Volume 68, Number 4 (2008)
Front Matter
The biological soil crusts of the San Nicolas Island: enigmatic algae from a geographically isolated ecosystem
Valerie R. Flechtner, Jeffrey R. Johansen, and Jayne Belnap
Field identification of Myotis yumanensis and Myotis lucifugus: a morphological evaluation
Thomas J. Rodhouse, Shonene A. Scott, Patricia C. Ormsbee, and Jan M. Zinck
Effects of rotational grazing on rodents and raptors in a coastal grassland
Matthew D. Johnson and Christa M. Horn
Short-term effects of wildfire on montane stream ecosystems in the southern Rocky Mountains: one and two years post-burn
Sharon J. Hall and Danica Lombardozzi
Optimal temperatures for growth and upper thermal tolerance of juvenile northern leatherside chub
Eric J. Billman, Eric J. Wagner, Ronney E. Arndt, and Erin VanDyke
Reproduction by June sucker in a refuge population: successful spawning in a lake habitat
Eric J. Billman
Distribution and status of the yellow-faced pocket gopher in Kansas
Justin D. Hoffman and Jerry R. Choate
"Pando" lives: molecular genetic evidence of a giant aspen clone in central Utah
Jennifer DeWoody, Carol A. Rowe, Valerie D. Hipkins, and Karen E. Mock
Water stress and hybridization between Quercus gambelii and Quercus grisea
Nathan G. Swenson, Jeanne M. Fair, and Jeff Heikoop
Distribution, abundance, and genetic population structure of Wood River sculpin, Cottus leiopomus
Kevin A. Meyer, Daniel J. Schill, Matthew R. Campbell, and Christine C. Kozfkay
Diet and sexual dimorphism of the desert iguana, Dipsosaurus dorsalis, from Sonora, Mexico
Christopher J. Dibble, Geoffrey R. Smith, and Julio A. Lemos-Espinal
Gizzard shad (Dorosoma cepedianum) expansion and reproduction in the Upper Colorado River Basin
Sam T. Finney and Mark H. Fuller
Sex ratios of the white-tailed antelope ground squirrel (Ammospermophilus leucurus), Indian Wells Valley, San Bernardino County, California
Charles J. Randel III and Howard O. Clark Jr.
Book Reviews
Introduction to California Birdlife by Jules Evens and Ian Tait
Clayton M. White
Unnatural Landscapes: Tracking Invasive Species by Ceiridwen Terrill
Howard O. Clark Jr.
End Matter