Volume 79, Number 1 (2019)
Front Matter
Eight new provincial species records of mayflies (Ephemeroptera) from one Arctic watershed river in British Columbia
Dezene P.W. Huber, Claire M. Shrimpton, and Daniel J. Erasmus
Population sizes, Rhinocyllus conicus use, and patterns of genetic variation of Cirsium ownbeyi, a rare native thistle, in Wyoming
F. Leland Russell, Robby L. McMinn, Lauren A. Konrade, and James B. Beck
Translocation of Boreal Toad (Anaxyrus boreas boreas) into two springs in the Grouse Creek Mountains, Utah, including demographic observations
Paul D. Thompson
Impacts of climate change on groundwater recharge in Wyoming big sagebrush ecosystems are contingent on elevation
Lukas W. Lindquist, Kyle A. Palmquist, Samuel E. Jordan, and William K. Lauenroth
Germination and growth of grass species in soil contaminated by drill cuttings
Huisen Zhu, Yang Gao, and Deying Li
Habitat characteristics and selection by ornate box turtles in the Sandhills of South Dakota
Daniel W. Uresk and Alessandra Higa
Genetic and spatial structuring of Populus tremuloides in a mixed-species forest of southwest Utah, USA
Matthew Bishop, Tucker J. Furniss, Karen E. Mock, and James A. Lutz
Apparent extinction of native mussels in Lower Mill Creek and Mid-Jordan River, UT
David C. Richards and Theron Miller
Genetic structure of the Big Summit herd and neighboring wild horse populations inhabiting herd management areas of Oregon
Ketaki Deshpande, Evelyn Perez, Natalie Leyva, Merly Suarez, and DeEtta K. Mills
New records for Douglas's squirrel (Tamiasciurus douglasii) in two mountain ranges of the Great Basin
Constance I. Miller and Kenneth T. Hickman
Size-specific fate and survival of June Sucker Chasmistes liorus mictus in Utah Lake, Utah
Chase A. Ehlo, Wesley J. Goldsmith, Brian R. Kesner, and Paul C. Marsh
First photo evidence of the American black bear (Ursus americanus) in the southwestern limit of its distribution
Melany Aguilar-López, Jazmín L. Monter-Vargas, Cristian Cornejo-Latorre, and Anuar Hernández-SaintMartin
Notes on the predation of rough-footed mud turtles (Kinosternon hirtipes) in west Texas, USA
Steven G. Platt, Jennifer L. Smith, Thomas R. Rainwater, and Wiebke J. Boeing
A new locality for the endangered Microtus californicus in Mexico, with clarification of the known distribution
Richard A. Erickson, Eric Mellink, and Gerardo Marrón
End Matter