott
The Lost Wonderland Diaries
Tessa McMillan
Awake in the World
Taylor Bitton
Don't Feed the Coos!
Deborah Le Starge
The Thief Knot: A Greenglass House Story
Tessa McMillan
The Story Collector #2: The Story Seeker
Jazmin Gomez
The Magnificent Monsters of Cedar Street
Tessa McMillan
Beneath the Waves
Maryn Wheeler
Under Rose-Tainted Skies
Katelyn Osborn
Jennifer Padgett
The Most Wonderful Gift in the World
Jennifer Padgett
The Candle and the Flame
Tessa McMillan McMillan
I Knew You Could Do it!
Taran Burnett
The Brain is Kind of a Big Deal
Kimberly Reynolds
Kitty and the Moonlight Rescue
Amanda Morgan
Kitty and the Tiger Treasure
Amanda Morgan