Volume 81, Number 4 (2021)
Front Matter
Biology of Alniphagus aspericollis (Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Scolytinae) in Alnus tenuifolia in northern Idaho and notes on Alniphagus hirsutus
Malcolm M. Furniss and Sandra J. Kegley
Seasonal fish communities in three Northern California estuaries
Katherine Osborn, Tim Mulligan, and Andre Buchheister
Lichens and allied fungi of the North Fork Nooksack River valley bottom, Whatcom County, Washington: important biodiversity in a high-use area
Jessica L. Allen and R. Troy McMullin
Age-dependent search behavior in the Colorado checkered whiptail (Aspidoscelis neotesselatus)
Carina Kusaka, Kaera Utsumi, Catherine Staley, Rachael Pedersen, Julia Valdivia, Elizabeth Liu, Hannah Caracalas, Hannah Reynolds, Maria A. Eifler, and Douglas A. Eifler
Distribution, habitat affinities, and conservation of prairie moonwort (Botrychium campestre) on its northern range limit
Vladimir Kricsfalusy
Shrinkage of Rio Grande silvery minnow after preservation in formalin and storage in ethanol
Joshua D. Grant and Thomas P. Archdeacon
Declines of juvenile coastal cutthroat trout and coho salmon over fifteen years in a salmon-bearing stream in the Salish Sea
Anne-Marie Flores, Morgan M. Davies, Katrina Kushneryk, Pippi T.E.S. Lawn, Sibylla Helms, Hanna M. Thomson, Kyle R. Nelson, Christopher W. Burns, Steven Roias, and Travis G. Gerwing
Nesting biology and offspring development of the cavity-nesting solitary wasp Isodontia elegans (F. Smith) from trap-nests in Oregon
Ronald C. Spendal, Kevin M. O'Neill, and Casey M. Delphia
Noteworthy records of mammals from west-central Mexico
Diego F. García-Mendoza, Celia López-González, and Teresa Salas-H
Whooping Crane (Grus americana) family consumes a diversity of aquatic vertebrates during fall migration stopover at the Platte River, Nebraska
Andrew J. Caven, Keith D. Koupal, David M. Baasch, Emma M. Brinley Buckley, Jenna Malzahn, Michael L. Forsberg, and Mariah Lundgren
Molecular identification of Sceloporus lizards in the Laramie Mountains, Wyoming
Kiara W. Milcoff, Wendy A. Estes-Zumpf, and Adam D. Leaché
Prevalence and intensity of infection of the parasitic copepod Salmincola californiensis on Rainbow Trout in Birch Creek, Idaho
Andrew D. Suchomel and Eric J. Billman
Record of nesting and fledgling depredation on Crested Caracara (Caracara cheriway) in its peri-urban habitat in the Guadalajara Metropolitan Area, west-central Mexico
Perla Sugey González-Ruelas, Zayra Arery Guadalupe Muñoz-González, Ana Luisa Santiago-Pérez, Luis Fernando Ramírez-López, Claudia Aurora Uribe-Mú, and Verónica Carolina Rosas-Espinoza
Heterospecific coprophagy: Turkey Vulture (Cathartes aura) feeding on cougar (Puma concolor) feces
Mauricio González-Jáuregui, Juan Pablo Esparza-Carlos, and Margarida Francina Barber Mir
End Matter