"Range extension and ecological information for <i>Orconectes virilis</" by William H. Clark and Gary T. Lester


We report the 1st record of the crayfish Orconectes virilis (Hagen 1870) from Idaho and the Pacific Northwest, USA. We also provide an updated checklist of recent Idaho crayfishes, which now includes 2 families (Astacidae and Cambaridae), 3 genera (Pacifasticus, Orconectes, and Procambarus), and 7 species and subspecies (Pacifasticus connectus (Faxon 1914), P. gambelii (Girard 1852), P. leniusculus leniusculus (Dana 1852), P. leniusculus klamathensis (Stimpson 1857), P. leniusculus trowbridgii (Stimpson 1857), O. virilis, and Procambarus clarkii (Girard 1852). Native crayfish were not found at the O. virilis collection sites. The localities where O. virilis was found were characterized by low-gradient streams impacted by fine sediment. Aquatic invertebrates found in association with O. virilis tended to be the more pollution-tolerant taxa.
