Volume 65, Number 2 (2005)
Front Matter
Notes on the biogeography and dorsal coloration of Cicindela amargosae Dahl (Coleoptera: Carabidae)
Michael G. Kippenhan
Competitive interactions between endangered kit foxes and nonnative red foxes
Howard O. Clark Jr., Gregory D. Warrick, Brian L. Cypher, Patrick A. Kelly, Daniel F. Williams, and David E. Grubbs
Range extension and ecological information for Orconectes virilis (Hagen 1870) (Decapoda: Cambaridae) in Idaho, USA
William H. Clark and Gary T. Lester
Distribution of Brechmorhoga clubskimmers (Odonata: Libellulidae) in the Grand Canyon region, southwestern USA
Lawrence E. Stevens and Richard A. Bailowitz
Nonresponse of native cottonwood trees to water additions during summer drought
Greg Cox, Dylan Fischer, Stephen C. Hart, and T. G. Whitham
Land snail diversity in Wind Cave National Park, South Dakota
Tamara K. Anderson
Influence of grassland type, nest type, and shrub encroachment on predation of artificial nests in Chihuahuan Desert grasslands
Lisa C. Mason, Martha J. Desmond, and M. Sofia Agudelo
Reproductive characteristics of two syntopic lizard species, Sceloporus gadoviae and Sceloporus jalapae (Squamata: Phrynosomatidae), from Tehuacán Valley, Puebla, México
Aurelio Ramírez-Bautista, América L. Ortíz-Cruz, Ma. Del Coro Arizmendi, and Jorge Campos
Fleas associated with the northern pocket gopher (Thomomys talpoides) in Elbert County, Colorado
Helen K. Pigage, Jon C. Pigage, and James F. Tillman
Distribution, foraging behavior, and capture results of the spotted bat (Euderma maculatum) in central Oregon
Thomas J. Rodhouse, Maureen F. McCaffrey, and R. Gerald Wright
Habitat and nesting biology of Mountain Plovers in Wyoming
Regan E. Plumb, Stanley H. Anderson, and Fritz L. Knopf
White-breasted Nuthatch (Sitta carolinensis) fecal sac dispersal in northwestern Nevada
Norman H. Weitzel
Influence of soil water availability on competition among leafy spurge (Euphorbia esula) and grasses
Matthew James Rinella and Roger Leslie Sheley
Nutrient relationships between Orobanche fasciculata Nutt. and its host Artemisia pygmaea Gray in the Uinta Basin of Utah, USA
Jack D. Brotherson, Brenda T. Simmons, Terry Ball, and W. Ralph Anderson
Pilfering of stored seeds and the relative costs of scatter-hoarding versus larder-hoarding in yellow pine chipmunks
Stephen B. Vander Wall, Elaine C. H. Hager, and Kellie M. Kuhn
Distribution of the milliped Virgoiulus minutus (Brandt, 1841): first records from Mississippi, Oklahoma, and Texas (Julida: Blaniulidae)
Chris T. McAllister, Rowland M. Shelley, Henrik Enghoff, and Zachary D. Ramsey
Defense of pronghorn fawns by adult male pronghorn against coyotes
Kim Murray Berger
Refugia from browsing as reference sites for restoration planning
William J. Ripple and Robert L. Beschta
Impact of a catastrophic flooding event on riparian birds
Natalie J. S. Turley and Anthonie M. A. Holthuijzen
Book Review
American bison, a natural history by Dale F. Lott
C. Riley Nelson