Submissions from 2023
Team Moms and Tiger Moms: Formal Sports Participation and Closeness to Mothers: SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIALS, Tom R. Leppard and Mikaela J. Dufur
Making Space Behind the Veil: Black Agency within a Predominantly White Religion, Michael Wood, Grace Ann Soelberg, and Jacob Rugh
Submissions from 2021
How to Sell a Friend: Disinterest as Relational Work in Direct Sales, Curtis Child
Adverse Childhood Experiences, Psychological Distress, and Fathering Behaviors, Kevin Shafer and Scott D. Easton
Submissions from 2020
An ethnographic exploration of adolescent homophobic language in a rural religiously-conservative high school, Benjamin M. Bailey, Melissa Allen Heath, Aaron P. Jackson, Carol Ward, Amelia Black, Emily Cooper, Derek Griner, and Kevin Shafer
The Manifestation of Neighborhood Effects: A Pattern for Community Growth?, Michael R. Cope, Jorden E. Jackson, Scott R. Sanders, Lance D. Erickson, Tippe Morlan, and Ralph B. Brown
The Louisiana Community Oil Spill Survey (COSS) dataset, Michael R. Cope, Tim Slack, Troy C. Blanchard, Matthew R. Lee, and Jorden E. Jackson
Community sentiment following the Deepwater Horizon oil spill disaster: A test of time, systemic community, and corrosive community models, Michael R. Cope, Tim Slack, Jorden E. Jackson, and Vanessa Parks
Taking another look at the sense of community index: Six confirmatory factor analyses, Michael R. Cope, Carol Ward, Jordan E. Jackson, Kayci A. Muirbrook, and Alex Nicholas Andre
Kids These Days: Are Face-to-Face Social Skills among American Children Declining?, Douglas B. Downey and Benjamin G. Gibbs
Sexual Desire and Subjective Distress among Pornography Consumers, Brian A. Droubay, Kevin Shafer, and Robert P. Butters
Religion as a Source of Tolerance and Intolerance: Exploring the Dichotomy, Quinn Galbraith, Alexandra Carlisle, and Ben White
Surviving Secular Society: How Religious Families Maintain Faith through Community and Parenting Practices, Quinn Galbraith, Christina Riley, Alexandra Carlisle, and Heather Kelley
Childhood adversity, mental health, and the perpetration of physical violence in the adult intimate relationships of women prisoners: A life course approach, Melissa S. Jones, Stephanie W. Burge, Susan F. Sharp, and David A. McLeod
Early Exposure to Adverse Childhood Experiences and Youth Delinquent Behavior in Fragile Families, Melissa S. Jones and Hayley Pierce
Native American and Non-Native American Women Prisoners, Adverse Childhood Experiences, and the Perpetration of Physical Violence in Adult Intimate Relationships, Melissa S. Jones, Meredith G. F. Worthen, Susan F. Sharp, and David A. McLeod
To move home or move on? Investigating the impact of recovery aid on migration status as a potential tool for disaster risk reduction in the aftermath of volcanic eruptions in Merapi, Indonesia, Jonathan A. Muir, Michael R. Cope, Leslie R. Angeningish, and Jorden E. Jackson
Nurturing Care for Early Childhood Development: Path to Improving Child Outcomes in Africa, Hayley Pierce
Contextualising the achievement gap: assessing educational achievement, inequality, and disadvantage in high-Income countries, Kristie J. Rowley, Chrisse C. Edmunds, Mikaela J. Dufur, Jonathan Jarvis, and Florencia Silveira
Why Black and Latino Home Ownership Matter to the Color Line and Multiracial Democracy, Jacob S. Rugh
Infants without health insurance: Racial/ethnic and rural/urban disparities in infant households’ insurance coverage, Scott R. Sanders, Michael R. Cope, Paige N. Park, Wesley Jeffrey, and Jorden E. Jackson
Predicting Homophily and Social Network Connectivity From Dyadic Behavioral Similarity Trajectory Clusters, Brandon Sepulvado, Michael Lee Wood, Ethan Fridmansk, Cheng Wang, Matthew J. Chandler, Omar Lizardo, and David Hachen
Variation in Masculinities and Fathering Behaviors: A Cross-National Comparison of the United States and Canada, Kevin Shafer, Richard J. Petts, and Casey Scheibling
Depressive Symptoms and Father Involvement in Canada: Evidence from a National Study, Kevin Shafer and Andrew J. Renick
Canadian dads are doing more at home than before the coronavirus pandemic, Kevin Shafer, Casey Scheibling, and Melissa Milkie
Father-Adolescent Relationship Closeness: A Path Analysis of Family Factor Associates with Father-Adolescent Engagement and Relationship Quality, Mark H. Trahan, Richard H. Morely, and Kevin Shafer
Hopelessness and Youth Violent Behavior: A Longitudinal Study, Janie Demetropoulos Valencia, Michael R. Cope, Carol J. Ward, Melissa S. Jones, and Kayci A. Muirbrook
Natural mentoring relationships among survivors of caregiver childhood abuse: findings from the Add Health Study, Elyssa B. Weber Ku, Matthew A. Hagler, McKenna F. Parnes, Sarah E.O. Schwartz, Jean E. Rhodes, and Lance D. Erickson
Visualizing Change in Ordinal Measures: Religious Attendance in the United States (1972–2018), Michael Lee Wood
Submissions from 2019
Whence Paradox? Framing Away the Potential Challenges of Doing Well by Doing Good in Social Enterprise Organizations, Curtis Child
Optimism Bias When Evaluating a Prosocial Initiative*, Curtis Child and Eva M. Witesman
Role of athletic coach mentors in promoting youth academic success: Evidence from the Add Health national longitudinal study, Kirsten M. Christensen, Elizabeth B. Raposa, Matthew A. Hagler, Lance Erickson, and Jean E. Rhodes
Community as Story and the Dynamic Nature of community: Perceptions, Place, and Narratives About Change, Michael James Cope, Paige N. Park, Jordan E. Jackson, Kayci M. Muirbrook, Carol Ward, Scott S. Sanders, and Ralph B. Brown
A Network Perspective of Organizational Innovation, Eric C. Dahlin
Are Robots Stealing Our Jobs?, Eric C. Dahlin
Has the Promise of the Internet Been Realized? Internet Access and Collective Invention among Independent and Organizational Patent Investors, Eric C. Dahlin, Mikaela Dufur, and Dallan Flake
Family System Play Therapy: An Integrative Approach, Lexie Pfeifer Daley, Richard B. Miller, Roy A. Bean, and Megan Oka
Constructing Meaning through Connection: Religious Perspectives on the Purpose of Life, Quinn Galbraith, Adam Callister, and Heather Kelly
Cardiovascular factors moderate the association of infection burden with cognitive function in young to middle-aged U.S. adults, Dawson W. Hedges, Andrew N. Berrett, Lance D. Erickson, Bruce L. Brown, Evan L. Thacker, and Shawn D. Gale
Association between exposure to air pollution and hippocampal volume in adults in the UK Biobank, Dawson W. Hedges, Lance D. Erickson, Jackie Kunzelman, Bruce L. Brown, and Shawn D. Gale
Can Attachment Behaviors Moderate the Influence of Conflict Styles on Relationship Quality?, Cameron W. H. Hee, Jonathan G. Sandberg, Jeremy B. Yorgason, and Richard B. Miller
Childhood Adversity and Intimate Partner Violence in Adulthood: The Mediating Influence of PTSD in a Sample of Women Prisoners, Melissa S. Jones, B. Mitchell Peck, Susan F. Sharp, and David A. McLeod
Theorizing Family Change: A Review and Reconceptualization, Stan J. Knapp and Greg Wurm
Parental Influence on Mate Selection in Modern Chinese Society, Szu-Yu Lin, Richard B. Miller, Li Ping Su-Kubricht, Jason Whiting, Roy Bean, Chih-Han Hsieh, and Tsui-Shan Li
Small towns and urban centers: The relationship of distance and population size to community satisfaction, Matthew L. McKnight, Benjamin G. Gibbs, Scott R. Sanders, Michael R. Cope, Jorden E. Jackson, and Paige N. Park
No Idle Threat: Coercive Control and Enacted Violence in the Pre-Prison Relationships of Incarcerated Women, David Axlyn McLeod, Melissa S. Jones, Susan F. Sharp, and Leah Gatlin
The Overall and Gendered Effects of Postrelease Supervision on Recidivism: A Propensity Score Analysis, Amy D. Miller, Melissa S. Jones, and Cyrus Schleifer
Migration and Mental Health in the Aftermath of Disaster: Evidence from Mt. Merapi, Indonesia, Jonathan A. Muir, Michael R. Cope, Leslie R. Angeningsih, Jorden E. Jackson, and Ralph B. Brown
Increasing health facility deliveries in Cambodia and its influence on child health, Hayley Pierce
Reproductive health care utilization among refugees in Jordan: Provisional support and domestic violence, Hayley Pierce
Cohabitation or Marriage? How Relationship Status and Community Context Influence the Well‐being of Children in Developing Nations, Hayley Pierce and Tim B. Heaton
Supbrime Lending/Foreclosure Crisis, Jacob Rugh
Vanishing Wealth, Vanishing Votes? Latino Homeownership and the 2016 Election in Florida, Jacob Rugh
Religious Variability in the Relationship Between Masculinity and Father Involvement, Kevin Shafer, Richard J. Petts, and Andrew J. Renick
The Influence of Foreign-born Population on Immigrant and Native-born Students’ Academic Achievement, Florencia Silveira, Mikaela J. Dufur, Jonathan Jarvis, and Kristie J. Rowley
Paternal Self-Efficacy: A Parenting Resilience Factor for Fathers with Depression, Mark Herrick Trahan and Kevin Shafer
Sector Choice and Sector Regret, Eva M. Witesman, Curtis Child, and G. Breck Wightman
Submissions from 2018
Maternal encouragement of modest behavior, temperamental shyness, and anxious withdrawal linkages to Chinese American children's social adjustment: A moderated mediation analysis, Merve Balkaya, Charissa L. Cheah, Jing Yu, Craig H. Hart, and Shuyan Sun
Helicobacter pylori moderates the association between 5-MTHF concentration and cognitive function in older adults, Andrew N. Berrett, Shawn D. Gale, Lance D. Erickson, Bruce L. Brown, and Dawson W. Hedges
Toxoplasma gondii seropositivity and substance use in US adults, Andrew N. Berrett, Shawn D. Gale, Lance D. Erickson, Evan L. Thacker, Bruce L. Brown, and Dawson W. Hedges
The multi-scalar organization of aging-related services in US rural places, David L. Brown, Nina Glasgow, Laszlo J. Kulcsar, Scott R. Sanders, and Brian C. Thiede
Shopping for Change: Consumer Activism and the Possibilities of Purchasing Power, Curtis Child
The Pornography Debate: Religiosity and Support for Censorship, Brian A. Droubay, Robert P. Butters, and Kevin Shafer
Single Parenthood and Adolescent Sexual Outcomes, Mikaela Dufur, John P. Hoffman, and Lance Erickson
Can Social Capital Protect Adolescents from Delinquent Behavior, Antisocial Attitudes, and Mental Health Problems?, Mikaela J. Dufur, Jared D. Thorpe, Helen S. Barton, John P. Hoffmann, and Toby L. Parcel
How Economic Disadvantage Affects the Availability and Nature of Mentoring Relationships During the Transition to Adulthood, Lance Erickson, Elizabeth B. Raposa, Matthew Hagler, and Jean E. Rhodes
Lifetime stayers in urban, rural, and highly rural communities in Montana, Lance Erickson, Scott R. Sanders, and MIchael R. Cope
Military Veterans and Neighborhood Racial Integration: VA Mortgage Lending Across Three Eras, Mary J. Fischer and Jacob Rugh
Association between virus exposure and depression in US adults, Sahwn D. Gale, Andrew N. Berrett, Lance Erickson, Bruce L. Brown, and Dawson W. Hedges
Breastfeeding, Parenting, and Infant Attachment Behaviors, Benjamin G. Gibbs, Renata Forste, and Emily Lybbert
Academic Underachievement and Delinquent Behavior, John P. Hoffmann
Cohabitation, Marijuana Use, and Heavy Alcohol Use in Young Adulthood, John P. Hoffmann
Marijuana Use and Depressive Symptoms among Young People: Examining Unidirectional and Bidirectional Effects, John P. Hoffmann
Nonlinear Strain Effects on Delinquent Behavior and Depressive Symptoms, John P. Hoffmann
Risk Preference Theory and Gender Differences in Religiousness: A Replication and Extension, John P. Hoffmann
Family Social Capital, Family Social Bonds, and Juvenile Delinquency, John P. Hoffmann and Mikaela J. Dufur
Life as she Knows it: The Effects of Adverse Childhood Experiences on Intimate Partner Violence Among Women Prisoners, Melissa S. Jones, Meredith G.F. Worthen, Susan F. Sharp, and David A. McLeod
Visualizing Bring-backs, Omar Lizardo
Policy Design and the Politics of City Revenue: Evidence from California Municipal Ballot Measures, Isaac William Martin and Jane Lopez
The Great Recession and the Destruction of Minority Wealth, Douglas S. Massey and Jacob S. Rugh
Families and Crime, Toby L. Parcel and John P. Hoffmann
Does Adherence to Masculine Norms Shape Fathering Behavior?, Richard J. Petts, Kevin M. Shafer, and Lee Essig
The social impacts of products: a review, Meagan Rainock, Dallin Everett, Andrew Pack, Eric C. Dahlin, and Christopher A. Mattson
Deception, Development, and Democracy, Jacob Rugh
Do Factory Audits Improve International Labor Standards? An Examination of Voluntary Corporate Labor Regulations in Global Production Networks, Scott R. Sanders and Michael James Cope
Fatherhood is a huge identity shift, too—so why doesn’t society acknowledge that?, Kevin Shafer
Depression, Masculine Norm Adherence, and Fathering Behavior, Kevin Shafer, Brandon Fielding, and Erin K. Holmes
Submissions from 2017
S Toxocara Seroprevalence and Associated Risk Factors in the United States, Andrew Berrett, Lance Erickson, Shawn D. Gale, Allison Stone, Bruce L. Brown, and Dawson W. Hedges
Toxoplasma Gondii Moderates the Association between Multiple Folate-Cycle Factors and Cognitive Function in U.S. Adults, Andrew Berrett, Shawn D. Gale, Lance Erickson, Bruce L. Brown, and Dawson W. Hedges
The Case for Insurance Reimbursement of Couple Therapy, Robb E. Clawson, Stephanie Y. Davis, Rick B. Miller, and Tabitha Nicole Webster
From mass consumer society to a society of consumers: Consumption and the experience of community in late modernity, Matthew R. Colling, John Stovall, Jeremy Flaherty, Michael James Cope, and Ralph B. Brown
Geographically distant social networks elevate perceived preparedness for coastal environmental threats, Michael James Cope, Matthew R. Lee, Tim Slack, Troy C. Blanchard, Jeff Carney, Forbes Lipschitz, and Lydia Gikas
Child Sexual Abuse and Depression in Late Life for Men: A Population-Based, Longitudinal Analysis, Scott D. Easton, Jooyoung Kong, Matt C. Gregas, Ce Shen, and Kevin Shafer
Lifetime stayers in urban, rural, and highly rural communities in Montana, Lance D. Erickson, Scott R. Sanders, and Michael James Cope
Sad and lonely: body dissatisfaction among adolescent girls, Renata Forste, Marina Potter, and Lance Erickson
Commentary: "How Much is that Player in the Window? The One with the Early Birthday?" Relative Age Influences the Value of the Best Soccer Players, but Not the Best Businesspeople, Luca Fumarco and Benjamin G. Gibbs
The relative age effect reversal among the National Hockey League elite, Luca Fumarco, Benjamin G. Gibbs, Jonathan A. Jarvis, and Giambattista Rossi
Association between infection burden and adult height, Dawson W. Hedges, Andrew Berrett, Lance Erickson, Bruce L. Brown, and Shawn D. Gale
Family Structure and Adolescent Substance Use: An International Perspective, John P. Hoffmann
Conservative Protestantism and attitudes toward corporal punishment, 1986–2014, John P. Hoffmann, Christopher G. Ellison, and John P. Bartowski