Submissions from 2000
A Growth Curve Analysis of Stress and Adolescent Drug Use, John P. Hoffmann, Felicia Gray Cerbone, and S. Susan Su
Multilevel Influences on School Disorder: A Comment on Welsh, Greene, and Jenkins, John P. Hoffmann and Robert A. Johnson
Adolescent Cigarette Smoking in U.S. Racial/Ethnic Subgroups: Findings from the National Education Longitudinal Study, Robert A. Johnson and John P. Hoffmann
Gender Differences in Sexual Behaviors and Factors Associated with Nonuse of Condoms Among Homeless and Runaway Youths, Duncan A. MacKeller, Linda A. Valleroy, John P. Hoffmann, Donna Glebatis, Marlene LaLota, William McFarland, Johnny Westerholm, and Robert S. Janssen
Misconceptions About the U-Shaped Curve of Marital Satisfaction Over the Life Course, Richard B. Miller
Urbanization and Rural Depletion in Modern Japan: An Analysis of Crime and Suicide Patterns, Daishiro Nomiya, Alan S. Miller, and John P. Hoffmann
Submissions from 1999
Stressful Life Events and Delinquency Escalation in Early Adolescence, John P. Hoffmann and Felicia Gray Cerbone
Drug Use, Workplace Accidents and Employee Turnover, John P. Hoffmann and Cindy Larison
Worker drug use and workplace drug-testing programs: results from the 1994 national house-hold survey on drug abuse, John P. Hoffmann and Cindy L. Larison
Analyzing Narratives of Expertise: Toward the Development of a Burkeian Pentadic Scheme, Stan J. Knapp
The Growing Divisiveness: Culture Wars or a War of Words?, Alan S. Miller and John P. Hoffmann
Submissions from 1998
Infant Feeding Practices and Child Health in Bolivia, Renata Forste
How Relationships of U.S. Men Affect Contraceptive Use and Efforts to Prevent Sexually Transmitted Diseases, Renata Forste and Julie Morgan
Confidence in Religious Institutions and Secularizations: Trends and Implications, John P. Hoffmann
A National Portrait of Family Structure and Adolescent Drug Use, John P. Hoffmann and Robert A. Johnson
A Latent Variable Analysis of General Strain Theory, John P. Hoffmann and Alan S. Miller
Denominational Influences on Socially Divisive Issues: Polarization or Continuity?, John P. Hoffmann and Alan S. Miller
Parental substance use disorder, mediating variables and adolescent drug use: a non-recursive model, John P. Hoffmann and S. Susan Su
Stressful Life Events and Adolescent Substance Use and Depression: Conditional and Gender Differentiated Effects, John P. Hoffmann and S. Susan Su
Race-Specific Predictors of Trust in the Federal Government, Alan S. Miller and John P. Hoffmann
Metaphors for Men in Marital Therapy, Richard B. Miller
A Multilevel Assessment of Social Disorganization Theory in Taipei, Taiwan, Shu-Lung Yang and John P. Hoffmann
Submissions from 1997
Social and Political Attitudes among Religious Groups: Convergence and Divergence over Time, John P. Hoffmann and Alan S. Miller
The Conditional Effects of Stress on Delinquency and Drug Use: A Strain Theory Assessment of Sex Differences, John P. Hoffmann and S. Susan Su
Changes in network characteristics and HIV risk behavior among injection drug users, John P. Hoffmann, S. Susan Su, and Alfred Pach
Growth Curves of Deviant Behavior in Early Adolescence: A Multilevel Analysis, Robert A. Johnson, John P. Hoffmann, S. Susan Sue, and Dean R. Gerstein
Dimensions of Religiosity as Mediators of the Relations between Parenting and Adolescent Deviant Behavior, Allen W. Litchfeild, Darwin L. Thomas, and Bing Dao Li
The Effect of Home Environment on Adolescent Substance Use and Depressive Symptoms, S. Susan Su, John P. Hoffmann, Dean R. Gerstein, and Robert A. Johnson
Submissions from 1996
Sexual Exclusivity among Dating, Cohabiting, and Married Women, Renata Forste and Koray Tanfer
What's Behind Racial and Ethnic Fertility Differentials?, Renata Forste and Marta Tienda
Submissions from 1995
Effects of Lactation and Contractive Use on Birth-spacing in Bolivia, Renata Forste
Sterilization Among Currently Married Men in the United States, 1991, Renata Forste, Koray Tanfer, and Lucky Tedrow
The Effects of Family Structure and Family Relations on Adolescent Marijuana Use, John P. Hoffmann
Parental Influences on Deviant Behavior in Early Adolescence: A Logistic Response Analysis of Age- and Gender-Differentiated Effects, Robert A. Johnson, S. Susan Su, Dean R. Gerstein, Hee-Choon Shin, and John P. Hoffmann
Risk and Religion: An Explanation of Gender Differences in Religiosity, Alan S. Miller and John P. Hoffmann
Detecting and Correcting Attrition Bias in Longitudinal Family Research, Rick B. Miller and David W. Wright
American Indian High School Completion in Rural Southeastern Montana, Carol Ward
Submissions from 1994
Investigating the Age Effects of Family Structure on Adolescent Marijuana Use, John P. Hoffmann
Review of What Can Tribes Do? Strategies and Institutions in American Indian Economic Development, Carol Ward
Modernization Theory Revisited: A Cross-Cultural Study of Adolescent Conformity to Significant Others in Mainland China, Taiwan, and the U.S.A., Jie Zhang and Darwin L. Thomas
Submissions from 1993
The Effect of the Postdivorce Relationship on Paternal Involvement: A Longitudinal Analysis, Constance R. Ahrons and Richard B. Miller
Submissions from 1992
Race and Ethnic Variation in the Schooling Consequences of Female Adolescent Sexual Activity, Renata Forste and Marta Tienda
Submissions from 1991
Patterns of Entry into Cohabitation and Marriage Among Mainland Puerto Rican Women, Renata Forste and Nancy S. Landale
Submissions from 1990
Family, Religion, and Personal Communities: Examples from Mormonism, Marie Cornwall and Darwin L. Thomas
Ideology, Racism and Morality: Investigating the Structural Origins of Drug Prohibition, John P. Hoffmann
Religion and Adolescent Social Competence, Darwin L. Thomas and Carig Carver
Religion and Family in the 1980s: Discovery and Development, Darwin L. Thomas and Marie Cornwall
Submissions from 1989
Parent-Child Attitude Similarity across the Life Course, Jennifer Glass and Rick B. Miller
Applying the Felony Murder Rule to Drug Distributors: Speculations and Implications, John P. Hoffmann
Submissions from 1988
Initiation of Sexual Activity Among Female Adolescents, Renata Forste and Tim B. Heaton
Future Prospects for Religion and Family Studies: The Mormon Case, Darwin L. Thomas
Submissions from 1986
Dimensions of Fathers' and Mothers' Supportive Behavior: The Case for Physical Affection, Brian K. Barber and Darwin L. Thomas
Afterwords, Darwin L. Thomas
Submissions from 1985
Parental Influence and Adolescent Conformity: Compliance and Internalization, Gary W. Peterson, Boyd C. Rollins, and Darwin L. Thomas
The Religion and Family Connection: Increasing Dialogue in the Social Sciences, Darwin L. Thomas and Gwendolyn C. Henry
Submissions from 1984
Parental Influences on Adolescent Self-Esteem, D. Kim Openshaw, Darwin L. Thomas, and Boyd C. Rollins
Submissions from 1983
Socialization and Adolescent Self-esteem: Symbolic Interaction and Social Learning Explanations, D. Kim Openshaw, Darwin L. Thomas, and Boyd C. Rollins
Submissions from 1982
On Methods of Studying Marriages and Families, Brent C. Miller, Boyd C. Rollins, and Darwin L. Thomas
Social Placement of Adolescents: Sex-Role Influences on Family Decisions regarding the Careers of Youth, Gary W. Peterson, Boyd C. Rollins, Darwin L. Thomas, and L. Kay Heaps
Submissions from 1981
Adolescent Self Esteem: A Multidimensional Perspective, D. Kim Openshaw, Darwin L. Thomas, and Boyd C. Rollins
Comment on 'Marital Quality: A Review of the Seventies, Darwin L. Thomas and Jean E. Kleber
Submissions from 1979
Family Socialization and Adolescent Conformity and Religiosity: An Extension to Germany and Spain, Andrew J. Weigert and Darwin L. Thomas
Submissions from 1977
Antecedents of Adolescent Self Evaluation : A Cross-National Application of a Model, Charles J. Buehler, Andrew J. Weigert, and Darwin L. Thomas
College Presidents' Role Performance and Faculty Satisfaction, Dan R. Paxton and Darwin L. Thomas
Being Parents, Being Children: What the Book of Mormon Teaches Us About Families, Darwin L. Thomas
Youth and the Book of Mormon, Darwin L. Thomas and Kim Thomas
Submissions from 1976
Measuring Parental Support: The Interrelationship of Three Measures, Godfrey John Ellis, Darwin L. Thomas, and Boyd C. Rollins
Instrumental and Expressive Values in Mate Selection of Black and White College Students, Willie Melton and Darwin L. Thomas
Submissions from 1975
But I'm Uncomfortable, Darwin L. Thomas and Charles Beckert
Submissions from 1974
The Development of Self Concept in the Child: Model Theory Versus Mirror Theory, Darwin L. Thomas, Viktor Gecas, and James M. Calonico
Submissions from 1973
Role-Taking as a Function of Value Similarity and Affect in the Nuclear Family, James M. Calonico and Darwin L. Thomas
Social Identities in Anglo and Latin Adolescents, Viktor Gecas, Darwin L. Thomas, and Andrew J. Weigert
Code Elaboration and Self-Concept States, Jeffrey F. Nash, Darwin L. Thomas, and Andrew J. Weigert
Sociological theory and the family : The problem of fit between form and content, Darwin L. Thomas and Andrew J. Weigert
Submissions from 1972
Comparative Family Study Through Multiple Member Measures: A Methodological Note, Darwin L. Thomas and James M. Calonico
Role-Taking and Power in Social Psychology, Darwin L. Thomas, David D. Franks, and James M. Calonico
Determining Nonequivalent Measurement in Cross-Cultural Family Research, Darwin L. Thomas and Andrew J. Weigert
Submissions from 1971
Socialization and Adolescent Conformity of Significant Others: A Cross-National Analysis, Darwin L. Thomas and Andrew J. Weigert
Family as a Conditional Universal, Andrew J. Weigert and Darwin L. Thomas
Submissions from 1970
Perceived Parent-Child Interaction and Boys Self-Esteem in Two Cultural Contexts, Viktor Gecas, Darwin L. Thomas, and Andrew Weigert
Socialization and Religiosity: A Cross-National Analysis of Catholic Adolescents, Darwin L. Thomas and Andrew J. Weigert
Submissions from 1969
Religiosity in 5-D: A Critical Note, Darwin L. Thomas and Andrew J. Weigert